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23 Dads Who Have Nailed Parenting 2023 | Funny Dads & Babies

These 23 dads have dominated parenting. From cute, heartwarming to funny moments, these fathers have the best bonds with their kids. Being a parent is no easy job, you’ve always got to have some fun along the way.

Which one of these funny father moments did you like?

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31 thoughts on “23 Dads Who Have Nailed Parenting 2023 | Funny Dads & Babies”

  1. Loved every single one. The last one kinda ruined it. It’s not okay for kids to tell their parents to shut up no matter what their age. If you don’t stop it now, good luck in the future.

  2. Can't stand the dad who didn't try to figure out why his daughter was crying & comfort her. He just wanted to avoid dealing with it. Their is a time for distraction & a time to comfort

  3. To all the women everywhere all the mothers and wives may you hold onto the father's of your children and not fall in the trap of thinking less of them they are and will always be the other half of your precious babies and if you do go your separate ways don't be a wall between them. Ameen

  4. The one who has left the baby on a chest of drawer hasn't nailed parenting. He was just lucky he had time to save his baby from a perfectly avoidable domestic accident.

  5. Imagine that little girl's dad's reaction when she got older and have boyfriend

    Dad: you have a boyfriend?
    Daughter: yes.
    Dad: Nooooooooo!!!


  6. Loved all of them apart from the last one where mum is encouraging the girl to tell her dad to, “shut up” and they all laugh!!! Sooo NOT funny!!😮🤷🏽‍♀️where is that a father nailing parenting???🧐🤨👎🏾

  7. Why do we always have to glorify fathers in these videos. I guess the Mothers are just not as fun????? Just another way of forgetting about what Mothers do amd making it all about the man.

  8. I’m on the fence about the crying game vids. If know your kiddo is crying for a non-emergent reason then distracting them with a game is appropriate. But even toddlers and preschoolers want their feelings to be validated, so I worry that the dad may be making his girls feel like he’s just going to turn every time they cry into that game, or maybe that he’s making fun of them, ya know? Filming them probably doesn’t help either.

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