Following the April 9 launch of his 2025 gubernatorial bid, Jack Ciattarelli has maintained the same strong pace of public appearances that has persisted since his attempt 2021 in the seat.
NJBIZ recently sat down with the Republican candidate for a wide-ranging discussion on several topics.
The following conversation is edited for length and clarity. This is the last installment of a four series of pieces. Look back at previous pieces. in the box below.
NJBIZ: You have owned a successful business. You and your family have a long legacy here as small business owners in the state. To what extent does that influence how you would approach work on a day-to-day basis? And even now, as he crisscrosses the state; How does that perspective impact the message you are carrying forward?
Ciattarelli: It means we understand it. My parents and grandparents had their own business. My parents owned a restaurant and a bar. My sister, my brother and I have been in business on our own. So we understand it. We understand. We sign the front of the paycheck. We make the payroll. So, I think that brings with it a certain level of credibility that we are business owners across the state. And that’s what i want. I want you to know that I understand and am committed to making New Jersey a better place to do business.
Beyond politics
NJBIZ: It is a moment of political madness. On a day-to-day basis, how do you navigate the heated environment, which will get even more tense during the presidential election and then as the primary race really heats up as well?
Ciattarelli: I have been on the November ballot eight times and have won seven of those elections. In each of those races, Democrats significantly outnumbered Republicans. And I won because I went everywhere. I go places other Republicans don’t go or don’t want to go. And I talk about the issues, the issues that matter to people. And when you do that, you can eliminate all the polarization and hyperpartisanship that paralyzes government today.
When people see that you own your own business; raised her family here in New Jersey; They’ve been in New Jersey for over 100 years (the Ciattarellis have), and they’re starting to miss the politics. But what they begin to see are our solutions to problems. And I think that’s what always makes the difference and will make the difference in this race.
Maybe next time drive-ins and clubs
NJBIZ: Now you are doing this Dinner tour. What will the daily campaign look like over the coming weeks and months?

Ciattarelli: It’s being in places where other New Jerseyans are. And other New Jerseyans go to restaurants every day of the week, across the state. So that will continue from day one, two weeks ago, until the elections in November 2025. And my intention is to reach every restaurant in this state. It is doable and we are on our way to achieving it.
NJBIZ: Any particular favorites? I understand if you don’t want to alienate anyone.
Ciattarelli: They’re all favorites, Matt, all over the state. They all have their own character. Everyone has their own loyal customer base. I just love it. It’s a phenomenal way to get out and interact with New Jerseyans every day.
NJBIZ: Jack, I appreciate your time and I’ll end this. What is your overall message to New Jersey residents, voters and businesses as you embark on this journey?
Ciattarelli: My job is to make people feel good about New Jersey again. The way to achieve this is to get big government out of the way; out of the way of our taxpayers; out of the way of our businesses; out of the way of our police; and out of the parents’ way. And that’s my only goal here. I don’t want to be a United States senator. I don’t want to be president. I don’t want to write a book. New Jersey is my final destination: it is my home. Always has been, always will be. And my only goal is to fix this state that we all love.