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You won’t believe how Yorkshire small businesses are thriving, even as others face decline – shocking report!

Investment in Yorkshire and the Humber’s Small Businesses Continues to Thrive

Dr Sophie Dale-Black, UK Network Director for the North of England, British Business Bank
Dr Sophie Dale-Black, UK Network Director for the North of England, British Business Bank

Rising Investment Deals in the Yorkshire and the Humber Region

According to research from the British Business Bank’s annual Small Business Equity Tracker, investment in small businesses within Yorkshire and the Humber region remains strong despite a decline nationally. The report reveals that the number of investment deals in the area increased by 4% to 94 in the past year, with a total investment value seeing a significant rise of 48% to approximately £258m.

This marks the second consecutive year of record capital investment in the region, with the value and volume of investment increasing by 2% and 15%, respectively, in 2021.

National Decline Contrasted by Yorkshire and the Humber’s Success

While much of the rest of the UK faced a decline in equity investment for small businesses in 2022 due to unfavorable market conditions, Yorkshire and the Humber region managed to defy the trend. The total number of transactions across the country saw a 7% decrease, dropping from 2,912 in 2021 to 2,702, marking the first annual drop in stock trading volume since the Beauhurst data series began in 2011.

This achievement is a testament to the strength of the region’s universities, city centers, and wealth of talent, which have undoubtedly played significant roles in ensuring Yorkshire and the Humber’s resilience. The supportive environment provided by the British Business Bank and its regional delivery partners has also played a crucial role in empowering small businesses throughout the region.

Supporting the Region’s Businesses for Continued Growth

Dr Sophie Dale-Black, the UK Network Director for the North of England at the British Business Bank, shared her optimism about the region’s performance: “Although it has been a challenging few months for many businesses, it is encouraging to see Yorkshire and the Humber reporting another solid year for capital investment. The strength of the region’s universities, as well as its vibrant city centers and abundant talent, have undoubtedly been key factors in this resilience.”

Dr Dale-Black also emphasized the commitment of the British Business Bank and its regional delivery partners in providing ongoing support to businesses in the Yorkshire and the Humber region. With their combined efforts, they aim to continue the positive trajectory and help businesses tap into the immense potential that the region holds.

Unlocking the Economic Potential of Yorkshire and the Humber

Yorkshire and the Humber’s robust performance in attracting investment showcases the region’s economic potential. The success can be attributed to various factors, including:

  • The strong presence of universities that produce skilled graduates and foster innovation
  • Vibrant city centers that attract businesses and entrepreneurs
  • A wealth of talented individuals who contribute to the region’s thriving business ecosystem
  • The supportive infrastructure and initiatives provided by organizations like the British Business Bank

These cumulative factors create an attractive business environment and magnetize investors, leading to sustained growth and development within the Yorkshire and the Humber region.


The Yorkshire and the Humber region continues to demonstrate its resilience and potential for growth in the face of economic challenges. The steady increase in investment deals and total investment value showcases the region’s ability to attract and retain investors, fostering a thriving business ecosystem.

Furthermore, the supportive environment provided by the British Business Bank and its partners plays a crucial role in enabling businesses to capitalize on the region’s enormous potential. With their ongoing support, Yorkshire and the Humber are well-positioned to amplify its economic growth and become a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the UK.

As the region continues to thrive, it is essential for both local and national policymakers to recognize and nurture Yorkshire and the Humber’s potential. By fostering an environment that encourages investment and supports small businesses, the region can further strengthen its position and contribute to the overall economic growth of the UK.


According to the British Business Bank’s Small Business Equity Tracker, investment in small businesses in Yorkshire and the Humber region remained strong, despite a decline nationally in 2022. The region saw a 4% increase in investment deals, reaching a total of 94, with an impressive 48% rise in investment value, amounting to around £258m.

In contrast, the rest of the UK faced a 7% drop in equity investment for small businesses, marking the first annual decline in stock trading volume since 2011. Yorkshire and the Humber’s success can be attributed to the region’s strong presence of universities, vibrant city centers, and wealth of talent, along with the support provided by the British Business Bank and its regional partners.

To continue this upward trajectory and unlock the region’s immense potential, the British Business Bank and its partners are committed to supporting businesses in Yorkshire and the Humber. By nurturing a conducive business environment and fostering innovation, the region can become a hub for entrepreneurial growth, contributing to the overall economic development of the UK.


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Dr Sophie Dale-Black, UK Network Director for the North of England, British Business Bank
Dr Sophie Dale-Black, UK Network Director for the North of England, British Business Bank

Investment in small businesses in Yorkshire and the Humber has remained strong despite a broader national decline, according to research from the British Business Bank.

The bank’s annual Small Business Equity Tracker found the number of investment deals in Yorkshire and the Humber rose 4 per cent to 94 last year, with total investment value rising 48 per cent to around £258m.

The results mark the second consecutive year of record capital investment in the region, with the value and volume of investment increasing by 2% and 15%, respectively, in 2021.

The findings come as much of the UK faced a decline in equity investment in small businesses in 2022, driven by a downturn in market conditions. The total number of transactions across the country decreased 7 percent, from 2,912 in 2021 to 2,702, the first annual drop in stock trading volume since the Beauhurst data series began in 2011.

Dr Sophie Dale-Black, UK Network Director for the North of England, British Business Bank, said: “Although it has been a challenging few months for many businesses, it is encouraging to see Yorkshire and the Humber reporting another Solid year for capital investment The strength of the region’s universities, as well as city centers and wealth of talent, have undoubtedly been key factors in this resilience.

“British Business Bank and our regional delivery partners are well positioned to support businesses in Yorkshire and the Humber to continue the upward trajectory and tap into the immense potential the region holds.”