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You’re using ChatGPT wrong

You’re using #ChatGPT wrong but it’s not your fault. In this video, we dive into the top 5 mistakes users make with ChatGPT and …

38 thoughts on “You’re using ChatGPT wrong”

  1. Hi Jeff: You by far are the best YouTuber I have come across that is a great presenter and extremely funny. I know I’m not your target audience, but I’m sure there are Gen X women like me that appreciate your content. 😊

  2. All those AI enthusiasts thinking they're AI engineers on Youtube will go mad while watching this vid 🤣
    They want to do content so much about AI that they're giving weird and shady advices about it. People need to be careful about this.

  3. This is such a nice video. The one thing that I was not able to follow here or may be you can help us with is – how do I add both images and text together in Facebook (for example).

  4. Hi Jeff, thanks for this video it's very insightful. I was wondering what you had on your own custom instructions on how you would like ChatGPT to respond, I liked the first three things you had listed and wondering what else you personally had on there. Cheers!

  5. Jeff Su is now my favorite YouTuber!!! Straight to the point and makes it entertaining!! Escpeacially when stuff is complicated he makes it easy to understand! And funny!

  6. Chatgpt keeps giving the error message "this conversation is too long please start a new one." I dont want to start a new thread because i will lose context as chatgpt doesnt remember info from previous conversations so how do I fix/get rid of this error message?

    Also is this a new update that chatgpt has recently created? because ive been using it for over a year now and no matter how long the conversation got the error message never popped up before

  7. I haven't used the custom instructions on chat GP. T, but I do use the memory function to teach it about myself. I find the Memory function does not affect any kind of output results.

  8. my chatgpt interface does not look like this at all. Also, my Google Sheets doesn't have buttons for "accessibility" or "custom tools"

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