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FT Responsible Business Education Awards 2025

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The FT invites students and faculty from business schools around the world to enter our 2025 Responsible Business Education Awards.

The aim is to showcase and encourage innovative approaches to addressing global challenges, including climate change, sustainability and poverty.

Applications are open until October 14, 2024 to learn about examples of recent initiatives by business school professors, researchers and students that have had a positive social and environmental impact.

There are three prizes. Click on the links below for more information and to complete the entry form:

The top examples in each category will be decided by a panel of external and internal judges and highlighted in a special FT report in early 2025.

Terms and conditions


  1. These terms and conditions include all instructions on how to enter the Responsible Business Education Awards. By entering, entrants agree to these terms and conditions and acknowledge that failure to comply with them may result in disqualification. No purchase is necessary to enter.

  2. The Responsible Business Education Awards are open to business schools, affiliated authors, publishers and alumni only. Directors, employees and immediate family members of employees of The Financial Times Limited (“FT”), its associated companies and agencies are not eligible to enter the awards.

  3. Entries for the Responsible Business Education Awards will not be valid where local laws or regulations prohibit it, including where, in the FT’s reasonable opinion, we are unable to accept an entry or deliver a prize due to sanctions laws or banking restrictions. It is the responsibility of entrants to ensure that they are able to enter the awards in compliance with local laws and regulations. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the FT is not liable if an entrant has breached local laws and/or regulations in connection with the Responsible Business Education Awards.


  1. The application period for the Responsible Business Education Awards opens on 23 September 2024 at 12:00pm BST and closes on 14 October 2024 at 23:59 BST.

  2. To submit your entry for the Responsible Business Education Awards, please follow the links above. Internet access is required to enter. The FT is not responsible for late or incomplete entries, or for entries not received. There is no fee to submit your entry.

  3. Entries will be judged by a panel of judges. The names of the judges will be provided upon request. The panel will evaluate all valid entries against the following criteria to select entries that can be recognised in the FT’s editorial coverage:

    (i) Best startup or nonprofit project created or significantly transformed in 2023 or 2024. Projects must have received some form of support from the business school (academic supervision, incubator, etc.) and will be given credit for innovation and social impact; or

    (ii) The best academic work from a business school with impact on policy or practice. Projects must have both underlying rigor (e.g., peer-reviewed publication) and evidence of societal impact beyond the academic realm on policy or practice in for-profit, nonprofit, or government organizations since 2022; or

    (iii) A business school’s best recent courses and teaching materials based on innovative academic work. Projects must have underlying rigor (e.g. peer-reviewed publication) and evidence of innovation and classroom impact from 2023.

  4. Shortlisted works will receive acknowledgement in the FT’s editorial coverage. Unless otherwise agreed, the relevant copyright holder retains full ownership of their work. By submitting a work, entrants grant the FT a worldwide, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, irrevocable, royalty-free licence to display, publish, transmit, copy and edit the work, in whole or in part, in any manner and in any media, for the sole purpose of publicising the work and its findings.

  5. Entrants must submit only their own work and ensure that their entry does not infringe any applicable law or regulation or violate any third party’s intellectual property or privacy rights, and is not in any way libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening.

Notification of selected entries

  1. Successful entrants will be notified by email on or before February 17, 2025.

  2. Please note that for selected entries, your name and country (or other information) may be published.

  3. Participants whose entries have been selected may be asked to complete and return an eligibility form indicating their age and residence details.


  1. The FT reserves the right to cancel, suspend or amend the Responsible Business Education Awards, or any part of them (including these Terms and Conditions) and to publish or refer to selected entries in any media format, including or the FT newspaper. The FT reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who has failed to comply with the letter or spirit of these Terms and Conditions. The FT’s failure to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

  2. The FT cannot accept any liability for an entrant’s participation in the Responsible Business Education Awards. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the FT excludes all liability for any loss, damage or claim arising as a result of the selection and recognition of an entrant’s participation in the FT’s coverage (except in the case of death or personal injury caused by the FT’s negligence).

  3. Any personal data that may be submitted in an entry will be processed by the FT in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and FT Privacy Policy.

  4. By entering the Responsible Business Education Awards, entrants agree to release the FT from any and all liability, damages or claims for injury or loss to any person or property, relating to, caused directly or indirectly by participation in the Responsible Business Education Awards, or claims based on publicity rights, third party intellectual property rights, defamation or invasion of privacy.

  5. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Disputes arising in connection with the Responsible Business Education Awards shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

  6. The promoter is The Financial Times Ltd, Bracken House, 1 Friday Street, London EC4M 9BT.

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