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The NHS has announced transgender puberty blockers will be banned in England for kids except for research purposes. Puberty …
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what parent wouldnt? umm Muslim
Julia, for the love of god, shut up and let your guests speak.
And when they speak, have the good manners to look at them, rather than whatever youre reading.
Ban drugs has never stopped people taking them there will be a massive black market for the product. The left turn into drug dealers
Safe and effective
i vaguely remember a story about parents of severly handicapped children had those blockers so the child would not get larger and go thru puberty. the child was very mentally handicapped too. thats the only use for those drugs. arent these used to chemically castrate severe sex offenders?
I don't care this is Just bloody EVIL!!!

The tide is changing thankfully.
You should have said to them, what about if i commit s.uicide because people are making me say and believe stuff that i don't believe in????
No research needed
We just need to lock them all away and through away the key
My opinion is before and during puberty it's confusing and there's lots going on with your body, going through puberty helps to arrange everything and you come out the otherside a lot clearer on your body and feelings. The people who push these drugs are evil because they are trying to keep people in that early confused state. That's why they want to push these drugs on kids as early as possible. It's basically a team, these evil people are recruiting as many as possible. That's why they don't support or support the people de transitioning, because you are leaving their cult.
And these same pharmaceutical companies and health bureaucrats that allowed this and sold it to people, are the same ones that pushed the experimental jab these past 3 years. I knew their history of coverups, fines and collusion with regulatory agencies, and knew I would never comply
Truthfully I don’t care how many children die because they have been tricked into removing their body parts, they are nothing more to me then sacrificial lambs. I’ve the bodies are so high we can’t ignore them maybe only then will something be done? The other people are more then happy to sacrifice your children to fulfil theirs sexual fetishisation.
If blockers worked as we are told then there would be a roaring trade in pets. Who wouldn't want a 'forever' kitten or puppy? There are pygmy pigs and dwarf animals that you can buy but they grow up. Real medicines are tested for years on animals, then go on to clinical trials in humans. This is just a short cut for 'doctors' to make money and destroy lives. Why is everyone turning a blind eye to this?
I have often wondered if Michael Jackson was on these drugs, and maybe that is what killed him?
People should just stop having kids for a couple of generations to clear out all the malignancy and then start over. Problem solved.
It's criminal that Dr's give these drugs to any minor. Anyone private or not should go to prison if found to have given these out. I dread to think what we face as our children mature and face the terrible back lash and have their mental health to cope with. It's child abuse on a horrendous scale. People doing this to children are monsters.
In 2018 a social worker, acquaintance/friend, that was telling me how amazing it was that a parent at her school had started transitioning her child to another sex at 5. She told me and another friend, that is high up in social care, they were both saying how wonderful it was because eventually we would all just be human and not defined by sex or gender. I was shut down as an idiot when I said that was child abuse what they thought was wonderful and that it was open to children being groomed because the wokes love to look virtuous and inclusive in public. Turns out I was right!
Is this what our grandfathers fought for during WW2?. If they had known about what they were really fighting for they wouldn't have bothered. I wouldn't fight for this country.
Except for research? Will these fks ever stop? Gtfooh.
Its the same kind of ideological criminality as the harms from them rolling out of the experimental therapies during the griftdemic.
Arrest these criminals.
That is great news Julia. Gotta stop all trans child grooming and stop all surgery on kids and give them professional counselling and medical support to get them through puberty as up to 90% of kids ( this figure is from Dr Jordan Peterson) with such support go on to realise they are gay not trans and go on to live their life without mutilating themselves or ruining their body with drugs meant for violent rapists ,leaving them incapable of enjoying sex.
Who would have thought stopping vital genetic processes was harmful…. Absolute clown world we live in.
There is going to be a big shortage in doctors when the law courts starts to put these grifters in jail.
If this is the biggest medical scandal.then the walk out of mps in Parliament while Andrew bridgen was talking about the side affects on the vaccine.ranks with the silence of these so called member's of Parliament.what I want to know is why?
Some years back, one of my friend's identical female twins decided she wanted to be a boy and be called John! She was only five. My laid back friend did not encourage her but respected her wishes and allowed her to have a boy's haircut and wear trousers like her big brother. Both twins liked to play with both boy and girls toys. Very normal.
A year later, she wanted her long hair back and to only wear pink dresses… Problem solved – until over a year later, the other twin went through exactly the same thing for nearly 2 years!
To day, both twins are pretty young teenagers – happy to be girls and happy with life!
This is brilliant news!! finally some sense in our country!!
Private doctors giving blockers for 500 quid then charge meds to NHS…not on
No it won't. It won't be a patch on Lockdown, masks and forced vaccinations.
Trans is a fantastic book.
Typical arrogance of the medical world that high complex biological systems can be tampered with, without negative consequences.
Some dramatic, attention seeking children have always said, "I will kill myself if…" GOOD old fashioned parents always use to ignore that or remind them why the parent is saying "no." and children use to storm off angry and then think, "I'll run away from home and then they'll b sorry." It was part of growing pains, but it never resulted in parents destroying their opportunity for grandchildren or amputating their child's organs among other horrors!!!
Puberty is the cure for gender dysphoria in most cases. Almost good news, sounds like lip service though if the private route is that cheap and easy
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