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How to use ChatGPT | entrepreneur

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

2023 began with ChatGPT setting the internet on fire – a good fire, but a fire nonetheless. Everyone got excited as they explored, tested and pushed OpenAI Artificial intelligence tool.

The program’s native ability to answer questions and provide answers is nothing short of exceptional. (You’re probably wondering at this point if he even wrote this foreword—which, clearly, he didn’t.)

Still, ChatGPT’s ability to create texts that read with a natural, human flow is uncanny. It’s the kind of potential that makes managers and entrepreneurs alike sit up and take notice.

The question is, if you are planning to use ChatGPT Your team or business, how should you implement that desire? Here are some suggestions for practical ways you can unlock the potential of ChatGPT for your business’s content needs.

1. As always, start with expectations

Yes, we’re going to start with a “set expectations” primer before getting into the meat of the issue. Why? Because this is a tool where expectations are particularly relevant.

Many people want to use ChatGPT as a magic bullet. Why pay salaried writers or invest thousands of dollars in a stable of freelancers? With ChatGPT, you can get free, auto-generated texts that read better than many blogs on the interwebs. Who is going to notice the difference (besides your accountant)?

But the reality is that while it is a big step forward, ChatGPT is not a comprehensive solution Text-based content creation. Instead, in a sense, what it’s doing is regurgitating data from the web, the same way Google has been doing for years. In this case, the delivery is simply in a more accessible, sensible format.

This is helpful for readability. But even those who are thinking of throwing all their eggs into the ChatGPT basket should be cautioned. Writing for The New Yorker, Ted Chiang He addresses this subtle weakness when he says, “The fact that ChatGPT paraphrases material from the web rather than quoting it verbatim means that the student expresses ideas in her own words rather than paraphrasing what she has read; it creates the illusion is. that ChatGPT understands the content.”

Chiang continues that this ability to repackage data does not imply learning or innate understanding, “In human students, rote memorization is not indicative of real learning, so ChatGPT’s inability to produce accurate excerpts from web pages certainly is. We think it has learned something.” . When we’re dealing with sequences of words, lossless compression seems smarter.”

Related: A leaked Walmart memo warns against employees sharing corporate information with ChatGPT

In other words, ChatGPT can be a great way to present information creatively. And there are definitely ways to use it to your advantage. But what the program is doing is repackaging the pre-existing data. This does not lead to a high-quality final draft. Instead, it should be used early in the creative process (more on that in a minute).

2. Notify ChatGPT if you want it to notify your readers

Another important thing to consider when unlocking the potential of ChatGPT is not what it can give you but what you are bringing to the table. If you come up with a half-baked idea or an unfamiliar suggestion, it can distort the results.

Think of it in terms of working with a freelance writer. In most cases, you hire a writer because they have the skills to present information in a relevant and accessible manner. Unless you’re dealing with a specific situation, some hiring managers expect writers to be subject matter experts (SMEs) in the topics they’re writing about.

He specializes in writing. That’s why they’re helping you. If you want that arrangement to be successful, you need to make sure they have the data they need to create an informed piece of content. This can come from you. It can come from partnering them with SMEs. Paying them extra to research a topic in depth can come from it. Regardless, you need to make sure they have the right information before expecting them to write something worth reading.

Providing detailed prompts

The same goes for ChatGPT. If you want good results you want to introduce a program with thoughtful, thorough indications. SEO and content platforms Stephen Jeske, Senior Content Strategist at MarketMuse, This speaks to the concept,

“A well-structured prompt is critical to getting good output from a large language model like ChatGPT.”

Jeske adds that this process doesn’t mean you’re including the right data points. You also need to find out what your readers are asking using tools like MarketMuse’s questions data, “Part of that is making sure the output answers important questions — the kind the reader wants to answer when consuming the content.” MarketMuse data, Which is available. In questions, it can happen.”

If you want to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, you need to do your homework first. Yes, you don’t have to write a 500-word article on a topic. But make sure you clearly understand the information and questions you’re trying to answer before you program any text.

3. Use ChatGPT as a jumping-off point

Finally, make sure you’re using ChatGPT as a way to kickstart the creative process, not finish it. The strength of the program lies in the beginnings, not the polished final copy.

Don’t treat ChatGPT as a free pass. Instead, use its capabilities to streamline content creation by:

  • Brainstorm topic ideas.
  • Creating an outline for human authors to follow.
  • At most, composing “first drafts” of text that the author can alter significantly through editing activity.

If you can do your research, find the right questions you want answered, and use the tool to grease the wheels of the creative process, you can unlock ChatGPT’s potential to truly impact your business. Just remember that everything starts with your expectations. Don’t treat AI as a hack. Instead, use it as a tool – one might even say a partner – with which you can be yours Content creation to the next level.


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