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You Won’t Believe the Shocking Price Tag of Bristol Covered Garage – A Mind-Blowing £140,000!

Transforming a Dilapidated Garage: A Prime Opportunity for Builders and Developers


A dilapidated garage located along Whitehouse Street in Bedminster, Bristol, is up for auction and attracting potential buyers due to its prime location for major regeneration in the coming years. While the garage itself may not be impressive, it holds value as it has received “planning permission in principle” for development. The Bristol City Council plans include demolishing the existing garage and constructing a three-story residential building on the site. The council’s planning decision received five objections, with one neighbor suggesting that development should be delayed until the completion of the larger Whitehouse Street Regeneration Project. The area around Whitehouse Street is set to undergo a significant transformation, including the construction of 2,000 new houses and the redevelopment of light industrial businesses and car garages. The Bristol City Council has approved a feedback framework that will guide developers in planning new apartments and businesses in the area. Although the garage site is not part of the core regeneration area, it is within close proximity and expected to be submitted for redevelopment. “Permission in principle” does not guarantee immediate development but requires the site to receive a grant of technical details consent before proceeding. The garage site will go up for online auction on June 29.

Additional Piece: The Rising Demand for Development Opportunities in Regeneration Areas

Regeneration areas, like the one surrounding Whitehouse Street in Bedminster, Bristol, are increasingly attracting the attention of builders and developers. As cities and neighborhoods evolve, these areas present a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of transformation and growth. The potential for significant value appreciation and the chance to shape the future of a community are driving factors behind the increasing demand for development opportunities in regeneration areas.

1. Meeting the Demand for Affordable Housing: With the housing shortage crisis looming in many cities, regeneration areas provide an avenue to create much-needed affordable housing options. Builders and developers can leverage these opportunities to construct modern family homes, multiple-story buildings, or houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) that cater to different segments of the population. By addressing the housing demand within regeneration areas, developers contribute to the overall growth and revitalization of the community.

2. Revitalizing Neglected Spaces: Dilapidated structures, abandoned buildings, and vacant lots often characterize regeneration areas. Developers bring new life to these neglected spaces by transforming them into vibrant, well-designed environments. This process not only enhances the aesthetics of the area but also attracts businesses, residents, and investors, leading to a positive economic impact. The removal of blight and the establishment of new amenities and services contribute to the overall quality of life in the community.

3. Future-Proofing Communities: Regeneration areas offer a blank canvas for builders and developers to incorporate sustainable design principles and technologies. The focus on creating well-connected, sustainable neighborhoods aligns with the growing awareness and importance of environmental considerations. Developers have the opportunity to integrate green spaces, energy-efficient features, and smart infrastructure to create resilient communities that can adapt to future challenges and reduce the environmental impact.

4. Leveraging Public Investments: Regeneration projects often receive substantial public investments, as seen in the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Project. These investments are aimed at stimulating economic growth, creating job opportunities, improving transportation networks, and enhancing public services. Builders and developers can maximize the benefits of these public investments by aligning their projects with the broader regeneration plan. By doing so, they not only ensure the success of their individual developments but also contribute to the overall vision and objectives of the regeneration area.

5. Anticipating Market Trends: Regeneration areas are often strategically located in close proximity to key amenities, transportation hubs, and commercial districts. Developers carefully analyze market trends and demographics to identify areas with growth potential. By investing in these regeneration areas, developers can capture the anticipated increase in property values and demand for diverse housing options. This forward-thinking approach allows them to stay ahead of the market and position themselves for long-term success.

In conclusion, the dilapidated garage up for auction along Whitehouse Street in Bedminster, Bristol, serves as a symbol of the immense potential regeneration areas hold for builders and developers. Beyond the initial auction price, developers recognize the value in securing development opportunities in areas poised for significant transformation. By embracing these opportunities and aligning their projects with the broader regeneration plans, builders and developers can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of communities while reaping the rewards of their ventures.


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A dilapidated garage is up for auction on a street that is poised for big changes. The commercial land for sale is located along Whitehouse Street in Bedminsterbut it is not the building itself that will attract potential buyers.

The location is poised for major regeneration in the coming years, and Maggs & Allen agents say it is an “excellent opportunity for builders and developers.” Despite its overgrowth status, its benchmark price still sits at £140,000 – that’s just £20,000 cheaper than

The reason it is more valuable is because it has ‘planning permission in principle’ for development. Bristol City Council plans approved for the site in July 2021, for the “demolition of the existing lock-up garage/storage and construction of a three-story building for residential use.”

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He list describes the site as: “A freehold parcel of land currently occupied by a vacant garage with planning permission in principle granted for the construction of a three-storey building for residential use, situated in a prime development location in Bedminster. The The site offers the potential to create a fantastic modern family home, two story or a 5/6 bedroom HMO, subject to obtaining the necessary consents.”

According to the council’s planning decision dated July 2021, five objections were received during the planning consultation. A neighbor said he supported redevelopment of the site, but “suggested that development should be delayed until the completion of the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Project so that this larger project is not jeopardized.”

In March, the City approved the large regeneration project for the area around Whitehouse Street, including 2,000 new houses and a complete transformation of the area. The area is currently home to light industrial businesses and car garages, but it will change dramatically in the next 15 years.