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SUBSCRIBE ▻ http://bit.ly/SubscribeSkyF1 Martin Brundle, Damon Hill and Simon Lazenby are joined by Captain Tom and his …
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Thank you. Great conversation once again. It will be great to get back to racing once again.
this guy is a legend…I also hope all the other old gents like Captain Tom also get some celebration.
Awesome show gents, thank you!

It was great listening to Martin and Damon’s experiences with the maestro, Ayrton Senna.
Also, all looking very dapper in your formal attire…
What a wonderful man and still so sharp at 100! Have loved your Skysports podcasts, my way of staying in touch with the F1 community of which you guys and girls are so much a part of. Keep up the great work!
Who the hell is capt’ Tom? Good on em to reach 100
What an absolute legend, happy birthday sir
This is awesome F1 is awesome
agree with Capt Tom's grandson Mclaren are the best Tom sound's like a Mclaren fan too hope he enjoys his day at the mtc awwwwh Most of the F1 team wishing him Happy birthday
F1 rock's guy's 
i totaly thought the kid was billy monger lol of all the british drivers they choose them 2 big shame
Murray walker
f1 is not same since he left
Typical… No message from "Bad Hair Plugs" Lewis Hamilton. Fake half breed Hypocrite who has Illuminati tattoo and preaches about Satanic Vegan crap. Also tells the peasants to not eat meat for Al Gores Global warming scams but still drives a race car.
Amazing, this man has truly earned his place in history as a legend & a hero, what an inspiration
If we can have fans next year at silverstone would be amazing to see Lewis drive tom around before the race with the red arrows flying overhead, what a moment that would be ?. Keep up the great content sky f1, giving me my ‘fix’ before we start racing again.
This has to be ‘the’ coolest thing on the internet right now ! Fantastic man and a true hero to us all !! Many happy returns to Cap’n Tom Moore reaching 100 ! Long may he continue ! He certainly knows his
Formula 1 – God bless you Tom !! Rxx
He should be knighted
what the F your all wearing ties
Lance just please get a hair cut.
Fantastic webcast, and congratulations to Captain Tom Moore !
Martin Brundle always talks bad about Ayrton Senna. I think he has inferiority complex.
I love that they all dressed up smartly for this! Class move for a class act! Captain Tom, what a hero!
Marcel DURAND the french Tom Moore : https://youtu.be/yD3qR8VvANE
Stroll Jr: on behalf of everyone at Racing Point
Stroll Sr: Uh Lance can I see you in my office for a second?
What a man if he's not knighted they'll be uproar from the public
What a hero Tom Moore is God bless you sir
23:23 Friendly reminder that Bellof was running an illegal car (And so was Martin lol). So even if he'd won, and Senna came in 2nd, then Senna would've been eventually declared winner.
Excellent conversation and exchange of history and fond memories. Thank you.
Who is this guy? Autoplay took me here & I'm out of the loop.
A living legend Captain Tom..Respect Sir x
His sense of humour is infectious. Arise Sir Tom!
What a fantastic ol'chap , bless him! I hope he keeps well, and if we want to keep our elders in good health please follow the social distancing rules and do what we can to keep everyone safe. The next time I see someone coming towards me the wrong way down a tesco isle im not going to politely step aside.
Unless of course its one of our elders. Good health to you colonel sir, and to all the rest of you too.
The irony of Lewis Hamilton thanking Tom, when Lewis pays his taxes we will have a properly funded NHS
"When I was watching this stuff like Formula 1 and Formula 2 were new terms".
That says everything
We will forever love you and R.I.P as im sorry that this virus has hit you during these hard times but im sure you will go to hevan and enjoy your new life there, we will never forget you, you are such a kind, welcoming man. R.IP FOREVER
Sad he just died
R. I. P. A true hero
So delighted my Bedford hero is a RACER!
Come to pay my respects to Sir Tom. May you rest in peace sir.
Never get much chance to be a hero twice but to know his knowledge on F1 amazing he knew his stuff legend Captain sir Tom thank you god bless you sir
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