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Write An Entire Ebook in 24 hours Using ChatGPT & Make $2500 A Week on Amazon

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41 thoughts on “Write An Entire Ebook in 24 hours Using ChatGPT & Make $2500 A Week on Amazon”

  1. This was Excellent! You are Amazing! Thank you for your incredible heart in wanting others to succeed & the easy way you explain and motivate people!

  2. Monique,
    Thank you so much for your always pertinent and detailed info. I've always wanted to write a few ebooks just didn't know how simple it was.❤❤❤

  3. I am just registering on amazon with personal account and one question I have to answer is , whether I am manufacturer or brand owner of the products I want to sell. The options are: yes, no, some of them. When I choose some of them (cause I guess if you create this type of journal you are the manufacturer) then the next question to be answered is: if I own government-registered trademark. I have to choose no. So what should I answer to these questions? Should I register myself as a commercial seller at governmental authorities? It would be so much time consuming, when I just want to try one product out and see whether it works at all or not. At the same time I am concerned that if I do not do so, I will be fined. I am living in Germany btw. Any advice would be highly appreciated!💙

  4. Oh great! Digital Affirmative Action. Some people will spend more energy to NOT do the work than they would actually creating something original. The same people will cry that everyone rlse is cheating and that they have to work three times harder.

    Self-awareness is lacking in so many. SMH Stealing other people's thoughts and ideas is intellectual theft. PERIOD. And bragging about it online is just showing someone's character, morals and values. Or should I say, lack thereof.

  5. Another video of yours showing people how to steal and profit from that theft. If you want to write an e-book, learn how to write and do it yourself. If you have so much influence, why don't you teach people an ethical way to make money?

  6. It’s crazy that people don’t need skill no more to do anything nowadays. If I used this I’ll just feel empty knowing it wasn’t my work. My pockets would be full but at what cost? I wouldn’t feel accomplished.

  7. I am so glad that I have found this website. Because it's hard to find people that really do care about others and want to see others move forward. You really take out the time to help your viewers and subscribers. I am so glad I found you. Your websites are amazing thank you

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