how to deal with narcissistic grandparents – how to deal with narcissistic grandparents. your children will learn from the narcissist …
how to deal with narcissistic grandparents – how to deal with narcissistic grandparents. your children will learn from the narcissist …
Narcsts r very difficult to deal with , they do not care for childrens emotions , life is struggle with them
This is such bullshit, why do we have to work so hard when the grandparent is the problem?
I stopped following the second you said that the husband understood right away, and the wife didn't have to explain anything.
Most of the arguments and even the divorce that happens to a child of a narcissist will be about the narcissist attacking the child's spouse, and the child not noticing it.
Sometimes a child of the narcissist is being mistreated his entire life, but then when he gets married the narcissistic parent shifts their toxicity to the wife or the husband and the children, and treat their child as their own, and someone they supposedly "care for", and on their side.
This is distracting to the child and sometimes he thinks that his parents are finally behaving, and he misses the signals that nothing changed, just where the narcissist aims.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this kind of baggage. Letting your parents/grandparents walk all over you and have them talk you down because they're older is one of the blistering habits of my culture. It's the 'just do as you're told because they're older' reason that made me frown upon my upbringing especially when my grandmother would treat us like dirt.
She would make sure that she'll lecture you in front of other people, make us clean the house from top to bottom when she moved in with us (oh you have work? Tough shit, you'll be doing extra on your days off), forcing my brother to mingle with guests even though he has social anxiety and would berate him when he's too shy.
I get that for others, family means everything, but I'm ready to cut a toxic person out of my life so I can finally be free of the burden. I finally did last month and the weight in my shoulders finally lifted when she acted all huffy and moved to my uncle's instead. (Although now my uncle's calling us to vent out his complaints lol)
I'm dealing with this now with a grandfather..he is terrible just being honest and he was jealous of my young son and wanted me to act abusive towards him ( which I did not) so that frustrated my grandfather more so he spread lies about him and said that I'm spoiling him.everyone avoids my grandfather because of how he acts…but with the help of the Holy Spirit I'm going to treat him in love untill God gets us out of here
These are sick parents still having a relationship with the narc.
What about the covert ones?

I would have been so tempted to trip her as she tripped my child! Then laugh!!!
Just get away from these types. Simple as
I don't know what's wrong to be honest. My dad is the only son of my grandparents . My grandparents always plays favourite and favour their girls and their child. I used to be very close with my grandparents until one day I heard them talking about my mom, my mom she does all the house work , she is employed she runs the whole family, she never disrespected them, when my grandparents were sick she was on paid leave to look after them and their daughters were enjoying with their family. Now what hurts the most is that my grandparents were never thankful to my mom. They consider her as a maid . My mom she never said a word instead of all this but I can feel the pain in her eyes the way she thinks of them as her family and is ready to do anything for them …
I hate them
Thank you for discussing the behavioral conditions of these narcissistic events. It's seldom discussed, and it's KEY to both understanding the behavior and effectively coping with it if it cannot be successfully modified. I see so many pop-psych videos on narcissism that so rarely discuss the behavioral mechanisms behind it and the behavioral mechanisms behind responding to it effectively…primarily because they're pop-psych videos. Thank you for the behavioral approach. Excellent video. *I'll be sending this to my pregnant sister-in-law when the time is right*
The cane story-I don't have kids myself, but if that was my kid, that would be the last time grandma saw me, or the kid.
I feel like my grandmother was a narcissist…She abandoned her nine children and some of them developed personality disorders….As a result, I suffer from two of them..
Hi team, I want to do a meeting on this, grandparent aren't aloud to judge your parenting they didn't and won't do any better, kids are in need of punishment's the grand pa rents
10 minutes I won’t get back
My autistic son is annoyed of my mother. N my life is totally hell
Once you know, you go. Can't reason with wickedness. My narc dad caused me lots of injuries, their jealous hatred sends out energy. Please protect your children
Me and my parents spent like 3 hours with my grandma and when I wanted to be alone and tell my mom a story that would take like 10 mins ( i also waited to Tell her it for like 30 mins)then she came up to us ( also im under the age of 14) and started telling me that I disregard her and started doing this to me till i cried and then my mom started protecting me and my grandma started telling us that we dont help her when she asks us to (she didnt ask us for like 4 months) while we helped her everytime she asked us to and that we dont care about her etc…
Anyway this wasnt the first time doing smth like this so me and my family all agree that I would stop seeing her for atleast 6 months
Remnd yourself, that if you are an adult, then you are an adult. Anyone older is also an adult, the same as you.
Most importantly, discern a situation before speaking. Chew over what has been said and come back at a later date with a plan. Don't argue right away. Even though your emotions are so hot. Walk away and think, form a plan, think how to construct a way forward.
Oh my God. Excellent video. Allah Akbar!

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