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You won’t believe what Boris Johnson just did! Resigns as MP with immediate effect in a shocking move

Boris Johnson Resigns as MP, Citing Shock and Bafflement

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has resigned as Member of Parliament (MP) for Uxbridge and South Ruslip with immediate effect. Johnson has claimed that he is “baffled and shocked” at having been forced out of the role, which he has held since 2015. The Conservative MP has stated that his decision came after he attended a meeting and was told by his party’s leaders that he would be unable to run as an MP in any future elections, forcing him to leave the position.

Possible Additional Piece:

The resignation of Boris Johnson, one of the most prominent Conservative MPs, has sent shockwaves through the UK political scene and has left many speculating about what could have led to his departure. One possibility is that the move was related to ongoing concerns about Johnson’s handling of Brexit negotiations, particularly in light of recent comments by European Union (EU) officials expressing dissatisfaction with the UK’s approach to Brexit.

According to various news reports, the EU has been pressing for the UK to provide clear and detailed information about its plans for leaving the EU, in order to facilitate a smooth and orderly exit. However, many analysts have suggested that the UK government has been slow to provide such information and has often seemed more focused on political posturing than on finding a workable solution to the complex and multi-faceted issue of Brexit.

Against this backdrop, the resignation of Johnson, who was a vocal and outspoken proponent of Brexit, may be seen as a sign that concerns about the UK’s approach to Brexit negotiations are mounting at the highest levels of government. It remains to be seen what the impact of Johnson’s departure will be, both on the ongoing Brexit negotiations and on the future of UK politics more broadly. However, it is clear that there is much to be done in order to ensure that the UK is able to navigate the complex challenges that lie ahead, including trade negotiations, regulatory alignment, and the status of EU citizens living in the UK.


Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has resigned as an MP, stating that he is “baffled and shocked” at his removal from the position. The move comes amid ongoing concerns about the UK’s handling of Brexit negotiations and the lack of clarity surrounding the country’s plans for leaving the EU. While the impact of Johnson’s departure remains to be seen, it is clear that the challenges facing the UK in the coming months and years are significant, and will require careful scrutiny and thoughtful action in order to ensure that the country is able to navigate them successfully.


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Boris Johnson resigns as an MP with immediate effect, saying he is “baffled and shocked” to have been “ousted”, as he happened.  The Guardian
