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“Your forehead has abs” 💀💀 #reactionvids #funnycomments #parenting #kidsbelike


45 thoughts on ““Your forehead has abs” 💀💀 #reactionvids #funnycomments #parenting #kidsbelike”

  1. On that last one: I told a girl she can get into advertising considering the size of your forehead, similarly I was arguing with another girl and told her I can see my reflection on her forehead (I was a menace as a kid over the smallest stuff)

  2. 😂This the crap that upsets me. My 16yr daughter once asked me when she was 11, "Mommy sometimes I wonder what did you guys have when you were little. Did electricity exist then?" Or my other daughter who is 14 but at 8yrs old she wanted to know did I ever get to pet a dinosaur. The "Really MF!??!" looks I gave to them made them walk away.
    I'm a late '70s baby for goodness sakes

  3. Nope !! It's called I will knock the wind out your lungs. And if they complain then u don't do nothing else for them. And if my wallet is sad then u gonna be beat . Then u gonna be sad.

  4. How messed up is that kids life where they're already going to therapy. Like what you need talk about finger painting and nap time?. That long division kicking your tail? Recess isn't long enough? Mom made last year Halloween costume at home and everybody teased you? Like wtf?😂

  5. There's one she didn't read above the Jellybean comment that says, "My niece told me. 'I wanna be just like you when I grow up. No kids, no husband, no nothing." 😭

    My 10-year-old kid and I roast each other often, but the shit he says lowkey hurts my feelings sometimes 😭

  6. Okay so I'm not mean but I'm autistic and don't have much of a filter. I'm 18 so I have a pretty good understanding of when to shut up and what's rude and how to de-escalate a situation, but it wasn't like that when I was a kid so I'd say some very out of pocket things.

    1: my dad shaved his facial hair (he normally sported a mustache, a soul patch (ewww), and a beard). I was like 7 and said that he had a family guy chin. My dad's a big guy, he was bigger when I was a kid so I was effectively calling him fat and comparing him to Peter Griffin. Not to make fun of him or anything but because I thought it was funny. In hindsight, it still is lol.

    2: another one that I feel worse about bc he's a little insecure about it is when I was around 7 and sad that my dad had Dumbo ears. Once again, wasn't trying to be mean, but I cringe and laugh thinking about it bc if my own kid said that to me I wouldn't know how to react 💀💀💀

    3: when I was 8 I also just straight up told a kid "I don't know why you're talking to me, I can't stand you/I don't like you" effective communication but damn. It was right in front of my mom too lmao.

    Kids say the funniest things honestly, I try not to take it too seriously since they're new here.

  7. As funny as it says to answer your question, kids are exposed to tweets and comments like this all the time and it gives them ideas plus with what they’re putting in cartoons yeah

  8. A guy at work has some awesome daughters. When the oldest was 4 she was in the hallway when her Dad came out of the bathroom. She stood in doorway and said "Toilet? Are you okay?" He was doubled over laughing when he told me😂

  9. I was teaching my then 5 yr old daughter how to bathe herself. I said you have to make sure all the soap is out of your “personal area” or it will burn. She asked if fire would l come out.😂

  10. i mean it would be shocking to see someone who was born premature and then they become larger than the average person like you were born nothing where did all that person come from you were barley a person yourself 😭

  11. Never in my life have I ever flown first class. Idk if I ever will. And if I ever have kids, I don’t care how much money I have, I’m raising my kids to be humble. Meaning, no huge house, no first class, no fancy anything. We gonna live poor so they can appreciate the value of a dollar. Oh and they’re going to get a job at 15, and start saving young.

  12. My little cousin told me that I have hair on my chin like grandaddy 😩😂. I already knew that, but dang she didn’t have to bust me out like that lol. I’m now getting laser hair removal cause never again lol

  13. When my cousin was a baby, she started petting my arm while I was holding her watching tv and she said, "Winwin, I LOVE your FUR! 😃" and I had to be like, "Thank you, baby" because I'm trying to teach body positivity.

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