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You Won’t Believe How Little Money Shein, H&M, and Others Are Making with Their Fashion Resale Programs!

The Rise of Reselling: Fashion Brands and Environmental Consciousness


The fashion industry has been grappling with environmental concerns, particularly its carbon, plastic, and water footprints. In an attempt to address these issues and cater to environmentally conscious shoppers, fashion brands have increasingly turned to reselling as a venture. Reselling, the practice of selling second-hand clothing, footwear, and accessories, has gained popularity in recent years. However, despite the efforts of well-established brands like Patagonia and Shein, reselling has yet to contribute significantly to their overall profits.

The Emergence of Reselling Platforms

In the past two years alone, over 100 clothing retailers have launched internal resale platforms, with 88 new programs introduced last year alone. Brands such as H&M and Shein have joined the reselling movement, recognizing its potential to shape the future of the fashion industry. These resale programs have been facilitated by ThredUp Inc., an online thrift store business that has helped many brands establish their own resale channels. As a result, the resale market for apparel, footwear, and handbags in the United States reached a value of $28.1 billion in 2022, with further double-digit growth anticipated in the coming years.

Exploring the Potential of Reselling

Reselling offers several advantages for fashion brands, aside from addressing environmental concerns. Let’s delve deeper into the potential benefits and challenges of embracing resale platforms:

1. Sustainability:
– Reselling promotes sustainability by extending the lifecycle of clothing items, reducing waste, and conserving resources.
– The resale market effectively contributes to reducing carbon, plastic, and water footprints, aligning fashion brands with their sustainability goals.

2. Consumer Appeal:
– Reselling appeals to environmentally conscious shoppers, often viewed as a more ethical and responsible alternative to fast fashion.
– By incorporating resale programs, brands can tap into a growing consumer segment that values sustainability and second-hand fashion.

3. Economic Opportunities:
– The resale market presents lucrative economic opportunities for fashion brands, with double-digit year-over-year growth projected for the coming years.
– By capitalizing on this market, brands can diversify revenue streams and increase their profitability.

The Challenges and Road Ahead

While the potential benefits of reselling are enticing, brands have faced certain challenges in fully realizing its potential. To maximize the impact of resale programs, fashion brands need to overcome the following hurdles:

1. Perception:
– Reselling is often associated with lower-quality or outdated items. Brands must address this subjective perception by curating high-quality pieces and highlighting the value of second-hand fashion in their marketing efforts.

2. Operational Logistics:
– Developing effective operational logistics for reselling platforms is crucial. It involves various aspects, from handling returns and quality control to managing inventory and ensuring smooth customer experience.

3. Pricing Considerations:
– Determining fair resale prices can be challenging for fashion brands. They must strike a balance between affordability and profitability while considering factors like the original price, item condition, and demand.

Expanding on the Topic: The Future of Reselling

Reselling embodies the shifting landscape of the fashion industry as sustainability takes center stage. The rise of resale platforms signifies a changing mindset among both brands and consumers towards a more circular economy. This shift opens up exciting possibilities and opportunities for the fashion industry as a whole.

1. Collaborative Efforts:
– Brands can collaborate with resale platforms and thrift stores to further boost their profitability and environmental impact.
– By partnering with established resale platforms, brands can leverage their expertise and infrastructure to enhance their resale programs.

2. Improved Brand Communication:
– Fashion brands need to communicate their reselling initiatives effectively through marketing campaigns.
– They can highlight the sustainability benefits of reselling in their brand narratives, educating consumers on the positive environmental impact of choosing second-hand fashion.

3. Innovation and Technology:
– Embracing technological advancements like artificial intelligence and virtual reality can enhance the resale experience for both sellers and buyers.
– Brands can leverage AI algorithms to personalize recommendations and offer virtual try-on experiences, enabling consumers to make informed decisions.


Reselling has emerged as a venture of choice for fashion brands aiming to minimize their environmental impact while capitalizing on consumer demand for sustainable options. Despite the challenges, the growth potential of reselling is undeniable. By addressing perception issues, refining operational logistics, and establishing fair pricing strategies, fashion brands can position themselves at the forefront of the resale market. As sustainability becomes an imperative for the industry, reselling presents an opportunity for brands to lead the way towards a more circular and environmentally conscious future.


The fashion industry has increasingly turned to reselling as a means to address its carbon, plastic, and water footprints while satisfying environmentally conscious consumers. Brands like H&M and Shein have launched resale platforms with the support of ThredUp Inc., contributing to the $28.1 billion resale market in the United States. Reselling offers sustainability benefits, appeals to consumers seeking ethically responsible alternatives, and presents economic opportunities. However, challenges such as perception issues, operational logistics, and pricing considerations need to be addressed for brands to fully realize the potential of reselling.


