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You won’t believe how Threads stole my FOMO! Prepare to be shocked!

Threads: A New Twitter Clone Making Waves in the Social Media World


The rise of social media platforms has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and share information. From Facebook to Instagram, these platforms have become an integral part of our lives. However, the latest addition to the social media landscape has caught the attention of both enthusiasts and skeptics alike. Threads, a new app launched by Meta (formerly known as Facebook), is making waves and challenging the dominance of Twitter in the microblogging realm.

The Unprecedented Launch Strategy

Meta’s launch strategy for Threads has surprised many. With the app already gaining immense popularity and becoming the number one app in the Apple app store, it seems that Meta has found a unique way to attract users. The integration of Threads marketing into Instagram’s notifications screen is a game-changer. Instead of receiving likes, users are now notified about new Threads posts. This move has undoubtedly created a buzz and sparked curiosity among social media users.

A Familiar but Boring Clone?

While Threads may be touted as a Twitter clone, many question the need for yet another microblogging platform. Twitter has long been criticized for its limitations and toxic environment, but does the world really need a more boring version of the same? As social media enthusiasts contemplate this question, Threads continues to gain momentum.

Threads is swiftly becoming a hot topic of conversation among various social circles. Whether it’s DJs mentioning the app on air, colleagues discussing it on Slack, or friends joking about signing up for potential settlements, the buzz around Threads is hard to ignore.

The Tug-of-War Within

As the buzz around Threads grows, individuals find themselves torn between curiosity and skepticism. Is joining Threads worth it? Will it offer something new and exciting, or will it simply fade into oblivion like other Twitter clones in the past? Privacy concerns also arise, with Threads being seen as a potential nightmare in terms of user data security.

The Enduring Dominance of Twitter

Despite the emergence of new microblogging platforms, Twitter has managed to maintain its position as the go-to platform for concise and real-time conversations. The big question is: can any Twitter clone, regardless of the backing it receives, truly challenge Twitter’s dominance?

Expanding Perspectives: Why Threads Matters

While skepticism about Threads runs high, it is essential to delve deeper into why this new platform matters and what unique features it brings to the table. By exploring the key aspects of Threads, we can uncover insights that shed light on its potential impact and significance in the social media landscape.

1. Targeting a Niche Audience

Threads may not aim to be a Twitter killer, but it caters to a specific audience. With its focus on direct messaging and close-knit communities, Threads offers a more intimate and streamlined experience. This can be particularly appealing to users who want to engage in meaningful conversations within a smaller circle.

2. Leveraging the Power of Visuals

One of Threads’ standout features is its integration with Instagram’s visual-first platform. By combining the power of images with microblogging, Threads provides users with a unique way to express themselves. This visual-centric approach sets Threads apart from traditional text-based microblogging platforms and opens up new avenues for creative expression.

3. Enhancing Privacy and Security

Privacy concerns have plagued various social media platforms, and Threads aims to address these issues. With stringent privacy settings and a focus on secure communication, Threads promises to be a sanctuary for users who value their online privacy. This commitment to user security could be a driving force behind its success, especially in an era where data breaches and privacy scandals are rampant.

4. Building Communities and Fostering Connection

Threads presents an opportunity for users to build communities centered around shared interests, hobbies, or causes. By creating a space where like-minded individuals can come together, Threads has the potential to foster connections and enable meaningful interactions. This focus on community building distinguishes Threads from other microblogging platforms that prioritize individual expression over collective engagement.

5. Bridging the Gap Between Microblogging and Messaging

Unlike traditional microblogging platforms that primarily focus on broadcasting messages to a wider audience, Threads blurs the line between microblogging and messaging. With its seamless integration of direct messaging and microblog posts, Threads offers a dynamic and versatile communication experience. This integration has the potential to reshape the way we engage with online communities and share our thoughts and ideas.


Threads, the latest addition to the microblogging scene, has generated significant buzz and intrigue in the social media world. While skeptics question its necessity and viability, Threads brings unique features and potential that set it apart from traditional microblogging platforms.

By targeting a niche audience, leveraging the power of visuals, enhancing privacy and security, fostering communities, and bridging the gap between microblogging and messaging, Threads offers a fresh perspective on online communication. While Twitter’s reign as the king of microblogging remains unchallenged for now, Threads has the potential to carve out its own space and cater to a specific audience seeking a more intimate and secure online experience.

Only time will tell whether Threads will become a lasting contender or join the ranks of forgotten Twitter clones. Nevertheless, its entry into the social media realm sparks discussion and invites us to reevaluate the way we connect, converse, and express ourselves online.


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Stay still, my heart. As much FOMO as you feel, don’t overwhelm me with another social network.

However, resisting the latest hot app is turning out to be more difficult than you thought. Meta (aka Facebook) is being unusually smooth in your launch strategy Threadsthe millionth clone of Twitter and the current number one app in the Apple app store.

The ad giant is already bringing Threads marketing to Instagram. On the notifications screen where I normally see dopamine-inducing likes, Instagram says, “____, ____ and 1 others posted to Threads for the first time.” [cue: that meme of Arthur’s Fist]

Aren’t we tired of this? Haven’t we online terminals complained about Twitter for years? Do we need a more boring version of the app? As I ask myself these questions, I can hear the hum. People in my orbit are really talking about Threads.

On my way to see an allergist yesterday, I checked the radio and heard a DJ mention the app on air. They said something like, “Everyone is joining Threads. It’s like the first day of school there and everyone is cracking their best jokes. But if you ever want to delete your Threads account, you’ll need to delete your Instagram account as well.”

Earlier in the day, while my coworkers were talking on Slack, resident social expert Natalie Christman popped in to say that we reporters can share our Threads usernames with her if we want to be tagged in the app. In a separate group of friends on Slack, Threads appeared multiple times. I was logged out at first, but as I was writing this post, I went back to see what they were saying. “Should I sign up with Threads for the inevitable $2 class action settlement?” a friend joked.

I have fun friends. Is “@harri” available? No, be strong.

Later in a rehearsal (I’m in a band), our bassist said she joined Threads and is building a following. Our singer said that she would not join because she is “becoming a boomer”. I screeched that she would never do it, then encouraged our bass player to make the band a Threads.

Inside, I started to haggle. It wouldn’t be the worst if I joined. If history repeats itself, I’ll be separated from everyone else in a few weeks.

I don’t have much to lose or gain. Threads is not breaking new ground, and seems like a privacy nightmare along with the other clone of Twitter, Bluesky. But after giving this latest service a fair shot, I think it’s safe to say the new-app whiff has worn off.

I still use Twitter for now, much to my own chagrin. As for the other Twitter clones: I wonder how many people remember their names?

If Facebook has long-term success on its hands, then prestige. In some ways, I just don’t see the hype lasting for any Twitter clone, no matter who does it.

Tell me, Threads users, am I missing something? it’s not facebook too prudish to give Twitter a run for its money? If I could take a look at your screen for a bit…

Threads doesn’t deserve my FOMO, but here we are
