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So for me on the driver introductions I get it but it should be reserved for a meaningful event. Indy car does it but only for the Indy500. It would be good for the first race of the year to introduce the fans to the drivers for that season. Potentially Monaco (because of its history). I agree no we dont need to do it at every race. Also I think it isn't well received at Miami because is wasn't nor will it be (in my opinion) a race of the season or a memorable race, because of the layout of the circuit, it doesn't invite the same level of racing as other tracks. So ultimately you have a one off build up to a race which is more memorable than the race, so for me that takes away from the race itself.
Max praise I get it but his driving away from a team mate that doesn't quite have the edge. Give him Lando or Russell as a team mate he will not get away with this type of race. His pace is totally superior to Checo… Not sure why they put him on the Mediums there car has the pace to start on hards even if he was overtaken by Alonso he would of have the pace to overtake him later
I will say that Rosberg was a far superior driver to Perez
I'm sorry the drivers coming out before the race was terrible I hope it doesn't happen again. We are not entertainment we are a sport there is a difference sport been entertaining is different to what we saw
Bring Back Michael Masi – he'll make the races more interesting
Oh and the driver intro was more entertaining than the actual race..but then again it wasn't really a race now was it..
love this format. thanks for your time guys!
Maybe the car is best suited to the best driver, and that’s why he is a better driver. He gets the most out of it. Give him credit. Sergio is good. Max is better. Simple.
Karun Chandhoks idea has been debated many times, but a two stop race with three tyre compounds is far too expensive for Pirelli, and Karun should know this walking the paddock so frequently
Nobody in the younge rdemographic knows or care about racing.
They care about the personalities. The racing and format can remain pure on track, since DTS is the only reason the younger demographic currently watch. Changing the format has no added value.
Miami should be ashamed of what they did at the f1 you people AGAIN turned it into a celeberty circus nobody in f1 asked for this
For me absolutaly the best F1 podcast I have come across. Non biased, fair, verry competent and a really good panel mix. With Karun and Brundle you have two men who know what they are talking about, being former F1 drivers, a straight and sincere Nathalie, and an excellent Matt as panel leader. Verry refreshing in this polarised world. Karun was spot on. They do not have any weak spots at this moment. Adrian Newey, Max, Marko , Horner, the mecanics and all the other people within Red Bull, they seem to inspire each other to reach for the impossible.Brundle was right. This is a verry special time in F1, and we are lucky to whitness it. It is not because I am Dutch, but as a F1 fan a driver like Max excites me race after race again. This boy is amazing.
SO much better and interesting than with the chattering box!
As much as I appreciate these podcasts, I hate it when you try to manufacture a “good race”. You get a bore one week and you get a banger the next. That’s sport. Like football, we don’t have 7-0 bangers every week. Sometimes it’s a draw.
We don’t need new rules to make it exciting like “using all 3 compounds” rather just enjoy and witness history. Stop trying to make it “exciting”, the moment you stop you will get genuine racing. And one day we will come up with the new DRS rather than some band aid like “3 compounds rule, no tyre blankets…sprint races, etc” just to make a weekend more exciting.
I can't believe Natalie just said the word that was in my mind, jeopardy. The other is excellence.
It's not having more teams, it's making sure the best team has the best drivers in.
The most iconic season had the most dominant car.
McLaren that had senna and prost
to sum up the panel… there are 2 races Redbull vs Redbull and then the f1 race
Hahaha, i didn't hear any of them complane when Lewis won 5 of the 6 WC in a car with 50 BHP more them the rest of the field, with party modes and free pitstops all day long.

Now that a non-brit is dominating, all of a sudden there is a need for change.
Funny Brits.
karun where where u in the 7 years of merc stop with u agenda m8
i love how even pundits seem to be changing their views race by race as one race is won by max and the other by checo.
I just thought it was very interesting that max made that mistake in Q3. Max didn't make one mistake in qualifying the whole season last year, not one. In fact last time max was making mistakes in qualifying was in 21. I thought max having a gap of 5 tenths on sergio through all the practices, wasn't expecting checo to be a tenth behind in Q1 and Q2, and ended up pushing too hard in Q3, resulting in his mistake. Also, the way he pointed at his car number, showed me, he let things under his skin and he had to remind himself and everyone else, he is the current champion.
Also, if you re watch miami gp last year, checo struggled last year as well. Max won the race and checo was beaten by both ferrari's as well and finished 4th.
next racce in Imola is the race, I feel everyone has been waiting for. Checo beat max in qualifying in Imola in the 21 season and last year he was quicker than max in the sprint. Checo is fast around Imola as max and I think will be the first time we will see the two redbull's fight it out all weekend till the last lap of the race. I can't wait.
