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You Won’t Believe What Happened to Former Ubisoft Executives in This Harassment Investigation!

Investigation into Sexual Harassment at Ubisoft: Five Former Employees Arrested

Investigation into Sexual Harassment at Ubisoft: Five Former Employees Arrested


In a significant development, five former employees of Ubisoft, a renowned game development company responsible for creating the popular Assassin’s Creed series, have been arrested following a lengthy investigation into allegations of moral and sexual harassment. This incident has sent shockwaves through the gaming industry and raised concerns about workplace culture and misconduct within the company.

The Arrests and Investigation

The arrests took place on Wednesday after the individuals were detained and interrogated by the police in France. While the names of Tommy Francois, the Vice President of Editorial and Creative Services, and Serge Hascoët, the Creative Director, have been made public, the identities of the other detainees remain undisclosed at this time. The French newspaper Release was the first to report this news, shedding light on the severity of the situation.

A Serious Approach by Prosecutors

Maude Beckers, a lawyer representing some of the Ubisoft employees who made the allegations, has stated that the detention and questioning of Francois, Hascoët, and others demonstrates the seriousness with which prosecutors are treating this issue. Beckers asserts that this sends a strong signal that sexual and gender-based harassment and violence in the workplace are significant crimes that cannot be ignored. It serves as a vital step towards achieving justice and providing a safe environment for employees.

Past Incidents and Allegations

The allegations of harassment within Ubisoft have not emerged out of the blue. In the summer of 2020, developers began sharing their stories on Twitter, which started a movement often referred to as X. These accounts exposed experiences of abuse and assault, raising concerns about a prevalent culture of bullying within the company. The situation escalated as more allegations surfaced, leading to high-profile suspensions, layoffs, and departures.

The Maxime Béland Incident

One specific incident that created significant controversy involved Maxime Béland, the co-founder of Ubisoft and a key figure in the company. Béland was accused of strangling an employee during a work party. Although Béland was suspended and later resigned, he never formally admitted or denied the allegation. The seriousness of this incident further highlighted the toxic atmosphere that had permeated the company, ultimately contributing to its tarnished reputation.

Termination of Tommy Francois

Ubisoft fired Tommy Francois in 2020 amidst the ongoing investigations and the growing scrutiny surrounding the company’s work culture. As the Vice President of Editorial and Creative Services, Francois played a significant role in the development of Ubisoft’s games. His dismissal emphasized the company’s commitment to taking action against individuals implicated in the misconduct allegations.

Broader Responsibility and Rebuilding Trust

While the current focus is on the arrest of specific individuals, it is essential not to overshadow the broader responsibility of Ubisoft as an organization. A thorough evaluation and improvement of company policies, procedures, and management practices are crucial for rebuilding trust and creating a safe and inclusive work environment. By doing so, Ubisoft can address the systemic issues that contributed to the alleged misconduct and prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

Delving Deeper: Workplace Harassment and the Gaming Industry

Sexual harassment and workplace misconduct are unfortunate realities across various industries, and the gaming industry is no exception. Unsurprisingly, within a predominantly male-dominated field, incidents like those at Ubisoft expose serious flaws in the industry’s approach to fostering a respectful and inclusive work environment. Going beyond the specifics of the Ubisoft case, it is crucial to examine the broader implications and explore strategies for change.

The Gender Gap in the Gaming Industry

Statistics have consistently shown a significant gender gap in the gaming industry. According to the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), women make up only 24% of the global game development workforce. This lack of gender diversity contributes to an environment where power dynamics, unequal treatment, and discrimination can thrive.

Culture and Company Values

Company culture and values play a crucial role in addressing workplace harassment. Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment requires proactive efforts from management to establish a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment. Leadership should prioritize diversity, implement comprehensive training programs, and foster open communication channels to ensure employees feel safe reporting incidents and concerns.

Support and Advocacy

Support networks and advocacy organizations are vital resources for those affected by workplace harassment. It is essential to encourage the establishment of industry-wide initiatives that facilitate discussions, share resources, and provide support for victims. Additionally, promoting diverse voices and perspectives within the gaming community can contribute to a more inclusive culture overall.

The Role of Gamers

Gamers, as consumers of these products, also have a role to play in shaping the gaming industry’s future. Supporting developers and publishers who prioritize diversity and inclusivity, as well as holding accountable those who fall short, can be instrumental in driving positive change. Voicing concerns, boycotting companies with problematic track records, and advocating for ethical practices help establish a demand for a more respectful and inclusive gaming industry.


The arrests of five former Ubisoft employees amidst allegations of sexual harassment at the company are a wake-up call for the gaming industry. This incident sheds light on the deep-rooted problems within workplaces and highlights the urgent need for a cultural shift. By addressing these systemic issues, encouraging diversity, and fostering a safe and inclusive environment, the gaming industry can work towards rebuilding trust and creating a future free from harassment.

In a significant development, five former Ubisoft employees have been arrested following a lengthy investigation into allegations of sexual and moral harassment. The arrests highlight the urgency of addressing workplace misconduct within the gaming industry. This article explores the incidents at Ubisoft, delves deeper into the broader problem of workplace harassment in the gaming industry, and discusses the necessary steps for change. The gaming community plays a crucial role in demanding accountability and fostering inclusivity to create a safe environment for all.


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police in france Five former Ubisoft employees, including vice president of editorial and creative services, Tommy Francois, and creative director, Serge Hascoët, have been arrested following a lengthy investigation into moral and sexual harassment at the Assassin’s Creed creator. On Wednesday, the five had been detained and interrogated; only the names of Francois and Hascoët have been made public.

The French newspaper Release first reported the news. Maude Beckers, a lawyer representing some of the Ubisoft employees who made the harassment allegations, told WIRED that the detention and questioning of Francois, Hascoët and others show that prosecutors are “taking this matter very seriously.” It is “a strong signal that sexual and gender-based harassment and violence in the workplace are serious crimes,” she added.

In the summer of 2020, after developers began speaking out on Twitter (now known as X) alleging experiences of abuse and assault, reports emerged of claims of a rampant bullying culture within Ubisoft, leading to a string of high-profile suspensions, layoffs, and departures. Maxime Béland, co-founder of the company, was accused of strangling an employee during a work party; Béland was suspended and later resigned, as was Hascoët. (Béland has never formally confirmed or denied the allegation.) Business Insider reported that Ubisoft fired Francois in 2020.

Although authorities are focusing on several key individuals at this time, Beckers says those individual responsibilities should not “overshadow the broader responsibility of the Ubisoft company.”

It is not yet clear whether Francois, Hascoët and the other detainees will be charged. Ubisoft spokesperson Heather Haefner told WIRED that the company “is not aware of what has been shared and therefore cannot comment.”
