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Boohoo cryme graph | Financial Times

The Boohoo line has increased:

Shares of Boohoo jumped as much as 12% on Tuesday as the fast-fashion online retailer reassured investors of its growth prospects after slumping to a one-year loss.

Unfortunately, even the teardrop livery dealer decided its yearly results were a good opportunity to commit card crimes:

On page six of his Presentation of FY23 results (which happens to be about a third of the images of several glowing women and a glowing man) is this clanger:

Thanks to the magic of dataviz, you too can make it look like a 0.7 percentage point increase nearly doubled your market share! Maybe they are secretly Liberal Democrats?

We’re also intrigued by the year pick here — the results underscore three-year growth, but we’d be interested to know how that changed in between. If you happen to have this data, please get in touch…

Further reading
Smile, you’re on USD


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