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Parenting Panel: To Spank or not to Spank || STEVE HARVEY

James joins a panel of parents who describe themselves as either “old school” or “new school,” and together, they’re tackling some of the most controversial parenting techniques and debating which methods best prepare kids for today’s complicated world.

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47 thoughts on “Parenting Panel: To Spank or not to Spank || STEVE HARVEY”

  1. The one lady has no idea what sparing the rod meant. It was a shepherd's rod, used to guide and coax and redirect. Not an instrument to punish.

  2. If a child is old enough to understand reason then you should use reason, if they are not old enough to understand reason then they won’t know why you’re hitting them.

  3. The pro spanking group claims they learned respect from getting spanked but then they also are the ones doing most of the interrupting and also are talking louder than the anti spanking group. Also some people smoke and never get lung cancer but that doesn't mean the smoking is good for them.

  4. You could rape them like the Michigan military family. He got a Purple Heart for having his daughter raped as an infant. They didn’t spank and their daughters are unintelligent and liars. They steal. They call the police and lie. They lie about everyone. That’s a fact. Spanking leads to greatness. No spanking leads to pedophilia and very slow children who don’t mind. They don’t care because they weren’t disciplined.

  5. I know a family that never spanked and they have had three cases of child rape and molestation. Fact: three children were molested and raped because the parents didn’t spank or discipline.

  6. It’s a threat if you tell your kids I’m going to hit you if you don’t do x or you do x. If you said that to a adult it’s a threat if you say that to a child it’s a threat. It’s a pretty messed up system if you feel the need to threaten your children with violence. I don’t care if you only hit then once assault is assault.

  7. Mate, I referee kids and adults sports 🇬🇧 Last season a university side, 2 kids (age 18 or so) literally shouting/screaming and can’t control their anger..

    I try warning them, calming them down. telling them I can send them off.
    At one point later I actually thought one was going to hit me.

    You can definitely tell that pooes has never been spanked!

  8. Parents have been spanking and whipping their children for thousands and thousands of years it's only this past 60 years where they come up with these new laws where you're not allowed to corporal punishment child and look at how badly misbehaved teenagers and children are today

  9. Everyone confuses discipline and punishment. The point is to discipline children because it teaches them right from wrong. They are new at life and have tremendous amounts of energy and curiosity. They should not be punished for this. If from the beginning a child is spoken to (instead of spanked) then they are conditioned to obey when they are spoken to. There will never be an excuse to hit.

  10. I FEAR The Lord, my Heavenly Father. A bit of fear is OK. I fear jail as well. It's a HEALTHY fear. It will keep you in check. I feared my moms wrath. She was also so loving. But i listened to her…or else. As D I RARELY got smacked, because she was SO CONSISTENT. There were not any warnings. So I did not push her. I have morals and values, and I was taught to respect my elders. To this day, I am kind and respectful to everyone I meet. This is lacking in society. In fact, we are witnessing the demise of respect, and the downfall of humanity. People are DIFFERENT then when I was growing up 30 years ago. This is what happens when you tell the world that discipline and The One True God are not good. Gods system that people used to live by made a much better world. Things are out of control now…. but not for long 🙏

  11. I agree that it can get out of hand! But for the most part it’s not done like that! A spanking is a seat on the butt! A little harder than a swat, but it’s not punching, hit upside the head etc! Sometimes spanking doesn’t work for all, but timeout or whatnot doesn’t always work! You should say to your child why you spanked them, ask them do they know why, and what they did! It doesn’t have to be mean

  12. Nowhere in the Bible is a rod defined as spanking. That is scripture twisted. A rod is an instrument that is used by Shepards to steer their sheep in the right direction. If a Shepard beat their sheep it would be considered abuse. I have not judgement on either side, I just dislike when people try to use scripture to justify their own decisions.

  13. I've been spanked by both of my parents, and they spanked me out of correction, never out of anger. Now until I was 12, I learned from my mistakes amd never gotten spanked ever since then. Spankings worked for me!

  14. Wow, that was so unprofessional, why not have each panelist take center stage and explain their reasoning, and be critiqued in an orderly fashion. That was just a bunch of adults yelling over each other to be heard.

  15. My father spanked me quite a bit but he never did it out of anger so when he said to get in the corner until he cools off , he was actually saving my life because he would get really angry and possibly hurt me!

  16. I probably had 5 spankings in my life. I'm 49 now and like Steve said, I deserved every spanking I got. My mom was a single parent and she didn't ever beat me. I got a spanking and that was the end of it and I learn my lesson very quickly from that. Like someone else commented, there's a huge difference between beating your child and a spanking

  17. If you're fully zoned into your child's personality, and your goal is to employ every other form of coercion before spanking them, IF you still end up spanking them then they needed those spankings.

    Like almost every human, your child can get a kick out of provoking you, causing chaos and being defiant. You're not dealing with ignorance in that instance; you're dealing with someone who's exploring their dark side. The check against exploring one's dark side has always been other humans – whether peacefully or violently.

    It's your job to make exploring their dark side unfavourable. You're the check, so the police don't end up being the check.

  18. Imagine if adults were allowed to treat other adults how they treat children. “I didn’t want to repeat myself so I spanked them.” “They didn’t listen to me.” “I want them to respect me.” 🤡

  19. In hawaii… Child abuse is “spanking” and go to the schools there.. kids physically whoop eachother and try to whoop teachers too.. growing up thinking fist fighting is a way of life makes me sad for my people back home

  20. This old video is perfect to show my students. The spankers are incapable of having a respectful conversation while the other side remains calm and makes all of their points despite being constantly interrupted. Harvey is also clearly biased and not a good moderator for this conversation. It's a great tool but unfortunate that the parents on the right think they are making sense.

  21. talking to children with no discipline doesn"t work for all children, some will keep pushing the boundries, children need to understand who is the parent and who is the child, when you punish misbehaving children with a spank on the bum you do it out of love because you are teaching them discipline, if they ask why then you tell them why, it is that simple ,if you do it out of anger then you should not be a parent. and please there is a difference between a beating and spanking, you dont spank someone in the face , chest or back, you spank them on their ass in other term its called a hiding. beating a child is a completely different thing

  22. If it is true that theft is evil, wrong and criminal, then how can a normal human being of sound mind say or prove that a theft of one dollar is morally excusable but NOT a theft of fifty million dollars? If we apply the same reasoning to physical force, then how can a normal human being of sound mind say that a (fierce but occasional) slap on the face or bottom is (perhaps) justifiable physical force but NOT caning or spanking someone four hundred times?

    A theft of one dollar is just as sinful, execrable and reprehensible as a theft of a trillion dollars and the same logic applies to VIOLENCE!! Only idiots and monsters love violence!

    I always feel angry that corporal punishment of children by parents or caregivers fails to get as much attention or condemnation as men’s physical abuse of women or women’s narcissistic abuse of men. This is indeed an immense shame, because it is very likely that adult abusers learn to be abusive from their seniors when growing up. Read the poem entitled “Children Learn What They Live” by Dorothy Nolte.

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