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You Won’t Believe What’s Causing Those Pesky Forehead, Chin, and Cheek Pimples!

“Whenever you experience an outbreak, it is common to search for the cause by analyzing various factors. Acne can appear on different parts of the body, but face mapping provides a guide to understanding the possible sources of acne based on its location. According to Marisa Garshick, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, face mapping utilizes the placement of acne on the face to suggest potential causes. Although there is limited scientific evidence to support face mapping, it can still be a helpful tool for further investigation. Vanessa Coppola, an esthetician and owner of Bare Aesthetic, emphasizes that face mapping should not be used as a definitive diagnostic tool, but rather as a guide for better understanding. If you consistently notice acne in a specific area of your face, face mapping can be useful for exploring possible health or lifestyle-related factors. However, more research is needed to validate its accuracy. So, how does face mapping work? Read on to learn more about the different types of acne and their meaning, as well as how face mapping can help improve your understanding of them.”


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Every time you experience a escape, you will probably fall down a rabbit hole trying to figure out the cause. There are a multitude of reasons why you might have acne. anywhere on your body, but face mapping is like a guide on how to better understand the source. “Face mapping uses the location of the acne on the face as a guide to indicate what the cause of the acne may be related to,” he says. Marisa Garshick, MDa board certified dermatologist in New York City.

Meet our experts: Marisa Garshick, MDboard-certified dermatologist and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Cornell New York-Presbyterian Medical Center, vanessa coppolaesthetician and owner of Bare Aesthetic

To be clear, face mapping isn’t foolproof because there’s very little evidence to support it, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a useful tool. “Face mapping offers a fun and useful graph that can provide guidance for further investigation, but it is by no means a definitive guide and should not be used for diagnosis,” he says. vanessa coppola, esthetician and owner of Bare Aesthetic. “If you tend to notice a consistent pattern of breakouts in one area of ​​the face, face mapping can be useful to dig deeper into health or lifestyle habits. However, more research is needed in this area to explore its validity.”

So how exactly does face mapping work? Read on for all the details, along with a full breakdown of the different types of acne and what they mean.

What does the location of my break mean?

There are a number of reasons why you may experience breakouts in a certain location, but face mapping can help narrow down what can be done to improve your acne. Here’s a section-by-section summary of what it all means.

forehead and nose

The forehead and nose are more commonly known as the T-Zone. It’s a common breakout area that, for many people, is linked to oiliness due to the number of glands in the area. “The forehead and nose, according to traditional Chinese medicine, are linked to the liver and the digestive system,” says Coppola. If you encounter a new flare-up in this area, she recommends taking note of how much water and alcohol you’ve been consuming or if there’s any underlying liver condition, as it’s the organ responsible for detoxifying your body.


If you’re someone who regularly grooms their brows, chances are you know what it’s like to experience a breakout after grooming. “This can be related to hair care products, certain types of facial makeup, or ingrown hairs. Especially in the context of tweezing or waxing,” says Dr. Garshick..

That’s not to say there aren’t other reasons behind brow breakouts. “Frowning is usually related to stress and lack of sleep,” adds Coppola. “A disruption in your sleep habits can cause a rise in cortisol and other stress hormones, which can increase sebum in the area.” It’s also worth noting that your eyebrows are part of your T-Zone, so it wouldn’t be surprising if there was an increase in oil production near that area.


If you tend to use a lot of hair gel or hairspray near your hairline, there’s a chance you’ll experience some breakouts, especially if you have sensitive skin. This can also be due to your shampoo or conditioner, says Coppola.

These types of acne breakouts can also stem from sweat during a workout, so to avoid sweat-related acne near your hairline, try showering and washing your hair immediately after hitting the gym.

