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You Won’t Believe What This Passes CEO Does in Her Free Time – Skydiving Adventures Revealed!

An Adventurous Life: Lucy Guo and Her Thrilling Pursuits


Lucy Guo, the co-founder of Scale AI and CEO of Passes, is not your average entrepreneur. While some people may find skydiving to be an experience filled with fear and trepidation, for Guo, it is just one of the many exciting hobbies she engages in. Despite her fear of heights, she has obtained a skydiving license after completing 25 jumps at a drop zone during a seven-day campout. In total, Guo has jumped out of a plane about 40 times, even once landing in a cow pasture a mile off course. Her adventurous spirit doesn’t stop there, as she also hopes to one day parachute onto Mount Everest. However, amidst all her exhilarating exploits, Guo humbly describes her life as “pretty boring.” This may be due to her tireless work as CEO of Passes, where she is constantly on her laptop, computer, or phone, even during her weekend trips.

An Extensive Resume:

Lucy Guo, at just 28 years old, has an extensive resume that showcases her diverse range of experiences. From founding a generative AI startup to completing over 2,400 Barry’s Bootcamp workouts to traveling around the world, Guo has accomplished a great deal. She is not one to shy away from adventure, as evidenced by her numerous extravagant trips to destinations like Paris, Dubai, Italy, Thailand, Spain, and South Africa. These trips often coincide with her support for her friends at music festivals, as she believes it means a lot to them to see her show up. Guo’s boundless energy and passion for life are evident in her pursuit of exciting experiences and her dedication to her work.

The Daily Routine of a Technical Prodigy:

Guo’s daily routine is as impressive as her resume. It starts with a 50-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session at Barry’s Bootcamp, which she follows religiously. After her workout, she takes care of her kitten Sega by feeding it and providing water. Guo then heads to work, where she rides her little scooter, enjoying a short three-minute commute. Once she arrives at the office, her day is filled with meetings and collaborations with her design team, website engineers, and creators using Passes. Guo works for around 12 hours each day, often having lunch and dinner at her desk. When she feels social, she goes out to eat with friends, indulging in Korean barbecue or Japanese barbecue at atmospheric locations in downtown Miami. Her day usually ends between 1 and 2 a.m., when she finally falls asleep and repeats the routine the next day.

The Vision Behind Passes:

Passes is a Web3 platform founded by Lucy Guo last year with the goal of turning creators into “big companies.” Currently in beta, the platform allows fans to pay for personalized one-on-one interactions with their favorite creators through chatbots, live streams, and cutting-edge AI features like deep fakes. Guo’s determination to exit beta by the end of the year drives her to work tirelessly and maintain her rather average daily routine. The passion and commitment she demonstrates toward Passes reflects her belief in the platform’s potential to revolutionize the way creators monetize their work and connect with their fans.

Lucy Guo’s Extravagant Lifestyle:

Aside from her work and adventurous pursuits, Lucy Guo leads an extravagant lifestyle. Her net worth of $437.3 million allows her to afford luxurious amenities like a chauffeur service and an apartment designed by Zaha Hadid. Guo considers her apartment an investment property, confident that its value will not depreciate over time. Interestingly, she is also a neighbor of professional soccer star David Beckham and often encounters him in the elevator. Guo’s ability to enjoy an opulent lifestyle while simultaneously embracing her adventurous spirit is a testament to her success and resourcefulness.

Unique Insights and Perspectives:

Delving deeper into the life and experiences of Lucy Guo, we can gain unique insights and perspectives. Here are a few aspects to consider:

1. Balancing Work and Adventure: Guo’s ability to maintain a busy work schedule while pursuing thrilling activities demonstrates the art of balancing responsibilities and passions. Her commitment to her work and her sense of adventure coexist harmoniously, painting a picture of a well-rounded individual.

2. Pushing Beyond Comfort Zones: Guo’s fear of heights did not deter her from obtaining a skydiving license and pushing herself to jump out of a plane multiple times. Her willingness to face her fears and try new things is an inspiration for others to step outside their comfort zones and embrace new experiences.

3. The Power of Support: Guo recognizes the importance of supporting her friends at music festivals and believes that her presence means a lot to them. This highlights the power of friendship and the impact we can have on others by showing up and being there for them.

4. Work-Life Integration: Guo’s dedication to her work is evident in her constant engagement, even during her weekend trips. While work-life balance is often emphasized, Guo’s approach showcases how work and life can seamlessly integrate when one is truly passionate about their work.


Lucy Guo’s adventurous spirit, tireless work ethic, and opulent lifestyle make her a fascinating individual. Her passion for skydiving, extensive travel, and commitment to her role as CEO of Passes demonstrate her ability to juggle multiple interests. Additionally, her determination to turn creators into “big companies” through the Passes platform reflects her entrepreneurial spirit and belief in the power of digital content creation. By taking a deeper look at Guo’s life, we can find inspiration and learn valuable lessons about pursuing our passions, supporting others, and finding ways to balance work and adventure.


