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Discover the Mind-Blowing Secrets of How I Skyrocket My Productivity with ChatGPT!” “Unbelievable! ChatGPT Helps Me Crush Time-Consuming Tasks with Ease!” “This Sneaky Hack with ChatGPT Lets Me Earn and Slash Through Tedious Tasks!” “Unveiling the Ultimate GPT-Powered Secret: How I Turned Tedious Chores into a Breeze!” “Say Goodbye to Time-Consuming Tasks: Learn How I Supercharge My Efficiency with ChatGPT!

Jen Glantz, a self-employed entrepreneur and solopreneur, has found success in using ChatGPT to streamline her business operations. As a content creator, she is always on the lookout for new income streams and side hustles. However, when she became a mother, she faced challenges in maintaining her businesses at full capacity. In the past, Jen had relied on virtual assistants and freelancers, but training them consumed a significant amount of her time. To overcome this issue, she turned to ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, and discovered that it not only saved her time and money but also helped grow her business.

Here are the five ways Jen has utilized ChatGPT to increase her profits:

1. Researching SEO-friendly topics and keywords: Jen’s bridesmaid speech writing services had previously ranked high on Google search. However, increased competition led to a drop in her rankings and bookings. Rather than hiring an expensive SEO expert, Jen sought ChatGPT’s assistance in optimizing her website. By incorporating the suggested SEO keywords into her website content, she was able to regain traffic and increase her bookings.

2. Social media help: Jen had previously hired freelance social media consultants but found it time-consuming to get them on board. This time, she used ChatGPT to brainstorm content ideas for Instagram and TikTok. She requested a script to turn down being a bridesmaid politely, which she incorporated into a video on Coil. The video gained over 6 million views, setting a record for her Instagram content. Additionally, ChatGPT helped her come up with catchy captions for her posts and find relevant hashtags for her TikTok content.

3. Writing introductory emails for sponsors and brand partners: Jen’s income heavily relies on brand deals and partnerships. Rather than spending hours researching and sending introductory emails, she used ChatGPT to generate lists of targeted brands. It also assisted her in composing introductory emails to these brands, including content ideas that could impress them. This efficient approach saved her time and resulted in a successful deal with one brand.

4. Quick strategy and competitive analysis: Jen is currently developing an AI software for writing bridesmaid speeches. She utilized ChatGPT to conduct a competitor analysis of the landscape and create a go-to-market strategy. This process, which would have taken her over 20 hours or cost nearly $2,000, became significantly quicker and more affordable with ChatGPT’s assistance.

5. Customer service responses and upsells: Jen receives numerous customer emails daily, requiring prompt responses. Instead of hiring a virtual assistant, she requested ChatGPT to generate response emails for the top 10 frequently asked questions. This saved her time and ensured that the responses were professional and comforting. Additionally, ChatGPT helped her craft upsell emails for her coaching services, leading to potential clients and increased revenue.

Jen found that incorporating ChatGPT into her business processes not only saved her time but also improved her productivity and profitability. By leveraging its capabilities for research, social media assistance, brand partnerships, strategy, and customer service, she was able to focus more on growing her business and achieving her goals.


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Jen Glantz is a self-employed entrepreneur who started using ChatGPT to make running her business easier.
Courtesy of Jen Glantz

  • Jen Glantz is a solopreneur and content creator testing new side hustles and income streams.
  • When she had her first child, she turned to ChatGPT to help her with time consuming tasks.
  • Now she uses it to find brand partners, write Instagram captions, and research TikTok hashtags.

For the past seven years I have been a solopreneur and a content creator who is constantly trying to find new ways to earn money, from side hustle TO passive income streams. But when I first became a mom in March, I struggled to keep my businesses going full steam ahead.

In the past, I have assumed virtual assistants and freelancers to help me build my website, manage social media, and create content, but I had to invest a lot of time training them. With less time to do it now, I decided to turn to Chat GPTan AI chatbot, to help me get my work done.

I have found that not only has it saved me time and money, but it has helped me grow my business. Here are the five ways I use ChatGPT to increase my profits.

1. I researched SEO-friendly topics and keywords

For years, my bridesmaid speech writing services have ranked high when people Googled this kind of help. I charge $375 to write someone’s speech, and was writing five to ten speeches a month from search traffic alone.

Over time, more competitors popped up and my Google rankings dropped, as did my bookings, which dropped three to five a month.

I thought about hiring an SEO expert to help me, but the ones I contacted charged me about $2,000. Instead, I asked ChatGPT to help me optimize my website.

