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Never suffer another social gathering flare-up with this foolproof strategy!

How to Navigate Holidays and Celebrations with Ulcerative Colitis

Surviving Holidays and Celebrations with Ulcerative Colitis

The Challenges of Special Events for UC Patients

For those living with ulcerative colitis, holidays and celebrations can present unique challenges. While these joyous occasions are typically filled with delicious food and drinks, they can also trigger digestive issues for individuals with UC. The combination of rich, fatty foods and increased stress levels can often lead to flare-ups and uncomfortable symptoms.

Fortunately, there are strategies that can help UC patients navigate these events while keeping their symptoms under control. By understanding dietary triggers, working with a dietitian to create a personalized eating plan, and keeping a food journal to track reactions, individuals can proactively manage their condition during festive times.

Preparing for Celebrations to Avoid Flare-Ups

One of the most effective ways to prevent a UC flare-up is by identifying your unique dietary triggers. A registered dietitian can assist in this process by designing a meal plan that meets your nutritional needs while avoiding problematic foods. By focusing on strengthening your gut health and maintaining essential nutrient levels, you can better manage your condition and reduce the risk of flare-ups.

In addition, keeping a food journal to monitor your intake and reactions, along with seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, can empower you to make informed choices during celebrations and minimize the likelihood of experiencing uncomfortable symptoms.

Understanding Trigger Foods for UC Patients

While determining individual trigger foods is crucial, there are certain holiday staples that are more likely to exacerbate UC symptoms. When indulging in festive meals, individuals with UC should be cautious of consuming rich, fatty foods, spicy dishes, sugary treats, alcohol, dairy products, gluten, nuts, popcorn, and carbonated beverages.

By being mindful of these potential triggers and making conscious food choices, UC patients can enjoy holiday gatherings without compromising their digestive health.

Managing Portion Sizes and Eating Habits

Overeating can pose serious risks for individuals with ulcerative colitis, as it can lead to digestive problems and discomfort. By adopting habits such as eating smaller, more frequent meals, chewing thoroughly, and adhering to a regular eating schedule, UC patients can prevent overloading their digestive system and minimize the chances of experiencing flare-ups.

Furthermore, getting an adequate amount of rest and prioritizing quality sleep can help regulate cravings and support overall gut health, contributing to better symptom management during festive occasions.

Navigating Food Choices with UC

When planning meals with ulcerative colitis in mind, individuals should opt for easily digestible foods that provide essential nutrients. Incorporating fruits without skin, low-fiber options, lean proteins, refined grains, and select vegetables can support optimal gut function and minimize gastrointestinal distress.

Communicating dietary requirements with hosts and bringing your own food to gatherings can ensure that you have safe options available and maintain control over your nutritional intake, promoting a positive and comfortable experience during celebrations.


Living with ulcerative colitis presents unique challenges during holidays and celebrations, as indulging in festive foods can trigger flare-ups and digestive issues for individuals with UC. By proactively identifying dietary triggers, working closely with healthcare professionals, and adopting mindful eating habits, UC patients can navigate special events while prioritizing their digestive health. Making informed food choices, managing portion sizes, and incorporating gut-friendly foods can help individuals with UC enjoy celebrations without compromising their well-being.


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Holidays and other celebrations are times to slow down and enjoy time with family and friends. Many times, they also include lots of delicious food and drinks.

For people living with an inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis or UC, special events can mean digestive problems. Certain foods, combined with holiday stress, are a recipe for triggering symptoms. But there are ways to control everything and keep UC outbreaks under control.

How can I prepare for a celebration and avoid an outburst?

One of the most effective ways to avoid a flare-up is to discover your unique dietary triggers.

A registered dietitian can help with this by creating an eating plan tailored to your needs. For example, many people with UC have problems absorbing calcium and vitamin D. This can lead to weaker bones. A dietitian makes sure you continue getting these critical nutrients while staying away from foods that make you feel worse.

They will guide you to things you can do to have a healthier gut. “So in the long run, your digestive tract will become stronger and more resilient,” says Robin Foroutan, integrative dietitian.

Additionally, you may want to keep a journal to record what you eat and drink and how it makes you feel. You may find that specific foods or drinks trigger a flare-up and stay away from them in the future.

What holiday foods can cause UC symptoms?

While determining trigger foods is critical, certain holiday and event staples are more likely to worsen a UC flare. As you fill your plate or make a toast, watch out for:

  • Rich and fatty foods
  • Fried food
  • Spicy food
  • Foods rich in added sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Dairy
  • Gluten
  • Walnuts
  • Popcorn
  • Carbonated drinks

What is the connection between overeating and a UC flare?

You’ve been waiting all year for your favorite aunt’s sweet potato pie. And that filling looks good enough for two servings. You may be tempted to go overboard, especially when you’re celebrating. But when you have ulcerative colitis, eating too much too quickly can cause intestinal problems.

Before you binge, think of your stomach as a blender. “If you fill the blender too much, the food doesn’t blend well and gets stuck,” says Foroutan. “If you overfill your stomach and eat more than it can comfortably hold, you won’t be able to digest as well and that can trigger symptoms.”

Here are some tips to help you avoid overeating:

  • Eat small meals. Five or six small meals a day instead of a couple of large meals may be more beneficial for the stomach.
  • Eat slow. “Focus on slowing down during meals, chewing really well, and choosing foods that you know are good for you digestively,” says Foroutan. Before eating more, wait 20 minutes to see if you’re still hungry. It takes your brain at least this long to understand if you are full.
  • Follow your normal eating schedule. You may want to save your appetite for a special meal. But skipping meals can cause a drop in blood sugar, making you feel hungry and more likely to overeat. Bring a snack if you are eating later than usual.
  • Rest. Lack of sleep can lead to cravings for foods high in sugar and fat. Try to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night to calm these urges.

What foods should I eat with UC?

In general, when you have ulcerative colitis, it is easier for the body to break down certain foods and provide important nutrients. They include:

  • Fruits without skin and low in fiber. Fruits with edible skin such as pears, peaches, and prunes can be difficult to digest. Instead, try low-fiber fruits like bananas, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon.
  • Lean protein. Stick to fish, lean pork, and white meat poultry like turkey and chicken.
  • Refined grains. They are processed grains with little or no dietary fiber. Sourdough, potato or gluten-free bread, white pasta and white rice are made with refined grains.
  • Vegetables. Look for fully cooked, seeded, and skinned vegetables, such as asparagus tips, cucumbers, potatoes, and squash. Avoid cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, collards, and kale.

If you are a guest at a restaurant or in someone’s home, talk to your host. They may be able to make simple adjustments to the menu to meet your dietary needs. Another idea is to bring your own food. That way you know it’s safe and you’re guaranteed to have something to eat.
