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Cast your votes for the Disrupt sessions you want

In case you haven’t heard, you, yes, you TechCrunch readers have a say in programming on TechCrunch outage 2023which will take place from September 19 to 21 in San Francisco. Audience Choice voting is open now until May 17 at 11:59 pm PDT.

Last chance: Today is the last day you can get advance passes and save up to $800. buy your pass at 11:59pm PDT tonight!

You choose the programming at TechCrunch Disrupt 2023

Specifically, you help decide which of the 17 roundtables and 15 breakout sessions will earn a spot on the Disrupt agenda. The 10 speakers, in each category, who receive the most votes will present their topics on the show.

Both panel discussions and breakout sessions draw huge crowds at Disrupt, and for good reason. They focus on vital issues and issues that help increase your knowledge and grow your business. Here’s how the two formats differ:

  • Round tables: 30-minute expert-led conversations focused on fostering collaboration and creating those magical moments where you make connections and share knowledge.
  • buds: 50-minute sessions led by experts with questions and answers. These allow you to delve into ways to solve the specific challenges facing entrepreneurs.

Vote for the sessions you want in TechCrunch Disrupt 2023

Go to the polling place to see the topics, descriptions and speakers of 17 roundtables and 15 sessions (scroll or use the filters and search function). Click the arrow icon to the left of a session title to vote on it. The 10 roundtables and 10 groups that receive the most votes will earn a spot on the Disrupt agenda.

It will take a lot of votes for your favorites to disrupt, so tap into your networks of colleagues, fans, family, and friends to get the job done.

Do not entertain – voting period ends May 17 at 11:59 pm PDT.

We love you! vote here for your favorite roundtables and breakout sessions. urgent reminder: Early bird price ends today, May 12 at 11:59 pm PDT. Buy your pass now to save up to $800!

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TechCrunch Disrupt 2023? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling this form.


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