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This thing deserves no sympathy for her condition her way of thinking is bitter and and angry
Capital punishment is also a “medical procedure “ and the result is exactly the same: death
There’s a huge difference between balancing two lives and using abortion as a birth control alternative, as one could be justified right along with the righ to life and self-defense, while the other is clearly just murder.
You don’t NEED to kill a baby!
Women are in charge of sex, make men wear a condom ! Quit having sex with loser guys ! We the tax payers don't want to pay for your abortion !
I can't get a hair transplant or dental implants on the Government dime ( our tax dollars) !
Imagine she does that 3 4 times because she wasn't careful and an adult and using protection. If that life means nothing to her…what the hell do you guys think you mean to them? You are nothing! Be careful falling for a witch kings.
Yes it's all a medical procedure, but the purpose behind it doesn't count? Delusional
She has no legs?
Close your legs or get on the pill or have a medical procedure once to prevent you of getting pregnant…
injecting Heroin is a medical procedure
So if someone stabs her eye it's considered as a "scientific" study by the person who stabbed her?
WTF is wrong with her
This chick is so high off benzos lol
Baby killers are cowards. It’s easy dummy, don’t want to have kids? Stop being a 304 and a whore, close your legs and be responsible. Obviously you can’t be trusted to have sex and also make sure protection is being used. This is your choice and you’ll do anything to avoid any accountability for your poor choices. At the end of the day, you women are precisely the ones that have the ultimate say so over who you have sex with. This is your foolish doing. You don’t want a kid stop having sex, use protection or get yourself fixed. Killing a baby is not birth control. Same as child support doesn’t mean hair, nails and going shopping. It’s support, not the man paying for 100% of everything.
Her mother should have had a medical procedure.
If they new the real history of abortion no one could argue for murder of babies but altar of convenience or feminism will justify most anything today as long as there are no consequences or accountability they have to answer for it.
This Woman represents what Men despise about Women . Everything you see and hear is repulsive.
Can she do gymnastics?
Abortion and termination of a pregnancy are two different things
Outside of abortion women are the majoirty of baby killers and child abusers and normalised killing the unborn, abuse of men and misandry and demonising of all men, pure evil
I miss the pre 80s when being a victim was shameful.
Feminists never cease to amaze me with just how athletic their minds are with all the insane mental gymnastics they do
Let's compare, taking a tiny pill once a day or having a stranger go inside your body to violate your womb. Hmmm which one is less traumatizing???
She's dumb.. "Medical reason" vs "medical procedure" … Most abortions are for non medical reasons
What’s a “Fun abortion” if that terminology doesn’t strike a cord idk what will.
Shes horrific
Personally, I don’t believe in Abortion.
Is the Vice moderator a dude?
Abortion is not murder if it’s early termination … not sorry .. go cry about it religious people
we have zero separation of church and state in this country… and yes … I’m a pregnant woman saying this… and yes… I’m keeping it 
YouTube did me wrong
’s … this side of the internet is reserved for those without a college education
You can't have a say on abortion if no one wants to have sex with you.
Real label is murder
Someone needs to tell her the difference between NEEDS and WANTS.
Sterilization is also a medical procedure
She just doesn't want a kid cuz she can't run from it.
She can say whatever she wants. There is almost zero chance she will ever need one.
Somebody push her outta her chair lmao for the bs coming out her mouth .
Who gets a "fun" abortion
Would a pregnant woman smoke crack, meth or whatever flavor you got??? NO…..Oh really…why…cause you don't want to hurt your baby… Hey you Pro Choice Idiots…. Make the correct CHOICE before you get naked…..
The Spartans would have chucked her over the cliff.
This woman has no moral compass
It’s hard to carry with you the rest of your life. The knowing is a punishment. It’s painful regret, sometimes 10 years down the road.
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