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You won’t believe how to overcome the stigma of major depressive disorder!

Breaking the Stigma Around Major Depressive Disorder: A Comprehensive Guide

The Truth About Major Depressive Disorder

Understanding Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people worldwide. It is not simply feeling sad or having the blues; it is a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities that you once enjoyed. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Major depressive disorder is a real and valid illness, not something that can be ignored or easily overcome.
  • Depression can manifest differently in each person, and it’s not always visible on the surface.
  • There is a stigma associated with depression that can prevent people from seeking help and support.

Dispelling Common Misconceptions

One of the biggest challenges in destigmatizing depression is breaking down common misconceptions surrounding the illness. Here are some misconceptions about major depressive disorder:

  1. Depression can be cured by simply “cheering up” or “being happy.”
  2. People with depression are often perceived as attention-seeking, when in reality, they are struggling with real and painful emotions.
  3. Depression does not discriminate based on age, gender, or background.

The Changing Perception of Major Depression

As society becomes more open to discussing mental health, the perception of major depression is gradually shifting. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Increased awareness and conversations about mental health are helping to reduce the stigma associated with depression.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has brought mental health to the forefront, highlighting the importance of addressing depression.
  • Therapy is becoming more common and socially acceptable, leading to improved mental health outcomes.

Acceptance and Healing

Accepting a diagnosis of major depressive disorder is a crucial step towards healing and living a fulfilling life. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Radical acceptance of your diagnosis can lead to a better quality of life and reduced suffering.
  2. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, therapy, and medication can make a significant difference in managing depression.
  3. Living with major depressive disorder does not define your worth or capabilities; it is a part of who you are, but not all that you are.

Breaking the Stigma

Breaking the stigma surrounding major depressive disorder requires collective effort from individuals, communities, and organizations. Here are some ways you can help break the stigma:

  • Participate in conversations about mental health and educate yourself on the topic.
  • Show compassion and understanding towards those struggling with depression.
  • Use social media platforms to raise awareness about mental health and advocate for destigmatization.

How You Can Make a Difference

By actively engaging in discussions about mental health, challenging misconceptions, and supporting those affected by major depressive disorder, you can contribute to a more compassionate and understanding society. Remember, every voice matters in breaking the stigma.


Major depressive disorder is a serious mental illness that affects individuals from all walks of life. By challenging misconceptions, promoting awareness, and fostering acceptance, we can work towards destigmatizing depression and creating a more supportive environment for those living with this condition.


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By Sonja Wasden, as told to Kara Mayer Robinson

I am a mental health advocate living with major depression.

I speak to Fortune 500 companies, women’s prisons, firefighters, police officers, drug rehab centers, nonprofits, and media about the importance of mental health.

My hope is to break the stigma and let people know that they are not alone and that they can live a beautiful life despite having mental health issues.

Common Misconceptions About Major Depressive Disorder

An important part of destigmatizing depression is breaking down common misunderstandings. Although the perception of major depressive disorder is changing, many misconceptions persist.

For example, people often think that depression is something that can be ignored or flipped like a light switch. They may say things like “cheer up” or “just be happy.” But depression is not an option. It’s a feeling and it’s real.

Another misunderstanding is how it appears on the surface. Just because someone seems happy doesn’t mean they aren’t struggling. Often, people with depression put on a happy face to hide it from others.

Sometimes people think that someone who is struggling with depression is trying to get attention. But the painful feelings of major depressive disorder deserve no attention.

The problem with the current stigma is that it can prevent you from speaking up and getting the help you need. Stigma can even be caused by your own feelings. In the past, I often felt like I was unworthy or worthless because of my depressive disorder.

But people with major depressive disorder are some of the most resilient and hard-working people I know. It takes courage to face this condition day after day.

People with chronic illnesses like cancer or diabetes are often told they are brave, courageous and inspiring. People with major depression should be told the same.

How it is changing

The perception of major depression is changing. People are talking more about mental health, which helps.

COVID-19 has brought depression to the forefront. Studies report that the number of people suffering from depression has increased. For people with lower incomes and more stressors, the rate has tripled since the start of the pandemic.

As depression becomes more prominent, we are having more critical conversations about mental health. It is better understood that people from all walks of life are experiencing depression. These honest conversations not only make people feel like they are not so alone, but they also encourage them to talk.

It’s also helpful that the therapy is more common now. More people are going to therapy to improve their lives, even if they don’t have mental health problems. This has greatly reduced the stigma of receiving therapy.

But there is still stigma associated with taking mental health medications. It is stigmatized to the point that many people who need it refuse to take it, even though it would help them greatly improve their lives.

Accept your diagnosis

It can be difficult to know that you have major depressive disorder.

When I received my diagnosis, my entire soul rebelled against it. I felt like my doctor was sentencing me to life in prison. I felt hopeless and helpless. I couldn’t see how I could live a normal life with depression as my constant companion.

But that changed. I am grateful for my doctors, my medications, DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy), and therapists who taught me that I can have a worthwhile life despite my depression. Through medicine and learning new skills, I now have a very beautiful and fulfilling life.

When you learn that you have a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, the first step in the healing process is radical acceptance. When you fight depressive emotions, it only gives them more fuel to thrive.

When I stopped fighting my diagnosis and started accepting it, that’s when the quality of my life improved. Of course, I still have difficult days that I have to accept and manage, but the magic of acceptance is that it stops the unnecessary suffering caused by resisting it.

Try to remember that there are millions of people living successfully with difficult illnesses of all kinds. You’re not alone. Chronic illnesses are no fun and require daily treatment, but there is power in acceptance. It’s the only way to move forward.

You may live your life differently than someone else without a depressive disorder, and that’s okay. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a full and meaningful life. Try to use self-help, self-love and patience.

How you can help break the stigma

It takes everyone to break a stigma: celebrities, public figures, families, friends, schools, government leaders, media, advocacy groups, doctors, therapists, and individuals.

One of the best ways you can help break the stigma is to allow and participate in conversations about mental health. Educate yourself. Be aware of the language you use. Show equality between physical and mental illnesses. Be compassionate.

Talk about it at work, with friends and with family. Post on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook about topics related to mental health awareness. Be one of the drops in the bucket. Each person’s voice matters.