I first asked about SEO keywords to use for a bridesmaid speech writing service. I then used those words on my website landing page and blog posts.

I started gaining traffic again, even with new competitors popping up. A few months after making these changes, my bookings were back to about five or seven a month.

2. I leaned on ChatGPT for social media help

I’ve already hired freelance social media consultants for between $1,500 and $3,000 a month to help me strategize content and even post for me. It took me 10 to 20 hours to get on board.

This time, I used ChatGPT to help me brainstorm content for static Instagram posts and TikTok videos. I asked the tool to share a script to use when a person wants to turn down being a bridesmaid but feels uncomfortable doing so. I used that script in a Coil which generated over 6 million views, a record number of views for my Instagram content.

I’ve also used the tool to help me think up captions for posts. I had a folder of photos I expected to post on Instagram and trending videos from TikTok, but I didn’t have smart, catchy captions to use. Instead of taking the time to text her, I asked ChatGPT to create a caption for a video about being a bridesmaid by saying, “Help me finish this caption. ‘When you’ve already been a bridesmaid six times this year and ____.'”

It spawned “and your bank account is asking for a break”. I used it as a text overlay to a prerecorded video I created using trending a TikTok audio and it worked fine.

I also asked ChatGPT to find the best hashtags to use for content about being a bridesmaid on TikTok. When I used the hashtags for “catch the bouquet” and “be a constant bridesmaid,” I noticed more engagement in those videos than with the others.

While I used other hashtag tools In the past, ChatGPT has reduced my search times by 75% and provided me with more thoughtful hashtags than the generic ones other platforms can spit out.

3. I asked him to help me write introductory emails for sponsors and brand partners

One of my biggest sources of income is brand deals and partnerships. Companies will pay me a few thousand dollars to advertise their products on my social channels, in my newsletter and on my podcast.

To get these deals, I have to spend at least 20 hours a month researching brands, sending introductory emails, and following up with them. I could pay an ad sales professional, but that would eat into my bottom line, as most take a 15 to 20% commission.

Instead, I used ChatGPT to help me brainstorm lists of brands to target. Since I’ve started creating more content about being a mom, I’ve asked the tool to share 25 new or trending kids brands that work with influencers.

I took the list he gave me and decided to introduce each of the brands. To find the influencer manager for these brands, I did a quick LinkedIn search and entered the person’s name in a free file also email searchL. Usually, the whole process would take me one to two hours a week. When I used ChatGPT, it only took 15 minutes.

I then asked the tool to write an introductory email to a baby brand from the perspective of an influencer who wants to work with them. The tool drafted a template for you to use and also included a handful of content ideas that could impress the brand.

It took me another 15 minutes to generate these emails and send them to the 25 brands. Of the 25 I proposed to, five declined, 10 did not respond and five asked for more information or to set up a phone call.

So far, I’ve secured a deal with one of those brands and they’ve provided me with over $500 worth of free merchandise in exchange for a social media video and mention in the newsletter.

4. I found a quick way to strategize and do competitive analysis for new products

I’m currently building a tool for writing bridesmaid speeches using AI software. Before launching the tool, I wanted to do a thorough competitor analysis and create a go-to-market strategy to share with my team.

In the past, working on putting these two strategies together would have taken me over 20 hours. If I had hired a business strategist to help me, I would have paid nearly $2,000.

Instead, I used ChatGPT to give me a competitive analysis of the bridesmaid speech writing landscape. I took this information and worked on branding elements, pricing, and even differentiating our product from others.

I then asked the tool to create a go-to-market strategy for a bridesmaid voice writing tool that uses AI. Within seconds he gave me a first draft of a strategy which I then perfected with a few more hours of work.

5. I asked for help with customer service responses and upsells

I sell a handful of different products and services, from courses to in-person marriage counseling. On any given day, my inbox contains 15 to 20 customer emails with questions. Hiring a virtual assistant to monitor my inbox would cost $250 to $500 a week.

To make the process easier, I went through the top 10 issues people often contact and asked ChatGPT to write response emails to these issues using comforting and professional language.

Some people find it difficult to access my online course after purchasing it. I asked ChatGPT to write a response for this and it generated a comprehensive response that walked the person through the exact steps to get into the course and what to do if they’re still having problems after that. Writing this alone would have taken me at least 30 minutes and I wanted to make sure the tone I used was not condescending.

When people finish a course, they often email me to share the impact it has had. I asked ChatGPT to write an upsell email proposing my coaching services without using a salesperson’s tone of voice. Last month I sent the draft to five different clients and started a conversation with two people who might be interested in hiring me for coaching, which would bring in nearly $1,000.
