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You Won’t Believe: Elon Musk Slams Law Firm in $90 Million Lawsuit Over Twitter Coup!

The Legal Battle Between Elon Musk and Twitter’s Law Firm


Recently, Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur and CEO of companies like SpaceX and Tesla, found himself embroiled in a legal battle with the law firm Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz over the acquisition of Twitter. Musk claimed that the law firm took advantage of a vulnerable moment during the deal and overcharged him a whopping $90 million. This article delves into the details of the lawsuit and provides unique insights on the matter.

The Lawsuit and Allegations

Elon Musk’s X Corp. filed a lawsuit against Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz, accusing the law firm of unethical conduct and overcharging for their services in the Twitter acquisition. Musk claimed that the law firm violated its ethical obligations as well as California law in the final days of their representation. The lawsuit further alleged that the law firm charged “gigantic” bonus fees and took advantage of their position of power during a crucial time in the acquisition process.

The allegations against Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz portray a role reversal for Musk, who is no stranger to legal battles. In the past, Musk has faced numerous lawsuits, including claims of unpaid expenses from former employees, contractors, and landlords. However, in this case, Musk is the plaintiff, seeking justice for alleged overcharging and unethical practices.

According to the lawsuit, Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz cashed in on their hourly rates instead of taking the case on a contingency basis, leaving Twitter with a hefty bill. The complaint also highlighted that the law firm did not disclose the amount of their contingency fee, raising questions about transparency and fair representation.

In addition to the allegations against the law firm, the lawsuit also accused Twitter’s “Lame Duck” executives of going on a legal “shopping spree” before Musk took control of the company. This raises concerns about corporate governance and the integrity of decision-making processes within the company.

The Legal Battle Unveiled

The legal battle between Elon Musk and Twitter’s law firm kept dozens of attorneys on their toes for months. Both sides engaged in a relentless war of words, with some attorneys charging exorbitant hourly rates, exceeding $1,000. This led legal experts to speculate that the total legal fees could have surpassed $1 billion if the case had gone to court.

This legal battle shed light on the questionable practices within the legal industry. It highlighted the growing trend of high hourly rates and the lack of transparency in fee structures. The case also demonstrated the strategic maneuvers undertaken by both parties to gain leverage in negotiations and protect their respective interests.

One of the notable aspects of the lawsuit is the role reversal for Elon Musk. Known for his bold and sometimes controversial statements on Twitter, Musk found himself fighting against alleged exploitation and overcharging. This highlights the complexities and contradictions within the corporate world, where power dynamics often play a significant role in shaping legal battles.

Insights and Perspectives

Beyond the legal battle itself, this case raises broader questions about corporate ethics, transparency, and accountability. It serves as a reminder that even billionaires like Musk can fall victim to seemingly unfair practices within the legal system.

From a broader perspective, this case highlights the need for companies to carefully select their legal representation and set clear boundaries and expectations regarding fees and ethical conduct. It also emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in legal processes, as clients should be fully aware of the financial implications of engaging legal services.

Furthermore, the case serves as a cautionary tale for both companies and law firms. Companies should be wary of the risks associated with entering into high-stakes deals and ensure that they have reliable legal counsel that acts in their best interests. On the other hand, law firms should prioritize maintaining a reputation for transparency, fairness, and ethical behavior to avoid legal and reputational risks.


In conclusion, the legal battle between Elon Musk and Twitter’s law firm, Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz, shines a spotlight on the complexities and contradictions within the corporate world. Musk’s allegations of overcharging and unethical conduct highlight the need for transparency and accountability in legal processes. The case serves as a reminder that even powerful figures like Musk can find themselves embroiled in legal battles where legal fees can reach staggering amounts. This case serves as a cautionary tale for both companies and law firms, emphasizing the importance of selecting reliable legal representation and maintaining ethical standards.


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Elon Musk sued the law firm that ran it litigation to get him to complete his takeover Twitterit took advantage of the company while charging a $90 million bill.

Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz, one of the most profitable companies in the US, took advantage of a brief, vulnerable streak just as Musk finalized the $44 billion deal, according to a lawsuit alleging Musk’s X Corp., its current parent company , filed in San Francisco State Court by Twitter.

Twitter had agreed to pay Wachtell’s attorneys on an hourly basis to enforce Musk’s agreement to purchase the company when he tried to back out, but the company violated its ethical obligations as well as California law in the final days of its four-month representation, the complaint claimed “gigantic” bonus fees.

The lawsuit is something of a role reversal for Musk, who is the defendant numerous suits He claimed that under his leadership, Twitter enabled the accumulation of millions of dollars in unpaid expenses from former employees, contractors and landlords, while allegedly trying to keep the company financially solvent.

Wachtell representatives, including William Savitt, who played a leading role in last year’s Delaware Chancery Court dispute, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The legal battle between Twitter and Musk kept dozens of attorneys on both sides busy for months, some charging more than $1,000 an hour – leading Columbia University law professor John Coffee to speculate that the total legal fees were $1 billion would have exceeded if the case had gone to court.

X Corp claims that Wachtell “took absolutely no risk in receiving his huge contingency fee” by charging Twitter his hourly rates rather than taking the case on a contingency basis. Furthermore, the company’s agreement with the law firm “does not even specify the amount of the contingency fee, let alone a formula or percentage used to determine that number,” the complaint said.

The lawsuit also accuses the social media platform’s “Lame Duck” executives of going on a legal “shopping spree” before Musk took control.

“Aware that no one with a vested interest in Twitter’s financial well-being was looking after the store, Wachtell made sure to practically line his pockets with company coffers while handing over the keys to the Musk parties were,” the statement said in the complaint.

The case is X Corp. v. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, CGC-23-607461, California Superior Court (San Francisco).

— With support from Caroline Hyde
