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SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/J1gfjS Red Bull’s Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen go head to head in an axe throwing challenge …
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2:43 I see why Max is still in free practice
Max is really a champion, he keeps trying till he makes it
Hahahahahahahaha! Ooo poor max
Haha go Max you can do it
Max: max what happened?

Yea I have no feet anymore
Killed me
Max’s feet:
Wait yall remember the On the Couch interview with these two… Daniel goes and I quote "Im naturally talented in other sports you're not…" I'm dying

We need this video again with Checo.
Max: Why is this thing not going in?

4:11 surprised to see the jüngvolk is still a thing but yk
not really surprising result, Dan is Australian
I am going home. Ksksksk
5:04 Max’s face drop… hahaha poor Super Max
That's not fair. Aussies know how to do this from birth
Are we going to brush over the fact she said paper scissors stones
2:44 thats what she said
Can totally relate to Max!! I couldn’t get a single one in Axe throwing while my friends got it right and I was like “why isn’t sticking in- what am I doing wrong “
Probably I may be a good racing driver !!
The girl is there for Daniel I guess.
Did you hear – max was spotted 5 minutes ago still trying to hit the board
Max and Daniel were such a good pair, Netflix really made them seem like they were at eachother's throats. Lando and Daniel can't even compete.
Daniel Ricciardo calling everyone else on the grid "absolute mung beans" is my new reason for living.
Ricardo used up the last of his talent on this day.
For a short while, he was recuperating his athleticism. But he then decided to blow it on Monza last year.
Daniel is shriveled up like a human raisin. The wellspring of Aussie greatness has dried up.
I'm dying
this is like a sitcom or a scene from the office 

How did one of them spend 5 minutes near Johnny WITH an axe and not do the world a favour
When max threw his first axe when it's failed. Everyone's like half laugh and half speechless hahha
This video says a lot about Max personality, it means, a guy absolutely competitive who doesn't accepet being defeated in none kind of dispute.
…and on that day Max decided, that he should stick to driving cars fast. Probably not the worst decision.
As a younger axe truin was my best sport been i was always huntin for me dad
So i could use an axe straight shot and cut a lizard in two even sum ri
I could cut that 5
dawg, they got the same amount of points?
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