This is how I started making $10000/month back when I was a student: Connect With Me On Other …
This is how I started making $10000/month back when I was a student: Connect With Me On Other …
This is how I started making $10,000/month back when I was a student:
the animations are laggy.
Please correct the map of India. Great Content… Thanks!
you have used a wrong illegal map of India check online for the correct map you can not use it that change it edit that part .
Guys I am just starting how much time did it take me to reach 10k/month iam 17 btw
I will be happy to make $1200 a month online
He said nothing this whole video

Hamza Miladin said this shit is cap as fuck. And i quote: " This shit is whack as fuck bro, it dont work, put on something else"
Im gonna buy the glasses now to make 10k a month. Also perfect map of India nice presentation of the country
Use correct map of india, the map you used is incorrect. Use the correct map pls
do y'all think working traditional things then putting it to like dividend stocks and crypto staking is gonna work?
Just start gambling and hope for the best
I am in Dubai now without money trying to get up. Is there anyone who can teach me a way to get money
so how many of your viewers have actually raised their income from your advice?
Okay, hold on this guy is actually giving good advice
I am from India I am 16 years old my family is not rich and we kinda have financial problems too I want to earn money but I don't know how to can anyone guide me what should I do??
If you also want to earn online like this say '' YES ''
@ImanGadzhi , This video has a problem. The animation and transitions have lagged frames.
Sir please make how to sand cold email video
"Nigerian Prince" as a Nigerian this is so funny…
i am 15yo now and i wanna start at 16yo… i need to get rich… and you help me so much, thank you man!
bro thats the wrong of INDIA atleast use the correct map
hi there
i want to make money just like you but the thing is i dont know the hard work you put in for you to take the right choices is actually hard but usually many people make ads and let people make money than ourselves make it thanks for this video for the knowledge hope i can do it
Bro please use correct Indian map another I report you
I'm thinking about whether it's true or false . What are you thinking about it?
If you make $10k a month as a student, there is no need for you to be a student any longer.
The first thing i notice you had really a great camera
sooooo, 13mns for nothing
you didnt even mentioned anything to make money
useless brother sr
Based on your personal tolerance of risk, you may want to consider being riskier at a younger age with your investments. Greater risk increases your chances of earning greater wealth. Becoming more conservative with your investments as you grow older can be wise, especially as you near retirement age.
this guy is set for life
Mutherfuker put the correct map of India, and Apologize for it .
Doesn't works in india unless you are in some big cities
So sad to look at this useful video as a russian 18 y.o. boy, who just started programming and doesn't know what to do in a future life (except migration)
I always hear advices but their is no help fo where to start and how

Guys i m tired of fancy titles, so i didnt watch the video. Any good advice? Is it worth watching???
I'm from India can I make it
this is just smart video but if you are earning this much you may as well not be a student and work on your business full time, meaning you are no longer a student earning 10k/month your just some young person earning 10k
He said a whole lot of nothin
Bro i am from india …what should i do… am i aint gonna get rich i i am from 3rd world country
Why stay at 10k when you could go higher
boys making money is good but I think that being happy is the real purpose of life. I think that you can achieve that by helping people
05:12 i am from india and i can Provide thumbnails at $100 per month only
Need some mobey 
The Things that are good to speak only…..
Many of us want to but don't know where to start
Love the lighting
blud jus kept yapping
what about taxes?
Thanks Bro
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