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You Won’t Believe Why Being Single in Summer Makes Me Feel So Lonely!

Title: Embracing Solitude: A Guide for a Fulfilling Summer


As the anticipation for Hot Girl Summer grows, with its promise of carefree and romantic adventures, it’s important to recognize that this season may not be all sunshine and rainbows for everyone. For those who often feel a sense of loneliness during the summer months, it can be a challenging time filled with introspection and a longing for meaningful connections. In this article, we explore the insights of expert psychologist and psychotherapist Francesca Moresi, who sheds light on navigating loneliness and finding solace in one’s own company. Discover how to transform a potentially isolating period into an opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and building new connections.

Cultivating Self-Relationship: The Key to Enjoying Solitude:

Moresi emphasizes the significance of developing a strong relationship with oneself as a foundation for enjoying solitude. Often, the discomfort of being alone stems from a lack of self-acceptance and self-appreciation. By focusing on cultivating self-love, respect, and acceptance, individuals can transform their own company into a source of comfort and joy. Reflecting on societal narratives and past experiences that may have influenced negative perceptions of singlehood can also be empowering, allowing individuals to challenge limiting beliefs and embrace the beauty of solitude.

Taking Yourself on a Date: Unleashing the Joy of Self-Treats:

Treating oneself as a cherished date is a powerful practice that encourages self-discovery and self-compassion. Moresi suggests planning activities and experiences that bring joy and fulfillment, similar to what one would do for a romantic partner. By showing curiosity towards one’s own thoughts and feelings, individuals can create an environment of self-care and establish themselves as their best company. This practice not only bolsters self-esteem but also helps individuals discover their true desires and needs, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Stepping Out of Comfort Zones: Expanding Social Circles:

While solitude can be rewarding, it’s also important to explore opportunities for socializing and building connections. Moresi advises individuals to step out of their comfort zones and engage in activities or join groups that align with their interests. Whether it’s a group tour, a new fitness class, or utilizing social platforms like Meetup or Bumble BFF, these avenues provide a chance to meet like-minded individuals facing similar circumstances. By connecting with others who share commonalities, a supportive network can be fostered, alleviating feelings of loneliness and providing a sense of camaraderie.

Prioritizing Well-being: Crafting a Personal Care Routine:

Taking care of one’s well-being is paramount when experiencing loneliness. Moresi highlights the importance of creating a personalized self-care routine that caters to individual needs and desires. This can include various elements like spending time with loved ones, engaging in physical activities, immersing oneself in nature, or indulging in pampering rituals like bubble baths. Prioritizing self-care helps individuals replenish their emotional reservoirs, foster resilience, and maintain a positive mindset.

Harnessing the Power of Meditation: Tapping into Inner Strength:

Loneliness can be managed through the practice of meditation, specifically Loving-Kindness Meditation. This technique fosters self-acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness, promoting positive emotions and releasing any lingering resentments. Research suggests that meditation enhances emotional self-awareness and equips individuals with the tools to recognize, accept, and manage their emotions effectively. By developing a regular meditation practice, individuals can establish a deep connection with their inner selves, creating a sense of peace and contentment.

When to Seek Professional Help: Healing with Therapy:

If feelings of loneliness persist and significantly impact mental well-being, seeking professional help is essential. Moresi emphasizes the value of therapy in understanding the root causes of loneliness and navigating the healing process. By acknowledging and expressing emotions freely in a therapeutic setting, individuals can break free from dysfunctional patterns and develop strategies for creating meaningful connections. Therapy provides a safe space for personal growth and transformation, empowering individuals to overcome loneliness and embrace a fulfilling life.


While Hot Girl Summer may be celebrated as a time of no-strings-attached fun, it’s essential to acknowledge the range of experiences individuals may have during this season. Francesca Moresi provides valuable insights on navigating and harnessing the potential of solitude. By cultivating a strong relationship with oneself, stepping out of comfort zones, prioritizing self-care, delving into meditation, and seeking professional help when needed, individuals can transform loneliness into a period of self-discovery, personal growth, and meaningful connections. Embracing solitude can truly unlock the path to fulfillment and inner strength.


Francesca Moresi, a psychologist and psychotherapist, offers valuable insights on embracing solitude and navigating loneliness during the summer months. Cultivating a strong relationship with oneself is crucial and entails self-love, acceptance, and the ability to enjoy one’s own company. Additionally, stepping out of comfort zones, building new connections, prioritizing well-being, and practicing meditation are effective strategies to combat feelings of loneliness. Seeking therapy is recommended for individuals whose loneliness significantly impacts their mental well-being. Embracing solitude can be a transformative journey, leading to personal growth, self-discovery, and meaningful connections.


