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SUBSCRIBE ▻ http://bit.ly/SubscribeSkyF1 On the latest Sky Sports F1 podcast, Matt Baker is joined by Ted Kravitz and Bernie …
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The ABSOLUTE CONTEMPT that is Dripping from Ted’s Mouth about Red Bull, Max & Daniel is really, really Unprofessional…he has NO Ear
Piece in his Ear from the Sky Producers telling him what to say…this is his real Real Complete & Utter Seething Contempt against a F1 Organization & their Drivers. Why Sky Sports F1 or F1/FIA think this is Ok is beyond me…Sky Sports F1 is the World’s English Language Broadcast Feed…if F1/FIA want Toxicity to Stop by the Fans, Start with people who Work in F1 Media!
Ted Kravitz for Prime Minister
Dare I say Red Bull need Bottas. Sure he cant defend, but you don’t need to when it’s the fastest car. Man always got through to Q3 every time whilst he was at Mercedes, and into the start of 2022 until the Alfa Romeo dropped off a cliff.
Perez is only second to you know who. results, not excuses.
MCLAREN wasn't able ta constructed a car capable for DR ta show how good he truly is, hence he struggled very much and he's not da only driver too, till now we see how much dat team shows great pace
Bernie really knows her stuff. She is so cool.
If Dan does well, I hope they do the old switcharoo they are famous for. Would LOVE to see Dan back in the RB. Don't care if he beats Max or not, those two were a epic driver pairing, on and of the track fireworks!
the Alpha Tauri is a woeful car. He will struggle to impress in such a bad car.
Does the Alpha Tauri car even suit Danny Ric's driving style? We've seen what happens when he's in a car that "doesn't suit him"
Love to hear people thoughts. Would they use Riccardo as a development race driver to fix Alpha Tauri issues?
If Checo doesn't get another podium this season he will be replaced next year.
Perez missed out on second place to Leclerc last year, and i feel red bull wanted it, they are going for targets. this year Perez is probably worse than last years stats, they chose him because he a solid second driver and looking after the tyres, but he not got the fight or hunger to challenge for a championship. They want Perez in second place and he struggling to do it so he now on a warning from the team by this move to put Danny Ric in the car at AT.
the question is, does Danny Ric want back into the Redbull team and battle Max for a championship or just have him as a more succesful second driver than Perez, or does Danny Ric want to develop the AT long term to bring it up into the mid field and fight agiainst the likes of Aston?
if he going back to the Redbull team, this is extra races for Danny to get his head back in the game, back up to speed with F1 cars (we have seen before drivers that are out the sport for a while and come back are not as good as they use to be as the sport moves forward).
feel sorry for Nyck, but he probably had targets in his contract to meet as wasnt getting them, but also, was he promised a car that could do it or was it he just not connecting with the car?
it doesn't matter how danny ric goes in the alpha tauri all that matters is how perez goes in the red bull .
didnt' they sack Ted ?
RedBull did a terrible mistake when they confirmed Nyck de Vries' seat based on his solitary Williams race, where he finished 9th. He later proved to be a one race wonder, as he struggled in the Alpha Tauri in the 2023 season, failing to score a single point.
RedBull is again making the same mistake by gauging Ricciardo's performance based on his lunch time race run !
I hope they are NOT proven wrong again
Yuki and Daniel is going to make a pretty fun pairing.
Riccardo can get his eye in again for the rest of the year before potentially going back to Redbull
59:13. Fred vacuüm cleaner or Fred Vaseline is waffle-blabber-bluffing non … thing ….hot air balloooon. Nobody will or should expect anything from that man.
Why are we all forgetting that the last Maclarin driver too win……. Daniel someone ?????? Am I wrong
Ted is so upset for Nyck more upset then all the people fired from Sky sports this off season …. This is the pinnical of sports just like the Sky sports announcers are at the highest level (
) the best get to race … they don’t mess around with sub par performance just like Sky sports doesn’t similar to them dumping Paul de resta and Jonny Herbert
Isn’t it funny when Lewis gets stuffed by the safety car nobody talks about it…
Matt Baker was just reading then asking questions, not adding anything to the podcast, get someone who can talk on a podcast not interview all the time
who else? if perez fails and he does that, there is nobody left. i think that is actually just a safe choice by rb. shame about devries- especially that lad tends to improve a lot in his second season…
Welcome home Daniel
Max has already beat Ricardo let Charles have the 2nd seat
Could not deel with brown nose big mouth zac its good to see that Dan is back someone is given him age and listen to him
I’m afraid Ricciardo will be worse than De Vries in that car. Ricciardo’s driving style only comes to right in a well built car. The Alpha Tauri is far from
If this true then does that mean the technical director james key who they fired is actually responsible for this much faster mclaren?
Nick gets 10….. look at what Mick got…..
Horner is ruthless when drivers under-perform, Perez will be replaced by Danny Ric if he does well and Perez continues to struggle in a car that should easily be top 2
Bernie Collins has been a brilliant addition to the F1 team, could listen to her viewpoints all day.
when lulu had fastest car he did the same thing a million times over, being conservative against slower cars and pitting at the end with a free pit stop
these brits keep acting like lulu wasn't in just as if not more of a dominant car and everything they say to reduce verstappen's raw skill and emphasize his car's dominance, was never said about lulu despite it being the same
thye just would always say how ''BRILLIANT'' of a driver lulu is
Bernie Collins is fantastic and a great addition! Ted on the other hand…still cannot let go of 2021. Shame really.
Bernie Collins is just fantastic

pretty hard to score points in a car that cant score points
Nick did not deliver
Bernie Collins is brilliant! She is clearly a very intelligent, experienced and knowledgeable about F1 but she has the skill that few have which is to translate that into plain English explanations about what is happening and why. She is never patronising and does not talk to any specific gender or age group. Fantastic. Well done Bernie!
Stop covering for Checo and making false narratives. Albon was behind him queueing for 7 mins, checo just isn't good enough in changing conditions, or in general
Daniel already has Checo’s seat. Liam Lawson will be at Alpha Tauri next year. Will it be with Yuki, who knows.
Danny is a distraction. If he drives well it worked, if he doesn't he can "take another break" forever next time.
F1 is missing the prestige it once had, like many motorsports these days it's all about the "stars" who walk the pits. F1 needs something and Red Bull stepped up with the Danny is back storyline for the remainder of the 2023 season.
More Bernie Collins. She's so brilliant and insightful. That being said, boost her mic. She's so softspoken at times, her insight gets lost amongst the noise of the session.
Tech rabbits!!

this is the end for ric if he dont perform forget about it. f1 just needs something to talk a bout.
the sky sports team are really bad…….thank god for addition of Danica Patrick. There is a really old boy that interviews people, he should be retired.
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