Lucy Guo, co-founder of Scale AI and CEO of Passes, leads an adventurous life filled with thrilling pursuits. Despite her fear of heights, she obtained a skydiving license and has jumped out of a plane about 40 times. Guo’s extensive resume includes founding a generative AI startup, completing over 2,400 Barry’s Bootcamp workouts, and traveling around the world. Her daily routine is packed with high-intensity interval training, meetings, and collaborative work, showcasing her dedication to both fitness and her role as CEO. Guo’s extravagant lifestyle is reflected in her net worth, luxury apartment, and encounters with celebrities like David Beckham. By delving deeper into Guo’s life, we gain insights into balancing work and adventure, facing fears, the power of support, and work-life integration. Overall, Guo’s journey is an inspiration to embrace adventure, pursue passions, and find harmony between work and life.


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For some people, skydiving is a unique, exciting experience. For others, it is the epitome of doom. But for Lucy GuoCo-founder of Scale AI and CEO of Passes, free falling from 10,000 feet is just one of her many exciting hobbies – even though she is afraid of heights.

The entrepreneur is so adventurous that she got her skydiving license after a seven-day campout at a drop zone in which she completed 25 jumps. In total, Guo has jumped out of a plane about 40 times – once landing in a cow pasture a mile off course – and hopes to one day parachute onto Mount Everest.

It’s one of many activities the 28-year-old can list on her extensive resume, which ranges from founding a generative AI startup to completing over 2,400 Barry’s Bootcamp workouts to traveling 24-hours around the world World is enough.

“I will take a 17-hour flight, fly to another country, stay there for less than 24 hours and come back,” Guo said recently Assets.

Their weekend getaways reflect a dream trip that includes destinations such as Paris, Dubai, Italy, Thailand, Spain and South Africa. Guo often goes on these extravagant trips to support her friends at music festivals. “It means a lot to them every time I show up at one of their shows,” she said.

While 24-hour travel and skydiving around the world is an adrenaline-pumping experience for many, Guo still claims her life is “pretty boring.”

That may be because of that this technical prodigy works 24/7 as CEO of Passes, a Web3 platform she founded last year for digital creators. “I’m always on my laptop, computer or phone” — even on her weekend trips, she said. “I’m always answering emails, replying to creators when they have questions, and so on, so I’m never off base in that sense.”

Passes’ goal is to turn creators into “big companies.” Currently, Passes allow fans to pay a fee for personalized one-on-one interactions with their favorite creators via chatbots, live streams and cutting-edge AI features like deep fakes. Although the Web3 platform is still in beta, Guo’s determination to exit beta by the end of the year explains her tireless work ethic and rather average daily routine.

Miami-based Guo relented Assets A sneak peek into her daily routine, which begins with a 50-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session.

From Barry’s to BBQ

7:30 a.m.: Guo starts her morning by giving her kitten Sega food and water.

8:00 am: Every morning there is a car waiting for Guo to take her to Barry’s boot camp. The chauffeur service is one of the luxurious amenities in her apartment building, which she can afford thanks to her proximity Net worth of $437.3 million.

She considers her apartment an investment property because it is “Zaha Hadid’s last work,” a true architectural masterpiece. She bought her device for around $7 million and said she doesn’t think it will “depreciate in value.”

She also happens to be a neighbor of professional soccer star David Beckham, with whom she has often crossed paths. “He’s in the elevator a lot,” she said.

8th:20 p.m.: The interval fitness class consists of 30 minutes of treadmill training and 30 minutes of strength training. In May, Guo reached a milestone and celebrated her 2,400th Barry’s workout.

“It’s a lot of fun,” Guo said. “And I can run 20 miles an hour on a Barry treadmill.”

9:00 a.m.: After her workout, Guo goes home to shower before heading to work.

“I ride my little scooter to work, and the ride from my house to the office takes about three minutes,” Guo said.

10:00 a.m: Once Guo arrives at the office, her day is full of meetings. She will meet with her design team, website engineers, and pass creators to make sure everything runs smoothly.

“We work in an office downtown – but since our team is still small, we rent the other half of the office to a company called MoonPay, which I actually invested in,” Guo explained.

Guo spends the next 12 hours working at her desk and usually eats lunch and dinner there too.

10:00 in the afternoon: When Guo is feeling social, she goes out to eat with friends. Your dinner of choice is usually Korean barbecue or Japanese barbecue at an “atmospheric” location in downtown Miami. If she chooses a night out, Guo usually returns home at midnight.

“Sometime between 1 and 2 a.m. I fall asleep and repeat.”

