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Youth Referees Say Angry Parents Make Their Jobs Undesirable

These referees want to make sure that their game is still fun. Charlie Tygard is a youth basketball coach and says he wishes some parents would realize that teaching kids the fundamentals of the game is more important than winning. Unfortunately, he says he’s been confronted by angry moms and dads over calls he’s made on the court. Donovan Smith is a student athlete and a referee who has also faced off with competitive parents. Inside Edition Digital’s Mara Montalbano has more.

38 thoughts on “Youth Referees Say Angry Parents Make Their Jobs Undesirable”

  1. I have been reffing for over 5 years. I’ve had to end games early because of angry parents and coaches. Nearly fought a few of them along the way. They need to chill. Their team/kid probably sucks anyways

  2. Well parents think it's a blood sport not a game. I see titles like this and I think, remember Sill in the Soprano's "blow that whistle one more time and I'ma stick it in your…" They get a little far into a simple kids game. "Kids" being the key word here, not parents.

  3. My brother plays Basketball and my parents just say GUARD HIM GET ON HIM and other stuff but they never like be rude and stuff they tell the other team good job and they good try next time

  4. When me and my friends were 17 we would umpire little league baseball and we would have parents scream at us curse at us and on one occation a dad ran on to the feild and hit my friend who was 16 at the time.

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