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ChatGPT’S New ‘Code Interpreter’ Shocks Everyone! (Upload Files, Edit Videos + Examples, Full Guide)

ChatGPT’S New ‘Code Interpreter’ Shocks Everyone! (Data, Visualisation, Examples, Full Guide) Exclusive Offer For VidIQ ($1 …


50 thoughts on “ChatGPT’S New ‘Code Interpreter’ Shocks Everyone! (Upload Files, Edit Videos + Examples, Full Guide)”

  1. Here in Brazil the only news i hear is that students will use Chatgpt to do their homework. The general public isnt aware of the changes that its happening. Engineers, lawyers, nutritionists, developers, everything will change.

  2. Code interpreter is shocking. But, losing your job to robots ai agents and plug-ins is unacceptable. Ai jobloss is here. So are Ai as weapons. Can we please find a way to cease Ai / GPT? Or begin pausing Ai before it’s too late?

  3. I used normal chat gpt to re do all the work for a research proposal that took 9 hours to research and get numbers for and I did all the corrections and get more done in 15 minutes than that 9 hours.

  4. I always hear about really cool additions to ChatGPT. I actually have GPT plus, but I am still quite disappointed at how slow things are being rolled out to me as a paying customer. I hear about all these cool new things on videos, but I never see them. Am I missing something? Also, as a paying customer, why am I seeing GPT 3.5? I should not even see that by now. The rest of the world has moved on from three point whatever. I love the service, and I don’t mind paying, but I can’t figure out why I am not seeing so many of the things demonstrated in these videos.

  5. Amazing, I was expecting it to interpret some code, and then it created a stupid video. Almost as confusing as a greedy closed source company calling themselves OpenAI…

  6. How do we know how accurate this really is though? Dangerous in its own way if the accuracy is not put to the test by community on multiple fronts

  7. When the plugins released (the beta ones) I thought wolfram alpha somehow was the code interpreter….I can output visuals, but not like this 😂

  8. Efficient programming will be made easier in the future.
    Programmers just tell Chatgpt the ways to accomplish a task in an efficient manner in natural language, then Chatgpt will convert to logical instructions that a computer can execute.

  9. With proper and intelligently marshaled UBI, "job loss" would NEVER be viewed as a negative. It would only mean that humans somewhere were freed to pursue something worthwhile to them at no personal loss, other than what they previously experienced subjectively before that contribution was supplanted by tech/AI.

    Free college and everything tangential to that is necessary at this point.

    I like Musk's automation tax idea. 20-50% of machine or AI profit margins ought to be taxed to support UBI and and free education. Obvi free healthcare is a given in all this. In the distant-ish future, even an 80% tax on automation/AI I believe is reasonable. If something is adopted so universally, then I'd add an additional 1%/yr tax until your thing is simply socialized.

    "Money" is a construct. What's important from a planetary perspective is the intelligent, efficient, equitable, and catalyzing allocation of resources. We ought to decide, collectively, that there's a minimum of suffering any arbitrary individual ought to experience worldwide (barring 1-5% fringe cases policy can't assist well with that we just need to accept or find other solutions to), and a minimum of opportunity to receive the resources and education necessary to do what one wants to do. There will "always" be adequate financial incentive for a sufficient number of folks to gravitate towards capitalist denand. It ought to be sustainable, too, as a corollary of valuing future humans equal to present ones. Human value is space/time invariant, bc we decide so. Imagine you woke up tomorrow as a random human on Earth. How ought the world be structured such that you'd be satisfied with the resources and opportunity available to you?

    At a certain point, if you examine the dynamics of networks, the "winner-take-all" phenomenon of them ought to be recognized and beyond some adoption inflection, it should just be socialized in order to optimize across universal benefit. You could still compensate its originators to the tune of $1B, or some sum that brokenly transcends them outside the financial matrix, but not to the point of being able to purchase swaths of politicians and whatnot.

    We have a minimum wage. Perhaps at a max wealth of $1B you just receive a trophy stating that, "Congrats, you won capitalism. Enjoy this token of your excess proceeds reinvested into uplifting humanity. Ya did it."

    We have major companies purchasing talented ppl simply to prevent competitors from having them, and then giving them nothing to do. Think about that. If your confidence in the capitalist ethos is so ironclad, then you're basically religious to me and idk where to find common ground at this point.

    UBI value equals the cost of necessities (food, shelter, clothing, transportation, education, healthcare, etc.) for you and ONE child. If you don't have a child, you're free to use that excess however you wish. Maybe it's for vacation, or to start a business, or random bs, whatev, doesn't matter. If you have more than one child, you get nothing further and are doing yourself and them a disservice if you chose to have children grossly in excess of your contribution to society. One ought never be financially incentived to have children in excess of their contribution to society, unless that society determined they wanted their population to grow, in which case they could increase UBI beyond what covers the necessities of one adult and one child.

    Regardless, back to the original topic, if our society and economy were structured properly, we would always celebrate "job loss." Obvi if in thirty years we need zero artists, zero computer programmers, and zero manual laborers, or however close to that, then it'll take a generation to cope with that and adapt to these new conditions where there's probably a bot or AI now that does what some human somewhere used to do.

    Regardless, our goals, societal parameters, and ethos ought to adapt to our new conditions and ensure that this new boon is distributed equitably and intelligently across all humans. The hamster wheel of self-preservation is simply an antiquated idea and we need to reorient our collective dynamis to reflect the opportunity and necessity of these novel conditions.

    If things become exponentially better, it's up to us to ensure they're exponentially better from a planetary perspective as well.

  10. The job loss will happen. Better ask, what the rich will do to stay in business when the consumers are breaking away. They won't give up their position. So this could end in a credit based society run by big corporations.

  11. May I make a request? Can you completely eliminate the word "honestly" from your vocabulary? You've already used it enough for a life time in your – very interesting – videos so far. Honestly!

  12. Good day. I have tested the chatGPT 3.5 & GPT 4. I am not impressed. The vast majority of the answers were wrong and others were unverifiable. Don't be scared, journalists and politicians like "buzz" in general and also like to scare people. Enjoy your life.

  13. Code interpreter is really important because it makes gpt gain lots of multimodal capabilities to do the understand 3d ,images and sounds.Yes chat gpt with code interpreter can turn words into speech without needing any other plugin. It says it cant do all the time so you need to kind of jailbreak it to make it for you and it is pretty crude but still it can do it which means the only thing that it doesnt have as multimodality aspect is interpreting videos

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