The Rise of Reselling: Fashion Brands and Environmental Consciousness


The fashion industry has been grappling with environmental concerns, particularly its carbon, plastic, and water footprints. In an attempt to address these issues and cater to environmentally conscious shoppers, fashion brands have increasingly turned to reselling as a venture. Reselling, the practice of selling second-hand clothing, footwear, and accessories, has gained popularity in recent years. However, despite the efforts of well-established brands like Patagonia and Shein, reselling has yet to contribute significantly to their overall profits.

The Emergence of Reselling Platforms

In the past two years alone, over 100 clothing retailers have launched internal resale platforms, with 88 new programs introduced last year alone. Brands such as H&M and Shein have joined the reselling movement, recognizing its potential to shape the future of the fashion industry. These resale programs have been facilitated by ThredUp Inc., an online thrift store business that has helped many brands establish their own resale channels. As a result, the resale market for apparel, footwear, and handbags in the United States reached a value of $28.1 billion in 2022, with further double-digit growth anticipated in the coming years.

Exploring the Potential of Reselling

Reselling offers several advantages for fashion brands, aside from addressing environmental concerns. Let’s delve deeper into the potential benefits and challenges of embracing resale platforms:

1. Sustainability:
– Reselling promotes sustainability by extending the lifecycle of clothing items, reducing waste, and conserving resources.
– The resale market effectively contributes to reducing carbon, plastic, and water footprints, aligning fashion brands with their sustainability goals.

2. Consumer Appeal:
– Reselling appeals to environmentally conscious shoppers, often viewed as a more ethical and responsible alternative to fast fashion.
– By incorporating resale programs, brands can tap into a growing consumer segment that values sustainability and second-hand fashion.

3. Economic Opportunities:
– The resale market presents lucrative economic opportunities for fashion brands, with double-digit year-over-year growth projected for the coming years.
– By capitalizing on this market, brands can diversify revenue streams and increase their profitability.

The Challenges and Road Ahead

While the potential benefits of reselling are enticing, brands have faced certain challenges in fully realizing its potential. To maximize the impact of resale programs, fashion brands need to overcome the following hurdles:

1. Perception:
– Reselling is often associated with lower-quality or outdated items. Brands must address this subjective perception by curating high-quality pieces and highlighting the value of second-hand fashion in their marketing efforts.

2. Operational Logistics:
– Developing effective operational logistics for reselling platforms is crucial. It involves various aspects, from handling returns and quality control to managing inventory and ensuring smooth customer experience.

3. Pricing Considerations:
– Determining fair resale prices can be challenging for fashion brands. They must strike a balance between affordability and profitability while considering factors like the original price, item condition, and demand.

Expanding on the Topic: The Future of Reselling

Reselling embodies the shifting landscape of the fashion industry as sustainability takes center stage. The rise of resale platforms signifies a changing mindset among both brands and consumers towards a more circular economy. This shift opens up exciting possibilities and opportunities for the fashion industry as a whole.

1. Collaborative Efforts:
– Brands can collaborate with resale platforms and thrift stores to further boost their profitability and environmental impact.
– By partnering with established resale platforms, brands can leverage their expertise and infrastructure to enhance their resale programs.

2. Improved Brand Communication:
– Fashion brands need to communicate their reselling initiatives effectively through marketing campaigns.
– They can highlight the sustainability benefits of reselling in their brand narratives, educating consumers on the positive environmental impact of choosing second-hand fashion.

3. Innovation and Technology:
– Embracing technological advancements like artificial intelligence and virtual reality can enhance the resale experience for both sellers and buyers.
– Brands can leverage AI algorithms to personalize recommendations and offer virtual try-on experiences, enabling consumers to make informed decisions.


Reselling has emerged as a venture of choice for fashion brands aiming to minimize their environmental impact while capitalizing on consumer demand for sustainable options. Despite the challenges, the growth potential of reselling is undeniable. By addressing perception issues, refining operational logistics, and establishing fair pricing strategies, fashion brands can position themselves at the forefront of the resale market. As sustainability becomes an imperative for the industry, reselling presents an opportunity for brands to lead the way towards a more circular and environmentally conscious future.


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Reselling has quickly emerged as the venture of choice for fashion brands looking to cheapen their own carbon, plastic and water footprints— or at least in some cases to convince environmentally conscious shoppers that they’re trying. But here’s the rub: Until now, even savvy brands like Patagonia or Shein haven’t figured out how to make second-hand sales account for more than a small fraction of their profits.

More than 100 clothing retailers have launched internal resale platforms in the past two years, with 88 new programs last year alone, according to data from ThredUp Inc., who runs an online thrift store business and has helped many brands create their own reselling programs. That includes some of the biggest brands, including H&M and fast fashion champ Shein. The resale of apparel, footwear and handbags in the United States represented a $28.1 billion market in 2022, with potential for double-digit year-over-year growth in 2023 and 2024, according to Coresight Research forecasts.