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Being Present In Your Grandchildrens Lives | Intentional Grandparenting

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25 thoughts on “Being Present In Your Grandchildrens Lives | Intentional Grandparenting”

  1. June is just too cute! From a granddaughter who’s grandmother passed this year… I can second that the relationship of an intentional grandparent is my most treasured and precious gift in this life.

    My grandmother was known for giving the shirt off her back. If you liked it.. it was yours. At her funeral, I shared that yes ..the PRESENTS were fun.. but her PRESENCE was priceless. She showed up. ALWAYS.

    Amazing message, Tracy! Xoxoxoxox

  2. You are such an inspiration. What a positive message to share and a wonderful, gentle reminder. Your sweet granddaughter is so precious, I was smiling at my screen haha. May God bless your growing family. Thank you for all your content.

  3. Oh what a dear little girl June is.
    I play a big part in my 4 year old and 18 month old grandson’s lives. I have looked after both from just a few months of age. Their mom and dad both work. I enjoy every single moment as I know it’s such a short time. We have so much fun. Hopefully I will remain a part of their lives when they are older, although I realise it will be to a lesser extent.

  4. I have been a 2-3 day/week part of my 10 month old grandsons childcare for 2 months now and I love it and take my input in his life seriously as you do with June. My son has expressed desire to limit his TV exposure so I play assorted music instead during his bottles, meals or playtime. We take walks even in cold weather and I sing to or talk to him about the things we hear and see during those walks. We go out into his backyard and “say hello” to the ducks that live in the adjoining backyard. I look forward to having him over my house during “my” babysitting days. Was wondering at what age you started watching June at your house?

  5. I love it! I can’t wait to be a grandma! ❤ You are right, nothing can take the place of time well spent, play, and interaction! They will always remember this!! Enjoy and congrats on your soon to be new grandson! You will be busy!!! I love watching this age, by the way. They pick up so fast! She’s adorable! Excellent toys, too! I use that Piggy bank all the time in my speech therapy sessions with little ones! You will have to check out the Critter clinic,btw!!! A fan fave among toddlers!

  6. Hello Tracy! Thank you for sharing this wonderful point of view.
    I have a 3 year old son and live far away from mine and my husbands family. Out of all grandparents, we have only one that is “hands on”. And that is my mother. And it really shows. I cached my son playing with his airplanes and saying how he will sit next to the window, fasten a seatbelt, and pilot will fly the plain where his nana (grandma) will wait for him. And this is a beautiful thing. All his grandparents loves him very much, they buy him gifts, they shower him in kisses, but he wants nana who is playing with him. My mum is someone who is also “forcing” him to eat veggies, brush his teeth, clean the mess, but she is still his favorite.

  7. I love watching you interact with June on YouTube and IG. I have a baby 6 weeks younger than June and also on Lovevery so I enjoy the preview of the fun we’ll be receiving 😊

  8. Your granddaughter is so precious god bless her ❤Tracy I appreciate your videos so much. You don’t know how many times I go back to review them for reference. I did have a question. Me and my husband have 8 grandkids, love them so much. But one daughter that has the 3, her in laws are always around meaning they just show up at the house, even not calling. Which I believe you just can’t do that, grown kids need their privacy. My son in law just doesn’t see that, They come from a lot of money. We feel that our grandkids are being bought to say. they buy them stuff constantly and take them out to buy stuff. We just can’t do that. But like you said in the video we are being present in their lives. But How do we compete the other grandparents? It really bothers me I’m not jealous. But sometimes wish we could get more for them. Thank you ❤

  9. Another beautiful video, Tracy, full of such love & wisdom. Thank you for highlighting what an important role grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren. ❤❤❤

  10. Another home run video,Tracy! Ditto on importance of being present. I’m over the moon about my grandson and have a second coming in a couple weeks. Congrats to you for the new one coming in May!🎉 Loving this new season of life. Keep sharing this great info people need to hear! 👍👍

  11. I just love little June! She is seriously so cute!!! A really cute pretty little girl🎀 And she seems exceptionally bright and smart! And her little voice too adorable.
    I enjoyed seeing June making valentine cookies with you on your IG stories.. it was super cute!🍪


  12. Sweetness overload ❤. Once a month I have my 7 year old granddaughter over for a sleepover we’ve done since she was a baby. She packs a few toys and a favourite book she likes to share with me. We bake, make pizza , do art, read, walking adventures…it’s the greatest thing in life!

  13. Grandchildren are one of God’s greatest blessings! I think my grandkids would come live with me if they could, for sure. I have always tried to support each one in whatever they do from baseball, gymnastics, dance, band, guard, to football. They love to come for the weekend and we play, go hiking, hunt butterflies and bugs, adventures to the park, movie night with snacks, games of all sorts and ice cream. It’s so heart warming when they call and say, Lovie can we come spend the weekend or the night and you know that it’s because they love you. I am expecting my 6th grandchild in August and I can hardly wait. Where you have had all girls and a granddaughter. I had all boys and my first grandchild was a boy, I currently have 3 girls and 2 boys. Of course the girls want the new baby to be a girl and the boys are hoping for a boy, so they will be tied. 😂.

  14. Tracy thanks for a great video
    I hopefully won’t be a grandma for a long time as I have teenagers but this video was very informative. As you said toddlers can’t pretend if grandparents don’t come around them-they won’t run to them
    Unfortunately for my kids-the grandparents that were involved in their lives died very young-they only have one grandparent that is still alive and he didn’t play an active role in their life. When I bring them around to visit him-they are not interested. Do you have any tips to foster a relationship with grandpa when you have older children

  15. Was it always in the plan for you to watch your grandchildren while their parents work? Will you be watching your grandson as well? You are truly blessed, as are your daughters to have you and Paul.

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