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You won’t believe how this man trapped us in the databases! Find out how he did it!

The Rise of Hank Asher: From Drug Dealer to Privacy Pioneer


In today’s digital age, privacy has become a valuable commodity. With the increasing amount of personal information available online, individuals and businesses are constantly at risk of having their data exploited. However, it is important to recognize that the protection of personal data is not a new concern. One individual who played a significant role in revolutionizing the way Americans’ private information is handled is Hank Asher, a former drug dealer with a head for numbers. This article explores the journey of Hank Asher, from his early days as a drug dealer to his transformation into a privacy pioneer.

From Drug Dealing to Crimefighting:

Hank Asher’s story begins in the 1980s when he was involved in the illicit drug trade. As a drug dealer, Asher developed exceptional skills in analyzing data and identifying patterns — skills that would later prove invaluable in his pursuit of privacy protection. After being arrested and serving time in prison, Asher decided to turn his life around and contribute positively to society. He recognized that his unique expertise could be harnessed to fight against crime rather than perpetuate it.

Harnessing Data for Good:

Asher’s transformation began when he founded a company called DBT Online in the late 1990s. DBT Online aimed to provide law enforcement agencies with advanced data analysis tools to combat crime more effectively. Asher realized that by utilizing data and technology, law enforcement agencies could identify criminals, predict their behavior, and ultimately prevent crime. His company quickly gained recognition and contracts with various government agencies, solidifying Asher’s position as a privacy pioneer.

Privacy and the Birth of Seisint:

In 2000, Asher founded Seisint, a company that specialized in data fusion, analysis, and visualization. Seisint was at the forefront of developing powerful software tools that allowed organizations to access and analyze vast amounts of data securely. The company’s flagship product, Accurint, became a game-changer for law enforcement agencies, enabling them to access billions of public records quickly and efficiently. However, as Seisint grew in popularity, concerns about privacy began to emerge.

The Ethical Dilemma:

Asher’s rise in the data industry was not without controversy. While his efforts were instrumental in solving crimes and protecting the public, questions about the ethical implications of his work started to surface. Critics argued that the vast amount of personal data accessible through products like Accurint posed a threat to individual privacy. The tension between privacy and security began to take center stage, prompting Asher to reevaluate his approach.

Striking a Balance:

In response to the growing concerns about privacy, Asher took decisive action to ensure that the rights of individuals were protected. He introduced strict internal controls and policies within Seisint to safeguard personal data from unauthorized access or misuse. Furthermore, he became an advocate for regulation and legislation surrounding data protection, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in the industry.

The Legacy:

Hank Asher’s journey from drug dealer to privacy pioneer is a remarkable one. His ability to recognize the power of data and transform its use for the betterment of society is a testament to his resilience and determination. Today, his contributions are acknowledged not only within the data industry but also in the field of privacy protection. Asher’s legacy serves as a reminder that individuals have the capacity to change and make a positive impact, regardless of their past.

Additional Piece:

The Need for Data Privacy in the Digital Age

In an increasingly interconnected world, where personal information is constantly being shared and stored online, the need for data privacy has never been more critical. With the rapid advancement of technology and the proliferation of digital platforms, individuals and businesses alike face significant risks when it comes to the protection of their sensitive data. From identity theft to unauthorized surveillance, the threats are numerous and ever-evolving.

One aspect that makes data privacy particularly challenging is the vast amount of data generated every second. According to statistics, approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day, and this number is only expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. With such an overwhelming volume of data being produced, it becomes increasingly difficult to ensure that personal information remains secure.

The high-profile data breaches that have made headlines in recent years underscore the importance of robust privacy protection measures. From large corporations to government institutions, no entity is immune to the risks posed by cybercriminals. These breaches not only compromise the personal information of individuals but also erode trust and confidence in the organizations responsible for safeguarding sensitive data.

Furthermore, data privacy is not just an individual matter; it has wide-ranging implications for society as a whole. The misuse of personal data has the potential to perpetuate discrimination, reinforce societal biases, and undermine democratic principles. It is essential to address these societal concerns by implementing effective regulations and legislative frameworks that prioritize the protection of personal data.

In order to navigate this complex landscape, individuals need to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to safeguard their own privacy. This includes understanding basic security measures such as password protection, encryption, and two-factor authentication. Additionally, individuals should be aware of their rights when it comes to data privacy and understand how to exercise them effectively.

Businesses, too, have a responsibility to prioritize data privacy and implement robust security measures. This not only protects their customers but also builds trust and credibility in an increasingly data-driven economy. Organizations should be transparent about how they collect, store, and use personal data, and should obtain proper consent from individuals before doing so.

In conclusion, the importance of data privacy cannot be understated in today’s digital age. The rise of technology and the increasing amounts of personal data being generated create both opportunities and risks. It is crucial for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole to recognize the significance of data privacy and work towards implementing effective measures to protect personal information. Only by doing so can we ensure that the benefits of the digital era are maximized while minimizing the potential harms.


Hank Asher, a former drug dealer, transformed his life and became a privacy pioneer by creating companies that harnessed the power of data for the betterment of society. He founded DBT Online, which provided law enforcement agencies with advanced data analysis tools, and later started Seisint, a company specializing in data fusion and analysis. While his work was instrumental in solving crimes, concerns about privacy emerged. Asher took steps to strike a balance between privacy and security, introducing strict internal controls and advocating for regulation and legislation. His legacy serves as a reminder of the capacity for change and the importance of protecting personal data in the digital age.


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Hank Asher was a drug dealer with a head for numbers, until he figured out how to turn Americans’ private information into big business.