Like the rest of the forehead area, the hairline can break due to stress or poor sleep hygiene. In this case, Coppola recommends taking a stress inventory and incorporating meditative exercises into your routine more frequently.

chin and jaw

It is quite common for the chin and jaw to flare up due to hormonal imbalances. “An increase or increase in hormonal imbalances can lead to increased inflammation which, in turn, can lead to increased breakouts in this area,” says Coppola. She adds that this may be the case more for people with PCOS or menopause. If you’re concerned that your hormones are causing excessive acne, contact your medical provider to discuss your options.


It may be an afterthought, but your face comes into contact with a number of different surfaces that can cause breakouts. When was the last time you washed your makeup brushes? How often do you change your pillowcase? How many times has your phone touched your face today? These are just a few questions that may arise when thinking about the amount of dirt your face is exposed to on a daily basis.

Acne on the cheeks can also be caused by problems in the stomach, liver and pancreas or organs related to digestion. “Disturbations to the digestive system or gut microbiome can lead to a cheek flare,” says Coppola. “This may be a clue to investigate your diet, any foods you may be sensitive to, as well as long-term use of medications that can disrupt healthy gut bacteria, such as antibiotics that disrupt gut health.”

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What are the different types of breakouts and how can I treat them?

  • Black spots: black spots They occur when a hair follicle is clogged with dead skin cells and oil. It gets its color from the opening in the surface that is oxidized. These are best treated with ingredients such as “retinoids, a derivative of vitamin A and salicylic acida beta-hydroxy acid,” says Dr. Garshick. Add that you can also use a physical exfoliant or do a chemical peel in the office.
  • White heads: The difference between a black dot and a White Point is that a whitehead does not have a small opening. Therefore, fat and dead skin do not oxidize, giving it a white appearance. You can use the same types of ingredients to treat blackheads as you can to treat whiteheads, says Dr. Garshick. Ideally, you should do what you can to help unclog the pores.
  • Papules: If you were asked to imagine what a pimple looks like, you would most likely imagine papules. These are round, red bumps that form from clogged pores, inflammation, and bacteria, says Dr. Garshick.. “To help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation, people with papules are often advised to use anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents such as benzoyl peroxide and sulfur.” If available, you can also go to your dermatologist for blue light therapy.
  • Pustules: A good visual example of what pustules look like is folliculitis, although it can present as acne. These normally appear as red bumps with pus in the middle, as they belong to a subcategory of inflammatory acne. Pustules that occur in the context of acne vulgaris can often be treated in a similar way to papules,” says Dr. Garshick.. “In addition to retinoids, it may be helpful to incorporate benzoyl peroxide, topical or oral antibiotics, or isotretinoin, depending on the extent and severity.” If you’re addicted to picking at your blemishes, she recommends applying a pimple patch.
  • Nodular acne: Acne that forms under the skin as firm bumps is defined as nodular acne. Sometimes they are skin colored, other times they are red if there is any inflammation, and sometimes it is tender. “These tend to be larger than traditional papules and often require systemic treatment with oral medications such as antibiotics, oral contraceptive pills, spironolactone, or isotretinoin,” says Dr. Garshick. “Although breakouts may go deeper, topical medications are still important, including retinoids and benzoyl peroxide to prevent breakouts from forming.” If your nodular acne is causing scarring, he suggests using a retinoid. He may also talk to his dermatologist about getting cortisone injections to help reduce inflammation.
  • Cystic acne: Similar to nodular acne, cystic acne it is also deeper into the skin, but is often softer than nodules because they are filled with keratin or pus. Much of cystic acne comes from hormones, but there are ways to treat it. Garshick recommends retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, and birth control.

The Ultimate Takeaway

Face mapping can definitely be used to help you formulate a hypothesis about the cause of your acne, but if you really aren’t sure what’s causing your acne, it’s always a good practice to contact a dermatologist and schedule a consultation to properly identify the cause. type of acne. acne you have and the best way to treat it.

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Sabrina is an Editorial Assistant for Women’s Health. When she’s not writing, you can find her running, training in mixed martial arts, or reading.