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Government’s Shocking Decision: Pubs to Open Earlier for World Cup Final – You Won’t Believe Their Reason!

England’s Councils Encouraged to Open Pubs Earlier for Lionesses World Cup Final

England’s Councils Encouraged to Open Pubs Earlier for Lionesses World Cup Final

The Government is encouraging England’s councils to open pubs earlier on the Sunday ahead of the historic Lionesses World Cup final. The Secretary of State for Leveling Up has written to the leaders of all the councils in England asking them to continue to do all they can to help all the pubs that want to organize this historic occasion and support the Lionesses.

While many venues will be able to show the game within their normal opening hours, some may require additional permission where they would like to be able to serve alcohol as well. In cases where a request to allow a brief extension of leave hours is being considered quickly, the government encourages local authorities to continue to do everything possible to complete the process on time, working closely with local police forces.

Supporting the Lionesses

Leveling Up Secretary Michael Gove expressed his enthusiasm for the Lionesses and the importance of their upcoming match:

The whole nation is ready to support the Lionesses this Sunday in what is England’s biggest game since 1966.

I have asked councils to do all they can to help get pubs open earlier on Sunday so people can meet up and enjoy a drink before this special occasion kicks off.

Kate Nicholls, CEO of UK Hospitality, also shared her excitement and emphasized the positive impact this event will have on the hospitality sector. She encouraged people to gather at their local pubs and hospitality venues to enjoy the game together:

The nation will cheer on the Lionesses on Sunday and the best thing to do after being in Australia is to enjoy the game at the pub or hospitality venue. Many are taking advantage of the fact that they can open to encourage people to go out for breakfast or lunch to prepare for this historic match. Demand from fans has been exceptional, bookings filled quickly, and there is no doubt that the day will be a huge boost for the sector, potentially generating an additional £41m in sales.

It has been really positive working with the Government to ensure that everyone can have the opportunity to join in the celebrations. I would echo the government’s support for local authorities taking a pragmatic view of venues opening early to allow people to make the most of this momentous occasion.

Collaboration between Local Authorities and Police

Writing to council leaders, the Leveling Up Secretary expressed his gratitude towards the local authorities for their support of the national team throughout the tournament. He acknowledged their efforts in waving flags, lighting buildings, and organizing community screenings. The Home Office is also reaching out to police chiefs, encouraging them to work alongside local councils to ensure that as many places as possible can participate in the festivities.

Government’s Commitment to Support British Pubs

This initiative to open pubs earlier for the Lionesses World Cup final is in alignment with the government’s commitment to support British pubs. Recently, an extension to licensing rules was announced, allowing pubs to continue selling alcohol to go without unnecessary bureaucracy hindering them.

Maximizing the Lionesses’ Momentous Occasion

The Lionesses’ World Cup final presents a unique opportunity to bring people together and celebrate the success of the national team. By opening pubs earlier on Sunday, councils and local authorities are enabling fans to gather in a vibrant atmosphere and share the excitement of the game. This not only supports the hospitality sector but also fosters a sense of community and national pride.

Here are a few reasons why opening pubs earlier for the Lionesses World Cup final is significant:

  • Increased Revenue: The demand from fans to watch the match in pubs and hospitality venues has been exceptional. By opening earlier, these establishments can capitalize on the enthusiasm and potentially generate an additional £41m in sales, providing a much-needed boost to the sector.
  • Social Gathering: Watching sports in a pub is a cherished British tradition. It allows friends, family, and even strangers to come together, bond over shared interests, and create lasting memories. The Lionesses’ World Cup final is an ideal occasion to strengthen social connections and build camaraderie.
  • Supporting Local Businesses: Opening pubs earlier encourages people to go out for breakfast or lunch before the game. This presents an opportunity for local cafes and restaurants to benefit from increased footfall and showcase their offerings. It creates a ripple effect of support for the wider local economy.
  • Enhancing the Viewing Experience: Watching a live sporting event surrounded by fellow fans amplifies the excitement and provides a sense of belonging. Pubs equipped with large screens, comfortable seating, and quality audiovisual systems offer an immersive experience that one might not have at home.


The UK government has urged England’s councils to open pubs earlier on the Sunday of the Lionesses World Cup final to facilitate public gatherings and support the hospitality sector. Leveling Up Secretary Michael Gove requested local authorities to assist pubs in organizing this momentous occasion and encouraged them to work closely with police forces for a seamless process. Kate Nicholls, CEO of UK Hospitality, expressed her support for the initiative, anticipating a significant boost in sales and emphasizing the importance of local authorities taking a pragmatic view.

This collaborative effort aims to maximize the celebration of the Lionesses’ success by bringing people together in pubs and hospitality venues. By opening earlier, these establishments can accommodate fans and provide a vibrant atmosphere for collective enjoyment of the game. This initiative also aligns with the government’s commitment to support British pubs and eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy. Overall, opening pubs earlier for the Lionesses World Cup final promotes community engagement, strengthens social connections, and generates economic benefits for local businesses.


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The Government is encouraging England’s councils to open pubs earlier on the Sunday ahead of the historic Lionesses World Cup final.

The Secretary of State for Leveling Up has written to the leaders of all the councils in England asking them to continue to do all they can to help all the pubs that want to organize this historic occasion and support the Lionesses.

While many venues will be able to show the game within their normal opening hours, some may require additional permission where they would like to be able to serve alcohol as well.

In cases where a request to allow a brief extension of leave hours is being considered quickly, the government encourages local authorities to continue to do everything possible to complete the process on time, working closely with police forces. local.

Leveling Up Secretary Michael Gove said:

The whole nation is ready to support the Lionesses this Sunday in what is England’s biggest game since 1966.

I have asked councils to do all they can to help get pubs open earlier on Sunday so people can meet up and enjoy a drink before this special occasion kicks off.

Kate Nicholls, CEO of UK Hospitality, said:

The nation will cheer on the Lionesses on Sunday and the best thing to do after being in Australia is to enjoy the game at the pub or hospitality venue. Many are taking advantage of the fact that they can open to encourage people to go out for breakfast or lunch to prepare for this historic match. Demand from fans has been exceptional, bookings filled quickly, and there is no doubt that the day will be a huge boost for the sector, potentially generating an additional £41m in sales.

It has been really positive working with the Government to ensure that everyone can have the opportunity to join in the celebrations. I would echo the government’s support for local authorities taking a pragmatic view of venues opening early to allow people to make the most of this momentous occasion.

Writing to council leaders, the Leveling Up Secretary thanked the local authorities for all they have already done at this tournament to support the national team, including waving flags, lighting buildings and supporting communities for screenings.

The Home Office is also writing to police chiefs to encourage forces to work alongside local councils to ensure as many places as possible can participate.

This is part of the government’s commitment to support British pubs, and follows this week’s announcement of an extension to licensing rules that allows pubs to continue selling alcohol to go without red tape stopping them.
