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You won’t believe what Judge John Hodgman’s wife finds annoying in his texts!

Why Communication and Understanding Matter in Relationships

Additional Piece: Enhancing Communication in Relationships

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. It is through effective communication that individuals can understand and support each other, leading to a stronger and more fulfilling bond. However, as human beings, we often fall into the trap of taking our partners for granted and using them as mere tools for our convenience. In the given piece, Daniel admits to treating his wife as a mnemonic device, solely relying on her to remind him of things he may forget. This behavior, although seemingly harmless, can have negative consequences for the relationship.

Understanding One Another’s Needs

In any relationship, it is essential to acknowledge and respect each other’s boundaries and needs. When we use our partners as a means to an end, we fail to recognize their individuality and autonomy. Daniel’s habit of texting his wife to receive packages might seem like a small issue, but it can lead to resentment and feelings of being taken for granted on his wife’s part. By not considering her perspective, Daniel unintentionally undermines the trust and mutual understanding that form the foundation of a healthy relationship.

The Danger of Laziness

One of the main concerns with relying on our partners for constant reminders is that it breeds laziness. Seeking constant validation and reminders from our partners can create a sense of dependency, inhibiting personal growth and self-reliance. We must remember that our partners have their own lives, responsibilities, and challenges to navigate. By expecting them to constantly remind us of things, we undermine their own autonomy and agency, effectively stunting their personal development.

The Importance of Empathy and Self-awareness

To build strong and lasting relationships, it is crucial to develop empathy and self-awareness. Empathy allows us to understand and share the feelings of our partners, while self-awareness enables us to reflect on our own actions and their impact on others. Daniel’s realization that his behavior may be causing harm to his wife is a positive step towards developing these crucial qualities. By placing himself in his wife’s shoes and considering her perspective, Daniel can work towards fostering better communication and understanding in their relationship.

Considering Unspoken Needs and Emotional Labor

In relationships, it is important to recognize that our partners have needs and tasks that may not always be verbalized. Emotional labor, the invisible work involved in managing emotions and supporting others, is often taken for granted or overlooked. Daniel’s wife, like many individuals, may have her own share of emotional labor that she handles without explicitly stating her needs. By acknowledging and appreciating these unspoken needs, partners can deepen their connection and demonstrate a genuine understanding and support for one another.


In conclusion, communication and understanding are vital components of any successful relationship. Taking our partners for granted and relying on them as mere tools for our convenience can lead to resentment, feelings of being taken for granted, and hinder personal growth. It is crucial to consider our partner’s perspective, respect their boundaries, and recognize their unspoken needs. By fostering empathy, self-awareness, and open communication, we can build stronger bonds and create a supportive and loving partnership.


The given piece highlights the importance of effective communication and understanding in relationships. It discusses how relying on our partners for constant reminders and treating them as mere tools can lead to resentment and hinder personal growth. The article emphasizes the significance of empathy, self-awareness, and recognizing unspoken needs in building strong and fulfilling relationships. By considering the perspectives of others and fostering open communication, individuals can cultivate stronger bonds and create a supportive and loving partnership.


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Daniel writes: When I walk the dog, I leave the house through the garage. Sometimes I see that there is a package on our doorstep that we haven’t noticed. I text my wife to notify her so she can receive it because I may forget about it when she gets back. She doesn’t appreciate this, especially when I do it even though I know she’s not home.

I don’t know what you said in your wedding vows, but I suspect it didn’t include the phrase “I will love you, honor you, and treat you like my phone.” Asking your spouse to be a mnemonic device once or twice isn’t a mortal sin, but overall it results in laziness, and I’m not surprised it inspires some anger. She is also a complete human being with things on her head. Consider all the problems and tasks that she does NOT usually verbalize to you and receive the package when she sees it.
