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Breakthrough Deal: Islands Forum Unveils Cutting-Edge Transport Links You Won’t Believe!

Improving Connectivity for UK Islands: A Step towards Unlocking Potential

Improving Connectivity for UK Islands: A Step towards Unlocking Potential


At the third Islands Forum, held in the Western Isles at Lews Castle on Tuesday 10 October, representatives
from eligible islands from across the UK joined the Leveling Up Secretary and devolved government ministers to
discuss the physical and digital connectivity. The main focus was on the importance of investment in reliable
infrastructure and services to enable the islands to increase tourism, trade, and create more job

A New Approach: Task and Deliverables Group

The Leveling Up Secretary proposed the formation of a new “task and deliverables” group, consisting of
representatives from the UK and delegate governments and member councils. This group will analyze island
transportation connections and work towards strengthening them. The goal is to improve the connectivity of the
islands, which will facilitate economic growth and transform the potential of these areas.

  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar / Council of the Western Isles
  • Orkney Islands Council
  • Shetland Islands Council
  • Highland Council
  • North Ayrshire Council
  • Argyll & Bute Council
  • Isle of Wight Council
  • Scilly Isles Council
  • Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County Council
  • Rathlin Community and Development Association

Quotes from Leveling Up Secretary

Leveling Up Secretary Michael Gove addressed the importance of improving connectivity and shared his thoughts on
the initiative. He said:

“The islands have a lot to offer and, through the Islands Forum, the UK government is helping them to
make the most of their potential.

“The time has come to make real progress in improving connectivity and that is why we have established a
new group to take this work forward.

“We need to ensure we have a long-term strategy for our islands as part of our work to improve all parts
of the UK.”

Digital Connectivity: An Essential Aspect

The forum also recognized the need for improving digital connectivity. It was decided that further work would be
carried out to ensure better digital infrastructure, supporting the ongoing efforts of Building Digital UK in
partnership with the Scottish and Welsh governments. The aim is to provide seamless digital access across the
islands, which is crucial in today’s digital age for various sectors like education, remote working, and

Exploring Opportunities: Infrastructure Bank and Networking

Attendees had the opportunity to interact with the UK Infrastructure Bank during the forum, where they learned
about the financial and advisory services offered to local authorities. This interaction allowed participants
to gain insights and explore potential collaborations to enhance connectivity infrastructure. Networking
sessions were also held to facilitate deeper connections and exchange ideas between the attendees.

Furthermore, the delegates visited prominent locations like the Stornoway deepwater terminal and the Harland &
Wolff site at Arnish. These visits aimed to showcase the importance of these sites in the island’s key sectors,
including manufacturing, renewable energy, and tourism. It gave participants a firsthand experience of the
potential impact of infrastructure improvements on these sectors.

Future Prospects: Next Islands Forum

The next Islands Forum is scheduled to be held on Anglesey, hosted by Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County Council,
in Spring 2024. This provides a platform for ongoing discussions, collaboration, and progress towards
improving the connectivity of the UK islands.

Unlocking the Potential of UK Islands

The initiative taken by the UK government to improve connectivity for the islands is a significant step towards
unlocking their full potential. With better transportation and digital infrastructure, these islands can
capitalize on their unique offerings, boost tourism, trade, and create more job opportunities. By developing a
long-term strategy and incorporating input from various stakeholders, the UK government aims to foster
comprehensive growth across all parts of the UK.

Delving Deeper: Unique Insights and Perspectives

While the Islands Forum has set the stage for improving connectivity, it is essential to delve deeper into the
topic and understand the potential impact of such developments. Here are some unique insights and perspectives
that shed light on the subject:

1. Economic Growth and Sustainability

Enhanced connectivity opens up avenues for economic growth and sustainability. With improved transportation and
digital infrastructure, the islands can attract more investment, stimulate local businesses, and create a
favorable environment for entrepreneurship. This, in turn, leads to increased job opportunities and economic
stability for the island communities.

2. Preservation of Cultural Heritage

The UK islands are known for their rich cultural heritage and traditions. By improving connectivity, these
islands can preserve their unique identity and heritage. Visitors will have easier access to historical sites,
museums, festivals, and other cultural attractions. This not only benefits the tourism industry but also
reinforces the importance of cultural preservation.

3. Educational Opportunities

Connectivity improvements have a direct impact on educational opportunities for island residents. With better
digital infrastructure, remote learning and access to educational resources become more accessible. It allows
students to participate in online courses, collaborate with peers from different parts of the world, and
acquire skills that contribute to their personal and professional growth.

4. Environmental Sustainability

Alongside economic growth, improving connectivity also brings opportunities for environmental sustainability.
The islands can leverage their natural resources, such as renewable energy, and establish themselves as
eco-friendly destinations. By investing in green infrastructure and promoting sustainable practices, the islands
can have a positive impact on the environment while attracting environmentally conscious tourists and


The Islands Forum held in the Western Isles focused on improving the physical and digital connectivity of UK
islands. The Leveling Up Secretary proposed the formation of a new task and deliverables group to analyze island
transportation connections. The forum recognized the importance of investing in reliable infrastructure and
services to promote tourism, trade, and job creation. The UK government aims to have a long-term strategy for
the islands as part of its efforts to improve all parts of the country.

Furthermore, the forum highlighted the significance of digital connectivity and agreed on further work to be
carried out in partnership with Building Digital UK. By enhancing digital infrastructure, the islands can
facilitate education, remote working, and e-commerce. The forum also provided opportunities for interaction with
the UK Infrastructure Bank and networking among attendees to explore collaboration and deepen connections.

The next Islands Forum will be held in Spring 2024 on Anglesey, hosted by Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County
Council. This ongoing initiative aims to unlock the potential of UK islands and promote comprehensive growth,
ensuring economic prosperity, cultural preservation, educational opportunities, and environmental sustainability
for the island communities.


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At the third Islands Forum, held in the Western Isles at Lews Castle on Tuesday 10 October, representatives from eligible islands from across the UK joined the Leveling Up Secretary and devolved government ministers to discuss the physical and digital connectivity.

Recognizing the importance of investment in reliable infrastructure and services to enable the islands to increase tourism, trade and supporting jobs, the Leveling Up Secretary proposed a new “task and deliverables” group of representatives from the UK and delegate governments and member councils, to analyze island transportation. connections.

Leveling Up Secretary Michael Gove said:

“The islands have a lot to offer and, through the Islands Forum, the UK government is helping them to make the most of their potential.

“The time has come to make real progress in improving connectivity and that is why we have established a new group to take this work forward.

“We need to ensure we have a long-term strategy for our islands as part of our work to improve all parts of the UK.”

The forum also agreed that further work will be carried out to improve digital connectivity, supporting the ongoing work of Building Digital UK in partnership with the Scottish and Welsh governments.

UK government ministers attended alongside ministers from devolved governments and a senior Northern Ireland Civil Service official, and were joined by council leaders and representatives from:

  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar / Council of the Western Isles
  • Orkney Islands Council
  • Shetland Islands Council
  • Highland Council
  • North Ayrshire Council
  • Argyll & Bute Council
  • Isle of Wight Council
  • Scilly Isles Council
  • Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County Council
  • Rathlin Community and Development Association

Attendees also had the opportunity to interact with the UK Infrastructure Bank about the financial and advisory services they offer to local authorities, and attend networking sessions to deepen links. They also visited the Stornoway deepwater terminal and the Harland & Wollf site at Arnish, to understand their importance to the island’s key sectors, including manufacturing, renewable energy and tourism.

The next Islands Forum in Spring 2024 will be held on Anglesey, hosted by Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County Council.
