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Responsible parenting: Create memories, not expectations | Austeja Landsbergiene | TEDxRiga

We all are familiar with expectations. Expectations laid on us once to succeed in life. And without noticing we transfer all these expectations on our children. But do high expectations help our children to succeed in life?

Austeja Landsbergiene, Ph.D., CEO and founder of a private chain of pre-schools in Latvia and Lithuania is an educator and visionary who thinks that the most important thing that parents have to give their children is unconditional love and childhood memories filled with parent kindness. Austeja is confident that by creating memories, not expectations kids can flourish in their lives.

Austeja Landsbergiene has been awarded by the President of Lithuania and the King of Sweden a Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the enhancement of Lithuania’s education system through implementing new concept of teaching and for being an inspiring role-model, showing of how passion and knowledge can be turned into a successful business.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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50 thoughts on “Responsible parenting: Create memories, not expectations | Austeja Landsbergiene | TEDxRiga”

  1. Memories being with our parents are the best memories in our life I have many lovely memories too. 💓 . That taught me to be kind and let go of many things. Our stress shod not effect on our kid's life. We have to accept the difference between each child and situation.

  2. I think kindness everyday can be a bit unrealistic. There are so many stresses in life & children not cooperating with simple things can really be triggering. But totally agree with the expectations parents can impose on their kids. I guess it depends on how much awareness one has in parenting. Realising that the way we are placing these expectations is wrong. Letting the child flourish & providing the right sort of encouragement along the way

  3. i understand. when u have two successful parents, i was expected to be one by the people around, naturally.
    but… my parents, they even laughed it off when my results fell back of the class. they were there – always. they show up- always.
    they make memories at every corner of my life.
    they always remind me to live a life that i want. 😊
    thank you, mom and dad.
    i see that if we make memories, and let go of expectations.
    naturally, your child will strive in most situations … as you have memory in many situations😁😁

  4. I've started to created a lot of nice memories with my daughter, to let her remember me, to feel the love, to keep a nice relationship with her. I've never to ask how's to result at her life, just would like to know what's happen at the school, any happy moment of the day to keep her +VE.

  5. I don’t disagree with what she said but she failed to meet my expectations 😊😂😅 Besides, I’d like an update on this TEDx post Covid-19. The pressures and threat of illness and the onslaught of daily decisions required to keep kids safe has been enormous. We’ve also played more board and card games than I care to admit. We’ve baked cakes, built fairy house, planted gardens, bought and trained a dog, and she taught me how to play Minecraft. So am I good to go now?

  6. But if you have been banned to be a mother to your own children, how do you provide the love only a mom can? Are these lectures being held in Blissfield Mich?

  7. Such a beautiful talk and person! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and counsel. Parents do play such an important role in one's life, and I have been fortunate that I was, and still am, blessed with the utmost love from my parents, who are such wonderful human-beings. Growing up, we were given freedom to explore, and never reprimanded severely (scolded at times, yes, but not the sort which left one feeling bad about oneself after), and always encouraged to live one's life based on values: kindness, integrity, hard-work, going easy too, as opposed to basing it around meritorial achievement. Plaudits were appreciated, though failures never frowned upon. Just kindly nudges to do better, and to always believe in oneself. So much of who I am today is based on the love I received from my parents – and I shan't deny that an individual harbours certain responsibility too in one's growth. Other's can only do so much – certainly, especially in one's childhood that effect is more pronounced, but I do think that no matter little or grown-up, we must take accountability for our actions. I recall spending much time with myself too in my early years, and I taught myself some lessons; some through learnt experience, and some through intuition and observance. Though, nothing to speak less of the enormous love that was bestowed upon us from the very first day. Grateful to my parents. Love to everyone reading this!

  8. We are sinful human beings raising babies, toddlers, adolescents and teenagers, all birthed from sinful human beings. Love, hugs, touch, encouragement, discussed goals, shared hopes and dreams, helping the child reach and learn knowing they are loved regardless how busy we get providing an income, providing and preparing food, helping with homework, teaching them about themselves and siblings…Learning in spite of difficult teachers etc, all while we are sinful human beings doing the best we can with what we have to work with, loving our children with all our hearts. All this from a single mom of 4, by the Grace of God, I did the best I could.

  9. If I could give my parents some advice without fear of getting yelled at. I’d tell them to have patience even though it’s hard, put your own disappointment of me aside because I could feel that as if it were my own. Don’t push me to be perfect because I fear the expectations. Tell me how to behave but leave your own preconceived feelings out of it. To parents and parents to be, children are more smart and perspective then you realize. They are capable

  10. 09/03/2023

    Responsible parenting: Create memories, not expectations | Austeja Landsbergiene

    Jadi ceritanya tuh tentang cara membuat kenangan dengan anak, jangan beri ekspetasi ke anak, lalu sebenarnya anak kecil itu ga pernah menyerah untuk mencoba hal baru, mereka tidak kenal gagal karena ga ngerti juga, tetapi hanya ortunya yang tau, terus orang tuanya mencoba segala hal untuk anak anaknya supaya dilihat oleh orang tua lain, padahal anaknya hanya menginginkan hal biasa aja, terus lakukan kebaikan kepada anak anda setiap harinya supaya mereka mengingat apa yang ada lakukan, bantu mereka, puji mereka, katakan I love you sebanyak mungkin, supaya mereka mengingat apa yang anda lakukan kepada mereka saat mereka sudah dewasa nanti, oleh karena itu jangan takut untuk belajar parenting, karena dengan parenting membantu anak anda menjadi lebih baik di masa depan, dan jangan takut apabila anak anda gagal, biarkan mereka menentukan hidupnya sendiri yang perlu anda lakukan sebagai orang tua adalah melakukan kenangan baik kepada anak anda supaya dapat diingat selamanyaa seperti itu yang bisa saya ambil dari ted kali ini sekian dan terima kasih

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