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The expert: Francesca Moresipsychologist and psychotherapist

women's health group

Hot Girl Summer: The antithesis of wife season and what is widely considered the apex of the year for the romantically no strings attached – is close at hand (although, you might not believe it based on the weird and…wet weather we’ve been having lately).

It’s a window of time metaphorically reserved for women, particularly single women, to embark on a summer loaded with unapologetic fun and nonsense without worrying about civil status. But while the sentiment appeals to some, for others, summer can be overwhelmingly lonely.

Friends as couples embark on romantic getaways and families spend sunny days at the park with their children, so for some it can be an eerily quiet time. We asked Francesca Moresipsychologist and psychotherapist, how to approach the summer if, like many, the season often leaves you feeling lonely.

What can I do to feel less alone in summer?

Loneliness it can be extremely difficult to navigate. But it also presents opportunities, according to Moresi. ‘The first is the opportunity to cultivate a relationship with yourself, and the other is to push the boundaries of your comfort zone and explore something new.’

Being single, she says, is underrated, but it’s hard to find the pleasure in being alone if you don’t enjoy your own company. “It’s hard to be in the company of someone you don’t like, it’s as simple as that: whether it’s someone else or you, it doesn’t make any difference, we just want to be with someone we like.” love, respect, appreciate and accept’, says Moresi.

“Unfortunately, we don’t often feel that way about ourselves and it makes our own company quite uncomfortable, therefore we feel lonely because we don’t find good company in ourselves.”

“We feel lonely because we don’t find good company in ourselves.”

You may also not enjoy being single much because of the limiting narratives and beliefs you may have been exposed to growing up. ‘For example: that being single is sad, if you’re alone you feel lonely, if you’re alone you’re a loser, singles are lonely because nobody wants them, or because they have no other choice, and so on. ‘, Moresi says.

She recommends reflecting on the stories you heard about Single woman throughout his youth (and beyond), and in his own experiences as one. ‘What is your experience of being alone? How do you feel when you are in your own company? Do you happen to hang out with people you don’t like to avoid being lonely?’ he offers.

‘Being alone can be quite exquisite; that’s when we give ourselves the opportunity to really realize how we feel, to be more aware of who we are and what we need and want. It is when we are alone that we can get to know ourselves and explore who we really are, find the truth about ourselves. Does it intrigue you? Or does it scare you?

“It is when we are alone that we can get to know ourselves and explore who we really are”

Of course, cultivating a relationship with ourselves is by no means a quick fix to becoming more comfortable with being single. But if it’s something he’s committed to, Moresi has a few suggestions to get you started on your journey this summer.

“You could start by going on a date with yourself,” she says. “Treat yourself like you would a date: consider what you might plan for them, what would make them feel special, and see what happens. Be curious about yourself, cultivate an interest in your feelings and your thoughts, treat yourself delicately, as you would with other people. This is how you become the best company you could wish for.’

Moresi also recommends using this time to put yourself out there, get out of your comfort zone, and build new connections with people who may be in similar circumstances to you and have shared interests. ‘Try doing something completely new, like joining an organized group tour. could be a Safari or a yoga retreatif you feel adventurous.

If a vacation is too extravagant or not to your liking, start by attending a group class, such as pilates or pottery. ‘Meet up it’s a brilliant platform where you can find all kinds of activities and interests; that would be a gentler way to start stretching your comfort zone.’

You can also join Bumble BFF, the friendship equivalent of a dating app, to connect with like-minded people, or even ask your friends to put you in touch with their friends with whom you may have things in common.

It’s important, Moresi says, to prioritize your well-being when navigating something as challenging as loneliness. She recommends creating a solid personal care routine – however it manifests itself for you.

‘Self-care means many different things: time for yourself; time with your friends, family or pet; healthy food; sport; time in the sun; to bubble bath; time in nature; get dressed; early nights; go out and have fun. We all need different things at different times and the key is to listen to your needs.’

Meditation can be key to managing loneliness

She also recommends meditation to manage feelings of loneliness. ‘Research shows that it helps us recognize, accept and manage our emotions. There is one meditation in particular, called the Loving-Kindness Meditation, which encourages an attitude of acceptance and compassion with yourself and others. Conveys feelings of generosity, kindness, forgiveness and love; it helps us cultivate positive feelings and let go of old grudges.’

If you are having difficulty coping with feelings of loneliness and it is affecting your mental well-being, it is important to seek help. Talk to your GP if this is the case and if available to you, consider therapy. “A therapist can help you understand the root causes and support you in your healing process,” Moresi says.

“The therapy room will give you the opportunity to fully acknowledge and express your emotions, and to break any dysfunctional patterns you may feel stuck with.”