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“It’s thoroughly DISAPPOINTING!” | Martin Brundle reacts to Red Bull cost cap breach

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40 thoughts on ““It’s thoroughly DISAPPOINTING!” | Martin Brundle reacts to Red Bull cost cap breach”

  1. If a boxer cheat's he is stripped of his title belts, if an Olympian cheat's he/she is stripped of their medal. there can only be one punishment and that is a points reduction from both the constructors and drivers' championship. A points reduction also equates to a financial penalty as they are reduced down the list making them less revenue from future advertising.

  2. Wait y'all
    I'm a Red Bull fan
    Heck, I'm a Max fanboy according to myself…

    But i suggest a penalty everyone will be happy with
    1) Red Bull get to keep their WDC of both this and last year and get DSQ from last years WCC
    (Wow, you are talking like a true fan… If you think that, please wait till you read everything)
    2) Red Bull do not get any points deduction in this year's WCC

    3) Oracle Red Bull racing RBPT will need to Freeze their engine while all other teams will get 1 year to bring upgrades to their powertrain which are within the cost cap(breaching which, the team shall be punished)
    [I say this because Red Bull was the ones who pleaded for the engine freeze, and this would seriously hurt them while benefiting competition (if other teams solely focus on engine, cost cap won't allow all out upgds,Adrian Newey can help Red Bull all he can to develop other areas of the car to be still competitive)]
    4) Oracle Red Bull Racing RBPT will be deducted 100 points from next year's WCC tally and any other breach of the cost cap, be it minor or major will be succeeded with a disqualification from both the WDC(Lead driver) and the WCC

    Other team fans/neutral peeps tell me if this is fair

  3. Make no mistake that budget overspend was on car development. Catering and salaries is smoke and mirrors and all part of finance line adjustment. I know because it’s basic financial accounting for end of year reporting…. it’s done all the time. Red Bull knew exactly what they were doing and it constitutes deliberate cheating. Horner was complaining about the cost cap after the shunt at Silverstone and it now makes me think that’s where the funds went.

  4. Why doesn’t FIA publish the calculations of all teams and provide transparancy like companies do by publishing their annual report. Since no one knows ( including Brundle ) how the calculations have been done all accusations are simply bs of competitors….

  5. If Lewis Hamilton was the beneficiary of violating the cost cap then Brundle would have been singing a different tune. We don't need clarity. There is clarity and The Red Bull violated the cap, PERIOD.

  6. First offence – lose 25% of Constuctors points for the year in question, and the same number of points from the following year. Also wind tunnel time reverts to base level regardless of where they finish in championship for the following two years. Any prize money received is repaid (x2).

  7. Simple fix for the confusion of grid penalties – if you have a five or ten place grid penalty you can't take part in Q3. Only those who can sit on pole can take part in Q3. If a fifteen place grid penalty you can't take part in Q2. This will remove confusion of quali runs and where a person starts. It will also prevent a car taking a penalty from aiding a team mate or hindering a competitor. All engine changes have to be declared by the end of FP3. Any change after that goes to back of grid. Also, if you cause a red flag in a Q session – pit lane start.

  8. I think they should simply reduce their budget cap for next years season by the amount that they overspent this one.

    The budget cap rules would essentially maintain fidelity and it would be a punishment. Because if they then exceeded their "credit" limit of 7mil next year it would then be a Major breach of the rules and appropriate rulings could be passed. It would also discourage overspending because they know it would impact their ability to perform next year.

  9. The costs should be on parts and development, not salaries and catering. But when a team break the rules the punishment must be harsh. However, we know it's Red Bull a team that was able to purchase a world drivers title, so nothing will happen!

  10. I don't take Martin Brundle seriously. He's turned into a grumpy old man who is still frustrated about last season. And since then he hasn't spoken a single positive word about Max. I think that Red Bull should get the same penalty as that Ferrari got for their cheating with the fuel system. It's a complete pipe dream to think that the FIA is going to change the 2021 WDC results. And the people who think that they should promote such nonsense to their audience are destructive for the sport.

  11. The language annoys me. A minor overspend. There are rules and a cost cap and it's very simple, either you have broken the rules or you have not.

  12. Why is the FIA making deal with Red bull on the type and amount of punishment Red Bull are going to recieve. Should Red Bull be able to have any say in the punishment they receive

  13. Martin Brundel, the never-was, has-been of F1 thinks his “celebrity” (and I use this term with tongue in cheek) will give him the same status as a team boss. He is a mean, sensation seeking mouthpiece talking head for sky sports, the Lewis supporting and Red Bull hating organisation which are on a mission to cancel Max Verstappen!

  14. Max, Red BULL and FIA are cheaters we all know it

    All the cars didn't pass the safety car, my bad.

    The safety car came in on the wrong lap, are you sure.

    They are the only ones that overspent, it didn't make a difference. what a joke 😱elbowcough

  15. I'm glad Brundle has a big mouth, if he take a look at his own driving stats and teams who cheated in the past who won championships. The point is clear… Brundle, Kravits and Hill … all of them are Hamilton fanboys. Jellousy also a issue in Formula 1, in other words MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

  16. Get back to me when the F1 actually penalizes Hamilton for trying to kill Verstappen at Silverstone last year 😂…oh wait, we render our decision based on driver popularity, so game on then since it was at Hamilton’s home track

  17. Precisely why Formula One will never be popular in the US.

    A. It’s literally horse racing only with less integrity

    B. The driver plays almost no role in outcome of any race or season. If they have the fastest car they win, if they don’t they lose.

    C. F1 displays zero actual sacrifice or actual competition by the trustfunders who buy their way into the cars. And most certainly has no real “overcoming adversity” angle. We all literally know who is going to win before race even begins barring a freak accident. I mean It’s a supposed sport where the “athletes” don’t even need to practice, it’s literally a “sport” that bars actual hard work and practice. (Playing video game isn’t dedication btw)

    D. Even the supposed “rules” are all just jokes that nobody is going to follow and nobody will get in trouble when they inevitably ignore them bc the types of people who drive or run these are used to going through life w/o facing consequences for anything they do. It’s precisely what you would imagine a “sport” made for rich kids to pretend they are accomplishing something without actually having to work on their craft or sacrifice other things. It’s takes less commitment than even E Sports and that’s saying something

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