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Your site needs more than a single user onboarding experience

Lots of data-driven startups they have found that having a single user onboarding experience can ultimately make or break them. This is what I call the single onboarding misconception.

Take Twitter as a prime example of a company that has invested countless resources in refining their onboarding flow to be unique for each user.

Upon registration, the site asks the new user to select the people they are interested in following. Right away, they can have a rich font that suits their tastes. This is no different for any other B2C or B2B startup.

If you’re just getting started, customizing your onboarding experiences shouldn’t be a top priority, but there are several low-elevation items that can be implemented initially. I’ll describe how to think about the type of data needed to make the embedding unique, and share some examples of how I’ve implemented it myself.

It all starts during the acquisition.

Experience has convinced me that without a multi-path onboarding experience, new businesses cannot reach their full potential. Recently, I came across several fintech cryptocurrency exchanges that ask for the “Experience Level” of a client with cryptocurrencies. What I haven’t seen as prominently is a personalized experience based on the answer to this question.

Initial data collected during acquisition via a lead form or during product registration will help drive a multi-onboarding experience. During my time with the Coinbase growth team, many of our lifecycle email and push campaigns were designed to be triggered based on user behavior. While this wasn’t a fully personalized experience, we made sure to tailor our communications based on user behaviors in the app.

If a user were an advanced trader (if they had a large trading volume, for example), we would send them emails about more advanced ETH staking, liquidity pools, and cryptocurrency investing stocks.

When thinking about the type of data needed to group users on a specific journey, ask yourself this essential question:

What are my consumer characters?

Based on the response you receive to this question, you’ll be able to determine which questions are needed to help you segment users during their onboarding. Some of the fundamental variables that should be included from the beginning are:

  • personal attributes
  • Previous experiences
  • use cases
  • Goals

Each startup should have its own unique style of questions to ask, but if you’re stuck, select from the list of examples provided above to get started. Ultimately this will shed light on the question of which customer profile you are acquiring.


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