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SHOCKING: Popular Travel Agency 123 Milhas Shocks Customers by Suspending Sale and Issuance of Trips with Flexible Dates!

**Title: Ensuring Customer Satisfaction amid Travel Disruptions: Insights from 123 Milhas’ Suspension of Promotional Ticket Sales**


Traveling has become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to explore different cultures, unwind from our daily routine, and create cherished memories. However, unforeseen circumstances can disrupt our travel plans, leaving us disappointed and seeking solutions. One such situation is the recent announcement by 123 Milhas regarding the suspension of their promotional ticket sales and the impact it has on customers. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this decision, the repercussions for passengers, their reactions, and explore ways to ensure customer satisfaction amid travel disruptions.

**Reasons behind the Suspension of Promotional Ticket Sales**

123 Milhas, a renowned travel agency, recently declared the suspension of their promotional ticket sales, affecting customers who have already purchased packages for the months of September to December. The company has attributed this decision to “the persistence of adverse market circumstances” beyond their control. While customers who have already received their tickets are not affected, those who have yet to receive their tickets will face disruptions. Let us now examine the implications of this decision on these affected passengers.

**Implications for Affected Passengers**

Passengers who have purchased tickets through 123 Milhas’ promotional line for the affected months will be compensated with vouchers. Additionally, they will receive a monetary correction of 150% of the CDI (Certificado de Depósito Interbancário), surpassing inflation and market interest rates. These vouchers can be utilized to purchase tickets, book hotels, or invest in new packages offered by the company. To ensure clear communication and provide personalized assistance, the company plans to contact customers on a case-by-case basis.

**Customer Reactions and Concerns**

Despite the compensation plan put forth by 123 Milhas, some customers have expressed dissatisfaction. Their discontent has been evident through social media platforms and travel pages, where numerous criticisms have been levied. Let us explore the concerns raised by a few customers to gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives.

One dissatisfied customer, Rayane Correia, who follows the Instagram profile “Passagens Imperdiveis,” has stated her refusal to accept the offered voucher. Rayane points out that she made her payment in cash and expects a refund in the same form. In her opinion, the company’s obligation should extend beyond just providing a compensation plan that adheres to legal requirements. She emphasizes that the return with monetary rectification is the minimum action that should be taken.

Similarly, Katia Gomes echoes Rayane’s sentiments, advocating for a monetary refund rather than a voucher. Being scheduled to travel in November, Katia questions the usefulness of a voucher if her travel plans cannot be accommodated during that period.

To further illustrate customer discontent, Dahyl Guimarães claims to have purchased a dubious package from 123 Milhas. Despite the company’s assertion that they conducted studies and made projections, they failed to consider the surge in tourism during the post-pandemic era. Dahyl discerns that the company’s lack of foresight is evident from the situation at hand.

**Ensuring Customer Satisfaction**

In light of the customers’ concerns and frustrations, it is crucial for 123 Milhas to employ strategies that prioritize customer satisfaction. Here are some suggested measures to overcome these challenges and create a positive customer experience:

1. Transparency and Open Communication: Maintaining transparent and open communication channels with affected customers is paramount. By keeping customers informed about the situation, explaining the compensation plans, and addressing their individual concerns, 123 Milhas can enhance trust and minimize discontent.

2. Flexibility in Voucher Usage: While a voucher may not be the ideal solution for all customers, providing flexibility in its use can help alleviate dissatisfaction. By allowing vouchers to be utilized for various travel-related expenses such as flights, accommodations, and packages, customers can have more options and a sense of control over their booking decisions.

3. Prompt and Efficient Customer Support: Timely and efficient customer support is key to resolving queries and addressing concerns promptly. 123 Milhas should invest in dedicated customer support teams, equipped with the necessary resources and knowledge to manage customer interactions effectively. This will demonstrate their commitment to excellent service and customer satisfaction.

4. Customized Solutions: Recognizing that each customer’s situation is unique, 123 Milhas should handle cases on an individual basis. Offering personalized solutions that address specific concerns will show customers that their needs are being prioritized, fostering goodwill and loyalty.

5. Continuous Improvement: Taking into account the feedback and criticisms expressed by customers, 123 Milhas should take this opportunity to learn and improve their operations. Conducting thorough evaluations of their promotional strategies, market forecasting models, and customer satisfaction metrics can lead to enhanced practices that mitigate risks and cater to customer needs more effectively.


The recent suspension of promotional ticket sales by 123 Milhas has understandably upset customers who were eagerly looking forward to their travel plans. While the company has initiated compensation measures, some customers remain dissatisfied. To ensure customer satisfaction in the face of travel disruptions, it is vital for 123 Milhas to prioritize transparent communication, flexibility in solutions, proactive customer support, personalized assistance, and constant improvement. By adopting these strategies, 123 Milhas can mitigate the negative repercussions of this decision, rebuild trust with their customers, and continue providing exceptional travel experiences.


123 Milhas, a prominent travel agency, has announced the suspension of their promotional ticket sales due to adverse market circumstances. This decision has affected customers who have purchased packages for the months of September to December. While those who have already received their tickets are unaffected, others will receive vouchers and a monetary correction. However, some dissatisfied customers demand cash refunds instead of vouchers. To ensure customer satisfaction, 123 Milhas must prioritize transparent communication, flexibility in voucher usage, efficient customer support, customized solutions, and continuous improvement of their practices. By adopting these measures, the company can address customer concerns and maintain their reputation as a reliable travel agency.


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123 Milhas announced this Friday night (18) that it will suspend the sale and issuance of new tickets for its promotional line, or PROMO, which works with flexible dates.

The measure, in addition to interrupting the product, also impacts those who have already purchased packages for the months of September to December of this year. Those who bought a package and have already received their ticket, however, will travel as normal.

The company justified the measure by alleging “the persistence of adverse market circumstances” beyond its control.

Customers who have already purchased tickets through the promotional line for the affected months will receive vouchers plus a monetary correction of 150% of the CDI, which is above inflation and market interest rates. The coupons can be used to buy tickets, hotels or new packages with the company and the company says it will contact customers to explain on a case-by-case basis.

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The measure did not please customers. The company’s social media and travel pages were taken over by critics.

In the Instagram profile “Passagens Imperdiveis”, specialized in promoting promotions in the tourism sector, the lawyer Rayane Correia stated that she will not accept the bonus. “I did not pay with a voucher. I paid with cash. The return with rectification is the minimum to be done in the legal field. The company is not ‘being good people’. I won’t accept it,” she said.

Katia Gomes was on the same line. “We want a cash refund, not a voucher. We are scheduled to travel in November. What am I going to do with a voucher if I cannot travel in November?

Dahyl Guimarães explains that he bought a suspicious package. “They said that they were studying and making projections, but that they did not count on the increase in tourism in the post-pandemic period. I am not an economist and I do not work with tourism, but I already imagined that”.


Some time ago, Hurb also faced similar issues. The company, to maintain its operation, laid off more than 400 employees and went through a scandal involving its former chief executive officer (CEO).



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