This VIVEK guy is one of the best debaters I have ever seen. In Canada we have Pierre Poilievre. Young, sharp knowledgeable and with a different approach. I see a great VP here in the only female candidate! Another person with great capabilities and knowledge.
A lot of the problem regarding jobs in China is, Americans want to be paid $30/hr while purchasing items for dirt cheap. Can't happen. That's why many companies have products made in China. Saves the company money.
Those whose battle cry is “don’t tread on me,” who claim liberty, freedom from tyranny, who claim to rise in the name of justice, forsake the very principles those ideals embody to then follow a tyrant, not the rule of law and the Constitution.
“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.”
Valid, seems a valid comparison. Seems some of the comments might not have been necessary but also seems they were trying to have a good/funny/fun filled laughable time. Vivek has similar qualities to B.Obama, Nikki had her M.T moment, each candidate had some funny statements, some solid pitch points and tried to appeal to the viewers.
Be aware Christie and other candidates this ramaswamy is playing a very dangerous game. He thinks trump will go to jail and eventually be out of the run. By praising trump he is planning to capture all his votes will turn for him eventually as he supported. Playing dirty Indian politics. This kid should be stopped
Yeah, I mean, except for the fact that Barack Obama was cribbing his line from the 1992 vice presidential debate specifically from Ross Perot's running mate. Look it up you dip shitz
Vivek was media trained. How many hours did he spend on fox news during the last few years ? I don't remember when it started, but at some point, someone at fox news decided that it was their guy
1:12 this lady is lier, because she told climate change , india is 1%of the world carbon emissions, and what about every american who used coffee cup this plastic and million of plastic waste dumped in Africa .
Ramaswamy has, in the past, called Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 “downright abhorrent” and attacked claims of a “stolen election” in his book, Nation of Victims.
"It was a dark day for democracy. The loser of the last election refused to concede the race, claimed the election was stolen, raised hundreds of millions of dollars from loyal supporters, and is considering running for executive office again,” he wrote. "I'm referring, of course, to Donald Trump."
This VIVEK guy is one of the best debaters I have ever seen. In Canada we have Pierre Poilievre. Young, sharp knowledgeable and with a different approach. I see a great VP here in the only female candidate! Another person with great capabilities and knowledge.
Vivek plagiarized Obama
y’all don’t understand anything
Christie is a complete joke!!
What's a phat guy 'experienced loser' doing on that stage?
ask a women.. that just lost her any chance of the election.. i like her.. but that finished that
Chatgpt is a revolution. It has some imperfections, but it is a huge step forward. The fat guy said it right!
Lord. So immature. Get it, Nikki!
Did Haley just admit the right has been lying about climate change for decades? Bummer.
A lot of the problem regarding jobs in China is, Americans want to be paid $30/hr while purchasing items for dirt cheap. Can't happen. That's why many companies have products made in China. Saves the company money.
Vivek won the debate. Hand up
"all these electric vehicles that he's done?". this woman is dumb as a sack of hammers.
Those whose battle cry is “don’t tread on me,” who claim liberty, freedom from tyranny, who claim to rise in the name of justice, forsake the very principles those ideals embody to then follow a tyrant, not the rule of law and the Constitution.
“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.”
– George Washington
China has more pollution than the US. Usa has more pollution than India
. India will kick you for this stupidity.
Nicki Haley is bought and paid for by defense companies. Boeing in particular
Never trust a woman. Emotional and no common sense


JOHN 3:16

That chatGPT line stole the entire show.
Valid, seems a valid comparison. Seems some of the comments might not have been necessary but also seems they were trying to have a good/funny/fun filled laughable time. Vivek has similar qualities to B.Obama, Nikki had her M.T moment, each candidate had some funny statements, some solid pitch points and tried to appeal to the viewers.
I think chrisy was right on!!!
Chris Christie is mean. He sounds like he’s still in high school and needs to grow up.
Vivek is telling you what white America wanna hear even faking a southern accent lol he surely used chatgpt and ai
Ramaswampy acts like a frat boy, not a serious candidate
Vivek proved that being the smartest and best debater is not everything
Ooh, Christie is a real tough guy!
ChatGPT is the future.
Jimmy Neutron needs to learn to be original
As a grass root effort to change the environment, minimize purchasing things made in China and India. I know it's hard, but it can be done.
I still don't get how that's an insult.. what does it even mean to sound like chat gbt
Be aware Christie and other candidates this ramaswamy is playing a very dangerous game. He thinks trump will go to jail and eventually be out of the run. By praising trump he is planning to capture all his votes will turn for him eventually as he supported. Playing dirty Indian politics. This kid should be stopped
Chris Christie should be thrown out of the GOP – he is DIGRACE to the GOP and to the ideals of the USofA.
Yeah, I mean, except for the fact that Barack Obama was cribbing his line from the 1992 vice presidential debate specifically from Ross Perot's running mate. Look it up you dip shitz
Somebody tell Chris Christie that Obama actually WON, not once but twice.
Clown show
Oh yeah Chris Krispy Donut ain't a racist at all….
Dude called him ChatGPT

Vivek is a wannabe Trump
I love Nikki. But let me say it goes " if you want talk as a woman, if you want something done ask a man". She is off
Vivek was media trained. How many hours did he spend on fox news during the last few years ? I don't remember when it started, but at some point, someone at fox news decided that it was their guy
Vivek is the epitome of Big Pharma scum!
Word for word

Christie, if he gives Vivek a hug, he might send him to the hospital.
No THANKS TO Christie.
Absolutely NOT.
Good thing Christie has a high opinion of himself because nobody i know does.
ChatGPT is pretty high praise to say just how smart VR is
Knowing what I know now. I would not have voted for Obama. Good thing I stopped voting. Best choice I made.
Ramaswamy is the only real life character, the rest are all npc
If Vivek loses and doesn't become Trump's VP. He should do what Musk did and buy a lib social network and turn it right wing. He should buy Reddit!
1:12 this lady is lier, because she told climate change , india is 1%of the world carbon emissions, and what about every american who used coffee cup this plastic and million of plastic waste dumped in Africa .
Ramaswamy has, in the past, called Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 “downright abhorrent” and attacked claims of a “stolen election” in his book, Nation of Victims.
"It was a dark day for democracy. The loser of the last election refused to concede the race, claimed the election was stolen, raised hundreds of millions of dollars from loyal supporters, and is considering running for executive office again,” he wrote. "I'm referring, of course, to Donald Trump."
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