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Kail + Javi’s Parenting Styles 👦 Teen Mom 2

Kail and Javi get into a disagreement about Lincoln and realize their parenting styles are completely different. While talking it out, the conversation changes to their relationship and Javi asks why they’re not together.

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A decade after it all began, Catelynn, Maci, Amber, and Cheyenne of Teen Mom OG continue to share their families’ triumphs and struggles with the world. On Teen Mom 2, Jade joins Kailyn, Leah, Briana and Chelsea as the moms navigate parenting, family dynamics, their careers and their love lives. Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant chronicles the lives of Ashley, Brianna and Kayla, along with two new moms Kiaya and Rachel. Their stories continue Tuesdays on MTV!

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34 thoughts on “Kail + Javi’s Parenting Styles 👦 Teen Mom 2”

  1. But last week she was just saying her & Javi have the best parenting style & coparenting relationship?! And now this week y’all don’t?! Ok Kail….🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ She makes no sense….😂🤣😩

  2. Es increíble lo que Kail ha progresado. Luego de no tener donde vivir, Ser sacada de la casa de Jo y de su mamá. Ahora tiene su propia casa para sus niños y ella. Felicidades Kail!

  3. He has a right to want his son dressed appropriately for the weather & practice. I don't think he asked for too much. If she's the one bringing him to practice, it's on her to make sure he's dressed appropriately. It doesn't matter if his mom is helping him do his home chores. That literally has NOTHING to do w/his own son being taken care of during practice in Kail's custody. He clearly wasn't asking for drama but bc it was his 3rd or 4th time asking nicely & Kail ignored his requests (likely bc she loves being petty asf) as she always does, b/c she cannot handle ANYONE giving her any life advice or parenting suggestions, despite she clearly needing them. Her life is nothing but a shitstorm of her mistakes & a variety of men & baby daddies. Sit down Kail & learn something in therapy about yourself & then improve on it. He's allowed to desire & ask that the mother of his child dress him appropriately for winter weather during outdoor practice when he's in your custody. Point blank. Fact. Period. Get over yourself & for once in your long pathetic existence STOP being petty & immature. GROW TF UP KAIL!

  4. She's got a office, that's kool, what's her job? She also gets paid being on teen mom.
    I'm 44 she's more mature then me.
    I had kids as a teen mom, no help from anyone.
    I'm adopted all 4 parents dead, I struggle with mental health issues and physical every day

  5. First how old is Lincoln . Javi should be reminding his son and not the mom kail has three other sons. He's nitpicking because he wants to be back with her because that's what baby daddies do. Also kail has to pick her battles and if he would like a jacket on him I would try to meet him half way and remind Lincoln to get his jacket.

  6. EVERYTHING SHE KAIL SAYS NOW IS IM NOT TALKING ABOut THAT. So Wtf is she doing on show still. I’m not talking about Chris, not talking about his kid, I’m not talking about Javi, I’m not talking about my health, I mean what’s left? Not talking about nothing. Storyline… boring…
    100 on the show made her podcast as producer told her , I don’t mean to b a biatch but if I hear I’m not talking about that or that one more time I’ll just fast forward thru her time on show. I’ve never been vocal or mentioned anyone on show after a decade until now, I’m annoyed w her, and more w her I didn’t express. I also feel like KAIL doesn’t have many friends, why is she only one who the producers directly show up at her house to talk instead of friends? And what’s up w her upset about Chris filming , she always wanted him too

  7. If you’re fighting over something that small in a co-parenting relationship, there’s obviously something bigger going on that one of both of you aren’t entirely emotionally aware of. They both have come a long way though, I see them getting to a good place one day, whether they’re together or not,

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