F1 in Miami was more like watching the Oscars
miami is good circiut good fans
Martin Brundle
Should have a knighthood
Amazon Racer and broadcaster
wow Martin Brundle.. I've only seen 29 seconds, but I'm going to dig this one
thanks for sharing
Karun had a very good point there, use all the compounds! except for rain off course…
When you scratch through the thin veneer of Miami razzmatazz, you get down to the real veneer…
To enjoy F1 requires a long-term commitment. If you watch an F1 race and expect the same emotional satisfaction as a Netflix movie, you're in the wrong place.
You call that style?
If the future of F1 is to drive around car parks of American casino’s, then F1 has crossed over from a competitive sport to an expensive exhibition drive around, for the rich & famous if Las Vegas & Miami, the sport is becoming a WEE Wrestling franchise, I think we all expected this to happen with the new owners Liberty Media, As viewers we would like less races but higher quality racing .
I know you guys cant really be critical about the F1. But as a spectator, the show was really boring. Those driver intros were cringe af. The race was a bore fest as usual in Miami.
Have you forgotten that AMG Mercedes completely dominated for 8 years.??
needing to use all 3 tire compounds in the race seems like the most obvious and easy change that could be made to help with a series that lacks real competition. These kind of seasons show how boring it is when only one team has built a amazing car. Easy way for the eport to lose the new fans who haven't invested in it enough to keep supporting it whenever the finishing order is clearly obvious before the race even starts
19:30 Max's biggest weakness is his temper. When he is angry or frustrated about something he is prone to making mistakes in the race.
Ngl I skipped most of the bits where natalie spoke, I love her on race day as a host but this just didn't work – Rachel was amazing last week, bring her back! Other notes: totally agree with having to use all 3 compounds in a race, seems like a no brainer. Hated the driver intros, totally cringe, unnecessary, over the top (very American).
Speaking about the American cringe bit, to put it plain and simple, they had to walk through some fog, and stand on a dot while some dude announced them over a live orchestra. I WISH I got paid to do that. Marketing is NOT a universal thing. What works well in China doesn't always work well in the US, or Italy, or Spain. This is why you have people assigned who understand a culture and what appeals to that culture, and well, Americans tend to like a bit of flash and razmataz. Love it or hate it, this is the stuff that sells tickets, and like the dumb fake water, explodes on social media giving the sport more attention, and gets more eyeballs on it. This was a boring race, but what are people talking about in memes, on social media…that dumb intro. This is the stuff promotors live for. I'll say it for the billionth time, never forget F1 is a business in the habit of trying to make money by any means necessary.
English Media : Max does a first purple laps on old hards, but because RB is so far ahead they call it boring. It's just all in the eye of the beholder i guess. I have no doubt if Lewis did something simular the british media would be over the moon with the rest of the world pretty much responding in the way they are now.
Silverstone every year pre race F1 tries to interview any STAR they can see. Never an issue. USA brings EVERY STAR OUT NOW ITS AN ISSUE. BE CONSISTENT
Ok lets put Hamilton russel and lando 1st 2nd and 3rd and formula one will amazing again right?
Money does not equal style.
The pre show was horribly cringe, and I can't believe they're trying to tell us otherwise. It was awful
Martin Brundle is a great and knowledgeable race commentator but I dont understand why he is doing these gridwalks. He's not comfortable out there and has no chemistry with any of these "A-listers", he doesnt know them and isnt interested in any of them it seems (and rightly so). But Natalie Pinkham COULD make those gridwalks spark, she's a natural for that. Also always love Karuns perspective on matters.
The racing is boring. It's the only motorsport in the whole world where the coverage is focused on the middle to last part of the racing field. What am I talking about? Watch the next race and see what cars on being covered. Guarantee that after the first 5 laps, you will not be seeing the first 2 spots (driven by RB) on TV again until the final laps. Yes, RB is dominate and we can blame everyone else for not being on their level but as a race fan it's really drab week after week. Then again, this has always been unique problem with F1.
Re: Checo beating Max in the WDC, it won't be because Checo found a weakness in Max, it will be the car itself. Max's weakness is his enormous pace and skill, his "weakness" is his strength. The way Checo exploits that weakness is to publicly allude to Max as the #1 driver for RBR and then if Max has some bad luck with the car and Checo wins, it will have been done in the most gracious way possible.
I think using more tyre compounds means more pitstops… mean more overtaking done in the pitstops. it won't work. less wing derived downforce will allow cars to follow closer. one car is miles quicker than everything else we have always seen that. mclaren in the 80's Williams 90's Ferrari noughties, then Mercedes and now red bull. maybe weight penalty?. and we haven't seen the results of development cap yet..maybe in second half of season things will change
Only Max had help from the RB Team if it’s going to be interesting then Perez has to be treated the same
13:33 11 years later and he's still the Red Bulls nearest challenger
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