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You won’t believe the extraordinary rhythm of these worms! | Daily science

The Rhythm of Life: Understanding the Genetic Orchestra

The Rhythm of Life: Understanding the Genetic Orchestra


Have you ever wondered how a small group of cells develop into a fully grown organism? The process requires precise control and timing, with the right genes being activated at the right time, in the right amount, and in the right order. Losing this rhythm can lead to diseases, such as cancer. But what keeps each gene active? In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of genetic orchestration and discover how a quartet of molecules in the worm C. elegans serves as a conductor in the symphony of life.

The Genetic Orchestra

Professor Christopher Hammell of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) has made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the genetic regulation in C. elegans. Unlike in humans, where a single conductor controls the genetic orchestra, Hammell found that in the worm, a quartet of molecules work together to time each stage of development. This process shares similarities with the circadian clocks that control human behavior. Understanding how the worm’s clock is regulated could provide valuable insights into the development of other animals.

Hammell describes this clock as a coordinator of the orchestra, setting the cadence of development. It controls when each instrument plays, the volume at which it plays, and how long each note lasts. Just like in a musical performance, timing is critical to the harmonious progression of development.

Timing and Gene Activation

Each stage of C. elegans‘ development begins with two proteins, NHR-85 and NHR-23. Working in tandem, they initiate a pulse of gene expression that activates microRNA lin-4. This microRNA plays a crucial role in controlling stem cell development patterns. The timing, strength, and duration of this gene expression pulse depend on the interaction between NHR-85 and NHR-23, as well as another protein called LIN-42. LIN-42 serves as the conductor for ending each period of development by turning off NHR-85.

By understanding this intricate timing mechanism, researchers can gain valuable insights into the importance of rhythm in development. Hammell explains that if the orchestra is ruined, the music will keep playing. However, studying how the music changes throughout development emphasizes the critical role of timing in shaping the final outcome.

Observing Development in Action

To observe this cycle of gene expression, Hammell collaborated with Wolfgang Keil of the Curie Institute in Paris. Their focus was on capturing the development of C. elegans in real-time. Unlike single-cell imaging techniques, the team developed a new imaging technique that allowed them to keep the tiny worm in place, enabling precise observations, photos, and video recordings.

This groundbreaking imaging technique provided a unique perspective. Hammell states that they could see every time the genes were activated from birth to adulthood, a feat that had never been accomplished before in animals. These observations highlight the complexity and beauty of the symphony taking place at the genetic level.

Now, Hammell and his colleague, Leemor Joshua-Tor from CSHL, are taking their research further. They aim to delve deeper into the interaction of clock proteins over time. By examining the dynamics of this orchestration, they hope to uncover the precise mechanisms behind the development of more complex organisms, including humans.

Development and Time

Humans possess remarkable abilities, such as writing music, performing calculations, and developing complex brains. These are not features driven by specific “music” or “calculation” genes, but rather the result of our developmental clocks allowing our brains to develop over longer periods. The orchestration of genes and the precise timing of their activation lay the foundation for our remarkable cognitive abilities.

When it comes to development, time is truly of the essence. Understanding the role of time in genetic orchestration opens up new possibilities for unraveling the mysteries of life. The more we comprehend about the rhythm and timing of development, the better equipped we are to address diseases that arise when this rhythm is disrupted.


The rhythm of development is like a symphony, with each gene playing its part at the right time, in the right order. In C. elegans, a quartet of molecules acts as the conductor, ensuring precise timing and coordination of gene activation. The discoveries made by Hammell and his team shed light on the importance of timing in development and provide valuable insights into the orchestration of genes in other animals.

As research continues, the dynamics of clock proteins and their intricate interactions over time will be further explored. This knowledge could have significant implications for our understanding of human development and potentially lead to breakthroughs in addressing developmental disorders and diseases.


Professor Christopher Hammell of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has discovered that, in the worm C. elegans, a quartet of molecules acts as a coordinator in the genetic orchestra that drives the stages of development. This clock-like mechanism shares similarities with circadian clocks in humans, demonstrating how time affects animal development. Hammell observed the activation of genes in real-time using a new imaging technique, providing insight into the timing and rhythm of development. By understanding the orchestration of genes and the importance of precise timing, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the development of more complex organisms, including humans. The rhythm of development is essential, and disruption can lead to diseases. By unraveling the mechanisms behind the genetic orchestra, we can advance our understanding of life’s intricacies and potentially find new solutions for developmental disorders and diseases.


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There is a rhythm to the development of life. Going from a small group of cells to an adult organism requires precise control and timing. The right genes must be activated at the right time, for the right amount of time, and in the right order. Losing your rhythm can lead to diseases such as cancer. So what keeps each gene active?

Professor Christopher Hammell of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) has discovered that in the worm C. elegans, this genetic orchestra does not have a single conductor. Instead, a quartet of molecules work together to time each stage of development. Hammell says this process shares some similarities with the circadian clocks that control human behavior. Understanding how the worm’s clock is regulated could help explain how time affects the development of other animals. Hammel explains:

“This clock we’ve discovered sets the cadence of development. It’s a coordinator of the orchestra. It controls when the trombone plays, how loud it gets, and how long the note lasts.”

Each stage of C. elegans‘Development begins with two proteins, NHR-85 and NHR-23. They work together to cause a pulse of gene expression, activating microRNA lin-4, which controls stem cell development patterns. The timing, strength, and duration of the pulse depend on the short period in which NHR-85 and NHR-23 interact, and on another protein, LIN-42, which ends each period of development by turning off NHR-85.

“If you ruin the orchestra, it will keep playing,” Hammell says. “But the way music changes lets us know that timing is critical to development.”

Hammell teamed up with Wolfgang Keil of the Curie Institute in Paris to observe this cycle of gene expression in action. C. elegans It takes about 50 hours to reach adulthood. During that time, he is always on the move, like a restless teenager. The team developed a new imaging technique to keep the tiny worm in place long enough to take photos and record videos. This allowed them to measure each beat of development as it occurred.

“We could see every time the genes were activated from birth to adulthood,” Hammell says. “This type of imaging has never been done in animals, only in single cells.”

Hammell is now working with CSHL professor and HHMI researcher Leemor Joshua-Tor to image how clock proteins interact over time.

“We want to determine more precisely how this clock works,” says Hammell. “Humans can do things like write music or perform calculations, not because we have a calculation or music gene, but because our developmental clocks allow our brains to develop over longer periods of time into a more complex organ.”

In other words, when it comes to development, time is truly of the essence.
