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Do THIS to Make $10,000 as a Student

This is how I started making $10000/month back when I was a student: Connect With Me On Other …


49 thoughts on “Do THIS to Make $10,000 as a Student”

  1. Hamza Miladin said this shit is cap as fuck. And i quote: " This shit is whack as fuck bro, it dont work, put on something else"

  2. I am from India I am 16 years old my family is not rich and we kinda have financial problems too I want to earn money but I don't know how to can anyone guide me what should I do??

  3. hi there
    i want to make money just like you but the thing is i dont know the hard work you put in for you to take the right choices is actually hard but usually many people make ads and let people make money than ourselves make it thanks for this video for the knowledge hope i can do it

  4. Based on your personal tolerance of risk, you may want to consider being riskier at a younger age with your investments. Greater risk increases your chances of earning greater wealth. Becoming more conservative with your investments as you grow older can be wise, especially as you near retirement age.

  5. So sad to look at this useful video as a russian 18 y.o. boy, who just started programming and doesn't know what to do in a future life (except migration)

  6. this is just smart video but if you are earning this much you may as well not be a student and work on your business full time, meaning you are no longer a student earning 10k/month your just some young person earning 10k

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