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Jaw-dropping Gasoline Price Drop: Unbelievable News for 2023 IPCA Target!

**Additional Piece: The Impact of Petrobras’ Gasoline Price Reduction on Inflation**

## Introduction

Petrobras, the state-controlled Brazilian oil and gas company, recently announced a 4% reduction in the price of gasoline. This news has generated significant interest among market economists, as it reinforces the belief that Brazil’s National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) is likely to remain below the target ceiling of 4.75% for the year. In this article, we will dive deeper into the implications of Petrobras’ decision and its potential impact on inflation in Brazil. Additionally, we will explore expert opinions, projections, and the overall outlook for inflation in the country.

## Petrobras’ Gasoline Price Reduction and Its Impact on IPCA

The recent decision by Petrobras to cut gasoline prices by 4% is expected to have a negative impact of around 0.10 percentage points on the IPCA for the year. This reduction in gasoline prices is significant, as it contributes to the overall downward pressure on inflation. Market institutions consulted by Transmission, a reputable financial news outlet, have already calculated the potential impact of this price cut on the IPCA.

According to Flávio Serrano, the chief economist of Banco BMG, the reduction in gasoline prices is estimated to have a negative impact of between 0.10 and 0.12 percentage points on the IPCA. This suggests that unless there is a significant increase in oil prices, Brazil is likely to remain within the target ceiling for inflation. This prediction is a breakthrough, as it will be the first time since 2020 that inflation will fall below the upper limit of the target.

## Expert Projections and Evaluations

Market economists and strategists have been revisiting their inflation projections and evaluations following Petrobras’ announcement. Warren Rena, a renowned inflation strategist, has adjusted her IPCA projection for 2023 from 4.60% to 4.50%. This adjustment is aligned with the estimated negative impact of 0.11 percentage points calculated due to the reduction in gasoline prices. Rena believes that all signs indicate that inflation in Brazil this year will be below the target ceiling.

These revised projections and evaluations are significant because they demonstrate the confidence in Brazil’s ability to control and manage inflation effectively. The concerted efforts to curtail inflation, coupled with the reduction in gasoline prices, are expected to have a positive effect on the country’s overall economic stability.

## Petrobras’ Decision and Its Consequences

Petrobras’ decision to reduce gasoline prices is seen as a strategic move to alleviate the burden on consumers and curb inflationary pressures. The company aims to strike a balance between ensuring its profitability and contributing to the overall stability of the economy. By reducing gasoline prices, Petrobras helps to lower transportation costs, which in turn positively impacts various industries and households.

It is important to note that while the reduction in gasoline prices has a direct impact on the IPCA, the increase in diesel prices has a less pronounced effect due to its lower weight in the index. Nevertheless, the adjustment in diesel prices is a reflection of the global rise in oil prices, which Brazil needs to consider to maintain a stable domestic fuel market.

## A Positive Outlook for Inflation

The combination of Petrobras’ decision to reduce gasoline prices and the revised projections and evaluations by market economists suggests a positive outlook for inflation in Brazil. All signs indicate that inflation is likely to remain below the target ceiling of 4.75%, barring any unforeseen events such as a significant rise in oil prices.

This positive outlook for inflation is not only beneficial for consumers, who will experience lower transportation costs, but also for the overall economic stability of the country. By keeping inflation in check, Brazil can attract investment, promote economic growth, and improve the living standards of its citizens.

## Conclusion

Petrobras’ 4% reduction in the price of gasoline has consolidated the expectation that inflation in Brazil will remain below the target ceiling for the year. Market economists and strategists have already adjusted their projections and evaluations, indicating a positive outlook for inflation. With the reduction in gasoline prices and the potential impact on the IPCA, Brazil is poised to achieve stability and economic growth. Petrobras’ decision to balance profitability with contributing to the overall stability of the economy is commendable. This move will benefit various sectors, households, and the country as a whole. As we move forward, it will be interesting to observe how inflation evolves and its implications for Brazil’s economic landscape.

**Summary:** Petrobras’ recent 4% reduction in gasoline prices is expected to have a significant impact on Brazil’s National Consumer Price Index (IPCA). Market economists and experts believe that this reduction, coupled with revised projections and evaluations, will help keep inflation below the target ceiling of 4.75% for the year. Petrobras’ decision is seen as a strategic move to alleviate the burden on consumers and contribute to overall economic stability. However, the increase in diesel prices reflects the global rise in oil prices, which Brazil needs to consider to maintain a stable domestic fuel market. Despite this, the outlook for inflation in Brazil remains positive, benefiting consumers and fostering economic growth. With Petrobras leading the way, Brazil is likely to achieve stability and attract investment in the coming months.


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TO 4% reduction in the price of gasoline announced this Thursday the 19th by Petrobras (PETR3;PETR4) consolidates the assessment that the National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) should even be below the target ceiling, of 4.75%, this year. Barring an accident, such as a rise in oil prices, market economists already consider it more likely that inflation will fall below the upper limit of the target for the first time since 2020.

Market institutions consulted by the Transmission They calculate that the cut in gasoline prices will have a negative impact of close to 0.10 percentage points on the IPCA for the year. Mathematically, it should be enough for total inflation to be below the target ceiling, since the median in the latest Focus report already indicated an IPCA of 4.75% in 2023.

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“This year, unless the price of oil increases, we must remain below the target ceiling,” said the chief economist of Banco BMG, Flávio Serrano, who sees a negative impact of between 0.10 and 0.12 percentage points on the IPCA. with the reduction of gasoline. prices.

Warren Rena inflation strategist Andréa Angelo reduced her IPCA projection for 2023 from 4.60% to 4.50%, in line with the negative impact of 0.11 percentage points calculated. According to the analyst, everything suggests that inflation this year will be below the target ceiling.

Today, Petrobras reported that it will reduce the price of gasoline in refineries by 4% starting this Saturday the 21st, from R$ 2.93 to R$ 2.81 per liter. Diesel, which has a much lower weight in the IPCA, will increase its cost per liter by 6.6%, from R$ 3.80 to R$ 4.05.


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