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REAL example of gentle parenting a toddler meltdown, while holding a boundary! This is SO HARD!


35 thoughts on “REAL example of gentle parenting a toddler meltdown, while holding a boundary! This is SO HARD!”

  1. Am scared of having children not because its painful just that am scared I'll be jealous of them bc i want to make sure my kids never feel like their a burden or cant tell me things because their scared of how I'll act i want to do things for them that my parents couldn't

  2. This is not gentle parenting, it's permissive parenting. He's upset he is not watching Bluey so you told him "after we calm down we can turn the TV on"… why would you choose to give in like that? Also, it seems like you were trying to distract him from dealing with emotions using milk, then when the tantrum was over you rewarded him with food… Doesn't that make you nervous that he will have a bad relationship with food? I'm sure you're a good mom but this clip is a terrible example of "holding a boundary"

  3. Okay serious question from a first time mom who is raising an only child. When doing this, where is the line between permissive parenting and gentle parenting? This is how I handle his melt downs but I feel like maybe I’m doing the wrong thing? Like is this not teaching them it’s okay to throw tantrums or will they learn that’s it’s okay to have big feelings and then to redirect? Please I’m desperate to know

  4. For all the people who insist on abusing their kids, just ask yourselves. “Would I be comfortable with a teacher, stranger, sibling or babysitter slapping and yelling at my child as discipline?”

    If you answered no, then keep that same energy for yourself. If you answered yes, don’t come with ur crocodile tears when your kids hurt themselves or ghost you when they turn 18.

  5. hell naw 💀💀💀 firstly: this is a tantrum, not a meltdown
    secondly: you're giving in to the tantrum by hugging him
    thirdly: he's way too old to be breastfed and way too young for screentime, especially if he's watching an overstimulating brainrot show like blippi 💀💀💀

    edit: btw you don't need the trigger warning for a crying toddler

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