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Apple’s controversial iPad ad sparks debate about creativity and the impact of AI – Bill Harper

Apple is under fire for its recent iPad commercial, which shows the new product crushing creative tools like musical instruments. Join us for the latest episode of The small business spectacle Explaining in more detail the outrage and the lessons that other brands can leave behind is Bill Harper, CEO and creative director of BrandBossHQ.

Key takeaways

1. Apple’s commercial was intended to show the power and versatility of the iPad by “crushing” traditional creative tools like musical instruments and art supplies. However, the silence that followed the crushing images led viewers to feel that it symbolized the end of creativity rather than its advancement. Existing concerns about the impact of AI and technology on creativity and individuality intensified the backlash.

2. Harper noted that while Apple’s strategy to highlight the compact but powerful nature of the iPad was successful, the execution fell flat. The decision to visually destroy traditional creative tools sent an unintended message. The commercial might have been better received if it had used a different approach, such as demonstrating the capabilities of the iPad without implying the obsolescence of other creative tools.

3. Additionally, Harper emphasized that brands shouldn’t shy away from bold ideas, even if they risk backlash. She suggested that Apple may have overreacted by pulling the ad and apologizing. Instead, she recommended that brands stick to their creative choices, engage in dialogue with their audience, and use positive or negative advertising to their advantage.

4. The situation provided valuable lessons for other brands. Harper advised companies to anticipate expected and unexpected reactions to their campaigns and proactively manage the resulting conversation. She stressed the importance of being part of the debate rather than withdrawing from it, turning potential mistakes into opportunities for participation.

5. Overall, Harper outlined the typical process behind creating and approving marketing campaigns, which involves a combination of creative, strategic and customer input. She recognized that while it is easy to criticize from the outside, decisions are made based on collective ideas and goals. Despite the challenges, she stressed the importance of trusting the creative process and preparing for a varied public reception.

“Apple has achieved something that it didn’t necessarily anticipate, which is to say, it’s the talk of the town. And so, whether or not it’s a good thing or a bad thing, you have to admit that Apple is now on everyone’s tongue everywhere. ” —Bill Harper

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