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You won’t believe these mind-blowing tech-themed books of summer 2023!

Exploring the Latest Books on Technology and Society

Power and Progress: Our Millennial Struggle for Technology and Prosperity

In “Power and Progress,” Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson challenge the idea of technological determinism and instead explore how countries can shape technology to create more humane societies. They reject the belief that the future is already predetermined by computer code, offering a captivating and enthralling alternative perspective.

Key Points from “Power and Progress”:

  • The book challenges the notion of technological determinism.
  • Acemoglu and Johnson explore how countries can shape technology for the benefit of society.
  • They reject the idea that the future is predetermined by computer code.

The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Era of Neurotechnology

Nita A Farahany’s “The Battle for Your Brain” explores both the positive and negative aspects of recent advances in neurotechnology. While these advancements offer relief to stroke victims and epileptics, they also raise concerns about privacy and malicious uses. Farahany advocates for the necessary safeguards to preserve our freedom of thought.

Key Points from “The Battle for Your Brain”:

  • The book examines the potential benefits and risks of neurotechnology.
  • Farahany emphasizes the need to protect privacy and freedom of thought.
  • Advances in tracking and hacking brain activity have raised ethical concerns.

The Whole Project: The Microchip Design that Changed the World

James Ashton’s “The Whole Project” tells the story of Arm, a British company that designs microchips powering a wide range of devices. The book explores the company’s origins and its significant global influence on the technology industry.

Key Points from “The Whole Project”:

  • The book highlights Arm’s role in designing microchips for various devices.
  • Ashton explores the origins of Arm and its impact on the global technology industry.
  • Microchips designed by Arm have a vast range of applications.

More than a Glitch: Addressing Biases of Race, Gender, and Ability in Technology

In “More than a Glitch,” Meredith Broussard examines how technology often perpetuates discrimination against marginalized communities. Broussard argues for a reboot of public interest technology to promote a more just society.

Key Points from “More than a Glitch”:

  • The book focuses on algorithmic bias and discrimination in technology.
  • Broussard calls for public interest technology to address societal inequalities.
  • Technology reflects and perpetuates biases present in society.

Quantum Supremacy: How Quantum Computers Will Unlock the Mysteries of Science and Tackle Humanity’s Greatest Challenges

Michio Kaku’s “Quantum Supremacy” explores the potential impact of quantum computers on various scientific fields. While Kaku acknowledges the limitations of current quantum computers, he delves into the science behind the technology and its implications for understanding complex concepts like superposition and entanglement.

Key Points from “Quantum Supremacy”:

  • Kaku discusses the potential of quantum computers despite their current limitations.
  • The book provides an introduction to the science behind quantum computers.
  • Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize scientific research.

Tell us what you think

We want to hear your thoughts on these books. Share your favorites from the list and let us know if we missed any important titles. Leave a comment below and join the discussion!

Additional Piece: The Impact of Technology on Society

Technology plays a significant role in shaping society, impacting various aspects of our lives. From the way we communicate to how we work and access information, technological advancements have transformed the world. Here, we dive deeper into the subject matter, exploring the broader implications of technology on society.

The Transformation of Communication

One of the most evident changes brought about by technology is the transformation of communication. The rise of smartphones and social media platforms has revolutionized the way we connect with others. Instant messaging, video calls, and social networking have become integral parts of our lives, enabling global connectivity. However, this shift in communication has also raised concerns about privacy and the erosion of face-to-face interaction.

The Future of Work

Technology has also transformed the way we work. Automation, artificial intelligence, and digitization have led to significant changes in the job market. While new opportunities arise in tech-driven industries, traditional jobs may become obsolete. This shift brings both challenges and opportunities, requiring individuals and societies to adapt to a rapidly evolving work landscape.

Access to Information

The internet has democratized access to information. With a few clicks, we can access vast amounts of knowledge and ideas from all corners of the world. However, this accessibility also raises concerns about fake news and information overload. The ability to discern reliable sources and navigate the digital landscape has become crucial in this information-driven age.

Ethical Considerations

As technology continues to advance, ethical considerations become increasingly important. Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the ethical use of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and biometrics need to be addressed to ensure technology serves society’s best interests. Striking a balance between innovation and ethics is a key challenge for individuals, organizations, and policymakers.


Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our world, offering both opportunities and challenges. Understanding the broader implications of technology on society allows us to navigate these changes and shape a future that benefits all. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, it is crucial that we remain thoughtful and critical, considering the impact on individuals, communities, and the planet as a whole.

In this article, we explored several books that delve into the intersection of technology and society. “Power and Progress” challenges the idea of technological determinism, emphasizing the role of societies in shaping technology for the better. “The Battle for Your Brain” explores the potential risks and benefits of neurotechnology. “The Whole Project” tells the story of Arm, a pivotal player in microchip design. “More than a Glitch” examines biases in technology and the need for public interest technology. “Quantum Supremacy” explores the possibilities of quantum computers in scientific research.

In our additional piece, we delved deeper into the impact of technology on society. We discussed the transformation of communication, the future of work, access to information, and ethical considerations. Understanding the broader implications of technology allows us to navigate these changes and shape a future that is inclusive and beneficial for all.


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Cover of the book 'Power and progress'

Power and progress: Our millennial struggle for technology and prosperity by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson (Basic Books/Public Affairs)

Listen to the technorates of Silicon Valley and you would believe that the future is already written in computer code, if not in the stars. In this captivating and enthralling book, two MIT professors reject any notion of technological determinism and explore how countries can shape technology to create more humane societies.

Cover of the book 'The battle for your brain'

The battle for your brain: Defending the right to think freely in the era of neurotechnology by Nita A Farahany (St Martin’s Press)

Recent advances in neurotechnology are bringing much-needed relief to stroke victims and epileptics. But the growing ability to track and hack our brains also opens up sinister possibilities for malicious militaries, corporations, and governments. Farahany supports the safeguards we need to preserve our privacy and freedom of thought.

Cover of the book 'The Everything Blueprint'

The Whole Project: The microchip design that changed the world by James Ashton (Hodder & Stoughton)

More than 1 trillion microchips are sold each year, powering everything from smartphones and nuclear missiles to toothbrushes and toys. A surprising number of them work on designs by the hugely successful and little-sung British company: Arm. In this glittering corporate biography, Ashton tells of its origins and its considerable global influence.

Tell us what you think

What are your favorites from this list and what books did we miss? Tell us about it in the comments below

Cover of the book 'More than a Glitch'

More than a glitch: Addressing biases of race, gender, and ability in technology by Meredith Broussard (MIT Press)

Technology often discriminates against marginalized communities because society does, writes this leading algorithmic bias researcher and associate professor at New York University. But Broussard argues that a potential reboot is possible and that public interest technology can be used to promote a more just society.

Cover of the book 'Quantum Supremacy'

Quantum supremacy: How quantum computers will unlock the mysteries of science and tackle humanity’s greatest challenges by Michio Kaku (Allen Lane)

Though Kaku is too excited about the potential impact of quantum computers given their severe limitations today, his book still helps explain the science behind the technology. If you want to understand all the quantum theory behind Schrödinger’s cat, superpositions, entanglement and parallel universes, then this is a good place to start.

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