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Young man comes out as gay to his traditional Asian parents l What Would You Do?

Asian parents tell their son that he is an embarrassment to their culture for being gay. What will nearby diners say?


45 thoughts on “Young man comes out as gay to his traditional Asian parents l What Would You Do?”

  1. That old man saying the boy needed counseling and seeing a pastor absolutely made me sick! What a retarded man! Your religion does not prohibit him from doing anything! It prohibits YOU! Learn the difference!

  2. This skit angers me so much! This skit is a horrible example for someone who is about come out to traditionalist parents!
    Choose a private place. Make sure that they are calm at the moment. Don't rush them. You're already setting yourself to fail if you do it in a restaurant

  3. I think people forget It's not necessary to come out to your parents. I have a very fulfilling life with my wife and as a bi man it's just never something I feel I've ever needed to bring up to them. They disagree with things and I know they do but some things you just have to accept. At least they are around.

  4. I find it hilarious, ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS, that the parents claim it's "not in our culture". I know the commies wiped out a lot of traditional Chinese culture, but we have PLENTY of same sex relationships in our literature. We even have it on record that certain lords/kingdom monarchs had same sex lovers. The guy who cut his sleeve off because he had to go to work while his lover was sleeping on it? GAY. The guy called龍陽君? GAY. I'm no literature specialist and even I know that. It's gender that we are really rigid about. Have their kid come out trans? All hell WILL break loose.

  5. Homosexuality Beautiful.
    LGBT Is Beautiful.

    If People Say Otherwise, Ignore Them Cuase They Don't Know Better. They Don't What You Been Through.

    Love is Love.

    Spread Love Not Hate.

    Good Night.


  6. I didn't know there is a stigma in the US that Asians are intolerant of homosexuality. I feel offended as an Asian in an Asian country.

  7. Ain’t no way y’all using god as an excuse to be hateful. Mind you, ur whole religion was only made cuz a lady got pregnant cuz she cheated and made the religion just to cover it up. ALSO she was like 13. Not a very good look

  8. That old guy makes my blood boil 😡😡.
    "I don't believe that, it's an environmental thing"
    "Seek counselling, they can fix the problem"
    What an absolute load of BS

  9. My cousin came out to his parents a while back and they didn't take it that well, but eventually they accepted him. He's getting marry soon to his partner. I also had another cousin who's hasn't come out yet to his parents, and I kinda see why because my aunt and uncle had a reputation to hold ,a figure to the Hmong community, so yeah. I hope one day he can tell his parents and they accept him 😞

  10. Me trying not to cry. I'm Asian who is openly bisexual, but my parents are both white because I'm adopted, and they support me. If I had two Asian parents, it could've been a different story.

  11. Why do parents always say how much they "sacrificed" for the kid ? they had a kid. they made the decision to be parents. they decided to "sacrifice" for the kid. it has nothing to do with the kid.

  12. My Asian family
    19 yr old Me: I’m lesbian
    My mum: we already knew you dress more like a boy then your brother
    My dad: and we are fine with it since you already started studying medicine but if you stop it’s not okay
    This was legitimately how the conversation went I was shocked people weren’t kidding when they say Asian parents know everything

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